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<br /> circum.5tanres. Hurrawcr�hall not�:ommit wastc or dcstray,dn�age or substantially ch�n�e the Property or allow thc
<br /> �...
<br /> Peupe:rry tu deteriuratu,reasuniible wear und tc;ar excepted. Lender may inspect the Property if the Property Is vacant
<br /> or abandaned ur thc l�wn is in dcfault. Lendcr may take rcasanublc action to protect and preserve such vacant or
<br /> ubanduned Prnperty. Borrower ahaU alsa be In deiault if Bonower,during the loan application process,gave meterlally
<br /> falsc or inaccuratu in[armatlon or swtements to Lender(or tuilcd to provide L,ender wIth any matertal lnformatioa)
<br /> in connectiun with thc loun�widenc�;d by the Nate,includln�,but not limited to,representaUons oonceming Bonower's
<br /> oc:cupancy uP the Praperty as u princlpal resldenec.lf thls Security Instrument is on a leasehold,Bonower shaU comply �O
<br /> • wtth thc pruvisfons ot the Ieuse. If Aorrowcr acquires fee tide to thc Yroperty.the leas�hold and f� title shall uot �
<br /> bc mcrged unlc�s L,csndcr agrccs to thc mcrgcr in wNQag. �
<br /> ,,�r•�- G, Ooodemnatbn. Tde procceds of any awatd ur claim for damages,direct ar consequentiui,ia conneccian wlth
<br /> � ----�'w' any condemnation or uthcr taklag otaay part of the Property,ot tor conveyance in place of condemnation,are hereby �
<br /> � assigned and shail be paid to Lcnder to the extent of tba fuU aw�ount uf the Indebtedness chat remains unpaid wuler � ;
<br /> the Note and this Security lnsuumen� Lender shall apply suct�proceeds to We reduction of the iadebtedness under
<br /> the Note ancl this Sc�:udty Insuument,8rst to uny delinqucnt amounts applied in the order provided in paragraph 3, �_.:.
<br /> and Wen to prcpayment af pcincipal. Aay application of tde prooeeds to the princlpal shall not extend or postpone ---
<br /> the due date of the montbly payments,which ure refened to ia paragaph 2,or change che amount of such payments. �„i ��
<br /> s•' Any excess proaeds over aa amount required to pay all outstanding iadebtedaess under the Note aa6 Wis Se�cutlry
<br /> • • Instrument shaU be pald to ihe andry legally endtled thereto. Q•
<br /> ' l�i" 7. p���g�,,��p�ot uo�ec'�Riahts tn tLe propetty. Borrower shall pay all gavernmental -
<br /> or municipal chergu��flnes and imlwsitions that are not included in paragraph 2. Bonower shaU pay these obligations _
<br /> on time directly to the en:iry which is owed the paymen� If failure to pay would adversely a�ect L.ender's interest!n _
<br /> the Property. upon l.ender's request Bonower shall protaptly fumish to Lender receipts evIdencing these paymeats.
<br /> •�, If Bonower faUs to meke these payments or the payments required by paragraph 2,or fails to perform any other E
<br /> c�oveaaats and agreemcnts oontained in this Securiry Instrument,or Were is a legal proceeding tttat may sigaiHcaady F.
<br /> , � affect Leader's rights in the Properry (su�h as a procecding in bankruptry, for wndemnation or to enforce laws or �.
<br /> • reguladons),then i.ender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect ttie value of the Property and Lender's rights °
<br /> In the Property,Includiag payment of taxes,hazard lnsurance and other items u�entloned ia paragraph 2•
<br /> Any amounts dlsbursed by Lender under this paragraph shall become an addidonai debt of Bonower and be
<br /> . secured by this SecurIty InsUvmen�T6ese amounts shall bear interest from ttte date of disbursement at We Note rate,
<br /> and at the optlon of Lender shall be immediately due and payable.
