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<br /> .,,.,,.� so. sorrowcr �'�`_
<br /> � 4 oF Borrowcr's covena�►ts and agro�ment� under this SccudcY Inswment and tha Nota. For this Purpo --
<br /> irravocably grants nnd conveys w tha Trustcc.in vust,with powcr of eale.lhe tollowing dascdbcd C%pe�Y.N�� �',_
<br /> r 111Hr�'r HAI'L �_,
<br /> i:
<br /> � � NSBRASI(A.
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<br />�i:'i '
<br />- 810 N PINE ST, dRAND I$LAND lSueet,City1+
<br /> _• �.�. whlch has the addtess of �Zip Coda1 �°PtoPertY Addtess"):
<br /> ,., .. . Ncbraska 68eoi
<br /> }.� ,�::� ,�
<br />_�;t��.s;� T'OGETHER W1TH all the improvemcnts now o� hueafrer �ents aad add�'uons st�aU also ba�cover�ed
<br /> • r:;` urtenances and fixwres now or heceafter a part of the pmpercY• reP
<br />,p.._:�,:,�.f;�. aPP
<br /> ��'• �� b this SecuritY InsuvmenG All of the foregoing is rcferrod to in this Security Instrument as the"Property."
<br />'-'�*�:�i..;r s' Y
<br />�;�����,'y BORROWSR COVENAN'IS tt�at B°R°wer is lawfully seizcd of the estate hereby conveyed end has the right co
<br /> •-:�`�p- ° granc end cx,r,vay itsa Pm�ss`i snd i�2��hP pifOP�!' �unencumbered,except for eacumbrances of record.Borrowu
<br />.;i��;,,.,,s�` warrents and will defead genoraUy the dde to the Prope�cy aga�nst all claims epd demands.SU�]CCL t0�1y uluuii`vi�i�cS
<br />��:,�':,��
<br /> � �;�: af rocord.
<br /> '�:�;:;� �_ INSTRUN�NT combines uniform covcnants for national use and non•uniform covuiazits with
<br />�-�,Y.--.,..,�r.
<br /> -_.:�..n_�_ THIS SFCURTI'Y
<br /> --`h'�:�5��� limiud vaziadans by jurisdictioa to consdwte a uniform security instrument covering real propecty.
<br />--- -=-- Hotrower and Lu►der covenant and egroe ag followa:
<br /> _�.;�� L1N�ORM COVBNAIV'I'S•
<br /> -- �T' i.P�nyment ot Principal�InterESt and Late Chuge.Borrowu shall pay when due Ihe principul of,and interest
<br /> on,the debt evidenced by the Note and lata chaarga duo under the Note.
<br /> r
<br />--- Z.Mont6ly Payment ot Taxes.Insarance and Other Charges.Borrower shaU inciude�n each monthlY PaY��+
<br /> = tngetl►ec with the princtpal end intesest as set fonh in tho Note and eny late charges,a sum for(a) taxes�nd spociel
<br /> assessmeats levkd or to be lavied a$au�st the Prope.ct5',(b)lea9ehold payme�►ts or graund rents on tha Propeny.and(c)
<br /> pn,miums far Insurance requirod unda paragcapt►4. In eny year in which the L.ender must paY a mottBeBo insurance
<br /> pr�miocn W the SeaetarY of Housing and Urban Developmei►t("SxeetarY").or in any year in which such premium
<br /> would have ban re9uired if Lenda sdll held the Socurity Instrumei►t,each monthlY PaYment shall dso include eithix:(i)
<br /> a sum for the annual mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender t4 the Sa�etarY�or(v)a monthly charge inat�esd
<br /> of a aartgeBe insurence Pcemiu�► if this Security Instrument is held by the Sxretary.in a reasonabM amount t° be
<br /> determined by the Socretary• fixc�Pt for the monthly charge by the Secretary,thes�it�ms a�e c�i1�d"�°w Items"and
<br /> the sums paid w Lendu are called"Escrow Funds." amount nM to eaceod the
<br /> ffi'� L�du rt,a,y,at any nmc�wllect and hold amoants for Escrow IWns in an aggreBate
<br /> maximum amount ihat may be ro4►wred for Boirower's escrow accou�t under the Real fistate Settkme�►t Pcoadums Act
<br /> "'�' of 1974. 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 er s�q.ai►d implementing reBulanons�24 CFR Pact 3500,a4 thoy a►aY be amended
<br /> ---- - from tLne w Gme("RBSPA"),except that ihe cushion or researve pamiuod by RESPA for unantidpated disbursements
<br /> ���� or disbursea�ents before 4`�e Borrower's Payments are available in the accounc maY not be based on amounis due for the
<br />' =,e- = n'iort8a8e insurance premium.
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