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�0�20719� <br />LATE CHARGE: At Lender's option, Borrower will pay a"late charge" not exceeding four per <br />centum (4°/a) of the overdue payment when paid more than fifteen (15) days after the due <br />date thereof to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments, but such <br />"late charge" shall not be payable out of the proceeds of any sale made to satisfy the <br />indebtedness secured hereby, unless such proceeds are sufficient to discharge the entire <br />indebtedness and all proper costs and expenses secured hereby. <br />TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY: This loan may be declared immediately due and payable upon <br />transfer of the Property securing such loan to any transferee, unless the acceptability of the <br />assumption of the loan is established pursuant to Section 3714 of Chapter 37, Title 38, <br />United States Code. <br />An authorized transfer ("assumption") of the Property shall also be subject to additional <br />covenants and agreements as set forth below: <br />(a) ASSUMPTION FUNDING FEE A fee equal to i/2 of i percent ( 0.500 %) <br />of the balance of this loan as of the date of transfer of the Property shall be payable at the <br />time of transfer to the loan holder or its authorized agent, as trustee for the Department of <br />Veterans Affairs. If the assumer fails to pay this fee at the time of transfer, the fee shall <br />constitute an additional debt to that already secured by this instrument, shall bear interest at <br />the rate herein provided, anc�, at the option uf the payee of the indebtedness hereby secured <br />or any transferee thereof, shall be immediately due and payable. This fee is automatically <br />waived if the assumer is exempt under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. 3729 (c). <br />(b) ASSUM PTION PROCESSING CHARGE: Upon application for approval to allow <br />assumption of this loan, a processing fee may be charged by the loan holder or its authorized <br />agent for determining the creditworthiness of the assumer and subsequently revising the <br />holder's ownership records when an approved transfer is completed. The amount of this <br />charge shall not exceed the maximum established by the Department of Veterans Affairs for a <br />loan to w hich Section 3714 of Chapter 37, Title 38, United States Code applies. <br />(c) ASSUMPTION INDEMNITY LIABILITY: If this obligation is assumed, then the assumer <br />hereby agrees to assume all of the obligations of the veteran under the terms of the <br />instruments creating and securing the loan. The assumer further agrees to indemnify the <br />Department of Veterans Affairs to the extent of any claim payment arising from the guaranty <br />or insurance of the indebtedness created by this instrument. <br />VA CASE#/LENDER <br />�-539R (0405) <br />34 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />12 <br />Initials: �, <br />