<br /> .._� '` Borrower shall prompdy dtscharge any lien which has pdarity aver thls Secudty Instnunent ualess Borrower.(a)
<br />_ � agcees in writing to the payment of We obUgation secured by the lien ta a manner aoceptsble to trenaer,(oj ooncests
<br />" ' W good faith the llen by,or defeads agalast enforoement of the Uen in,legal prooeedings which in the Lender's opinion
<br /> � . . : operate to prevent t4e enforcement of the lien;or (c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreemeat satlsfaccory
<br />�;�-�,i??-..- �• to L.cnder subordlnattng the lien to this Sccutity Insuumeat It I.ender determines that any parc of the Property is
<br /> _ .�` �� ' •• subj�ct to a Uen which may attain pr[aNry over tWs Securlty Insuumeat,Leader may gIve Borrower a nottoe identi[ying
<br />����=��.;�:.;;.:.:° the llea. Borrower sdall satisfy[he Uen or Wce oae or more of the actions set fonh above within 10 days o�the gtvtng
<br /> r'
<br />%r��''� OY QOIICC. -
<br /> - �`�'�°'� 8 Faa. i.ender may collect fees and charges authorized by the Secretary.
<br />-�';{,';;',:,_., 9 �rwiada fot A�oode:ation ot Debt
<br />�,�,,,;��,, (s) De4rl� L.eader may,except as Wnited by reguladans issued by the Secretary in We case of payment
<br />--�'-='�: . defaults�require lmmediate payment in full of all snms secured by tLis Secudty Insuumcnt iF
<br />---��� (i) Bonower def�ults by failing to pay in full eny monthiy payment required by this Securlry Insuument
<br />=��
<br />�ti�� pdor to or on the due dau of the next monthly payment,or
<br /> ---_,.�-,.�_��; (ii) Bonower detaWts by failing,for a pedod of thirty days,to perforna any other obHgations oontaiaed
<br />�_.;:.'� in this SeturIry Instrumen�
<br /> "`"`' Sib Witboat t�+edit Lender shaU,U rtaitted a licable law includin section 341 d of
<br />��'�� � N� wP�� P� bY PP ( 8 ( )
<br />�`=` the C3arn-S�Oermafn Depository Institutions Act of 1982, 12 U.S.C.1701 f-3(d))and wlth the prior approval
<br />�j��� of the Secretary,requice immedtate payment Ia fuU of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument i�
<br /> --�� (1) All or part of the Property,or a bene8ctal interat in a uust owming all or part of the Property,is sold
<br /> or othezwise transterrtd (other than by devlse or descent), and
<br />==""-�°'�T� (ii) The Property ts not o�cupied by the purchaset or grantee as hls or her principal residena:.or the
<br />--=�_`� purchaser or grantee does so occupy the Property� but his or her credit has not been approvod in
<br />�i_�;,_.,� a000rdance with the requiremeats of the Secretary.
<br />- '�'•��;- (c) No Wd�er. If cinvmgtances occur that would permit Lender W require immediate payment in fuU,but
<br /> _- • �.,.� Lendcr does not roquire such payments.L,ender does not waive its dghts w[th tespecc to subsequent evcnts.
<br /> - :�.; (d) Re�oliti�s oi HUD Saretaty. In many citcunutanoes regulations issued try the Secretary will IImit
<br /> _ �`�}�� L.ender's rlghts,in the case of payment defaulu.to toqnire immediate payment in fuv and foreclose ff not paid
<br />�,,•�����. � 'Ihis Security Insuurnent does not authorize aooeleration or toreclosure it not petmittod by regulations of the
<br />>'� Secretary.
<br />"'' (e) Mort�e Not Insnrod. Borrower agrees that if this Secudty Insuument and the Note are not determined
<br /> f � , to be cligible for insurance under the National Housing Act withtn 60 DAYS from the
<br /> � date hereof,Lender may,at its option requite immediate payment ln full of all snms secured by this�ecuNty
<br />'� . �;�-�'� Insuument A written statement of stny authorized agcnt of the Secretary datcd subsequent to
<br /> ° 6 0 DAYS from the date hereof,decllninA to insure this Securiry Instrument and the Note,shall be
<br />_ �- • deeme�t wnclusive proof of such ineligibility. Noiw[tbstanding the faregoing,this option may not be exercised _
<br /> ,, � by Lender when the unavailability of insurance is solely due to L,ender's failure to remit a mortgage insurance F..
<br /> -_ ' premiwn to the Secretary.
<br />� � NB8RA4KA•FIiA DEiBD OF'RtUST b/!� _-
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