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201207796 <br /> Tl�e Funds shall bc held iu an iustimtion wlzose deposiYs are insured by a federal agency, insteumenfali[y, or <br /> eutity(incLuding Lender, if Lender is u� institutiou whose dcposits are so insw�cd) or in any Fcdcral Homc <br /> Loan Ranlr. Lender shxll apply �hc Funds Lo pay d�e Gscrow Items no]nter than the time specified under <br /> ItLSPA. Lender shall not c6arge Borrower fo��holding and applying tlie Fttnds, �uuivally a�alyzing t1�e <br /> escrow accouut, or verify�ig tl�e Gscrow]tcros, uiiless Lei�dcr pays Romowcr intcrest on �hc Funds xnd <br /> Applicable Law permiLn Lender Lo make such a cl�arge. Unless ao agreement is made iu writiug or <br /> . Applicable Law requires interest[o be paid on the Funds, Leuder shall not be required to pay Borrower any <br /> interest or eamiugs on the Fuuds. Rorrowcr and l,endcr can agrcc in writing, I�owcvcr, �I�ut in�crest shell bc <br /> pxid on thc F unds. Lcndcr shall give tu Borrower, withoi�t cl�arge, an anrmal accounting of the Punds as <br /> required by RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Pimds held in esceow, as defined uc�der RESPA, Lender shall account to Rorrower f'or <br /> tlie excess funds iu accordancc with RESPA. If thcrc is a sl�ortagc of Fm�ds hcld in escrow, as defined under <br /> ItESPA; Lcndcr sl�xll noli Cy Borrower as required by R�SPA, aud Borrower sl�aLl pay to Lender Cl�e umour�t <br /> uecessary[o mal<e up Che sl�orTage in �cca'dance widi RESPA, Uut iu no more than I2 monthly paymcnis. I f <br /> there is a deticiency of Funds hcld in cscrow, as dcfincd undcr RESPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrowec shall pay to Lender the vi�onnt neeessa�y to uialce up tlie deticiency in <br /> accordance witl�I2PSPA, but in no more than I 2 monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by tliis Securiry instruiuent, Lcnder sliall prom�tly refimd to <br /> Borrower any I�unds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, chargas, fines, and impositious atd�ibutable to <br /> � tl�e Property which can attaiu priocity over t�l�is Security Iuso�ument, leasehold paymcnLs or grom�d renLti on <br /> thc Properly, if any, and Community Associn�ion Ducn, Nccs, and Asacssments, if any. To tl�e extent tliat <br /> these items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay them isi the mannec provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrower slis�ll protnpdy dischargc any licn whicl�has priority over this Securiry I��sh�wnent unJcss <br /> Rorrower: (a) agrees in wriGing to tlie paynient of tlie obligaGion secm�ed l�y the lici� in a manncr xecc��Lablc <br /> to Lei�der, but only so long as Borrower is performing tud� agreemen[; (b) contests the lien it� good faiCli by, <br /> or defends againsC enforcement of tha licn in, legal procceclings which in Lender's opinion operate w prevent <br /> the entorcement of the lien wliiLe tl�ose proceediugs are pending, but only until such procccdings arc <br /> concludctl; or(c) secures Irom the 1�older of Lhe lien an agrcemcnt satislactury to Lender subordinating the <br /> lien to this Securiry Instrument. If Lender determines eliac any paiY of the Ptoperty is subject to a lien which <br /> ca�� attain priority over this SecuriCy InstrmnenC, Lender may give Borrower a��otice identifying tl�e lien. <br /> Within 10 d•ays of the datc on which that noLice is' given, T3orrowcr sl�all sxLisfy Llie lien or take one or tnore <br /> of the actions set forth above in this Section 4. <br /> Lendcr may require Borrowe.��to p2y a one-Lime charge for a real estate tax verification and/or repor�ing <br /> service used by Lender in connection with Yliis Loan. <br /> 5. PropeYCy Insut'anCe. Borrower sliall keep tl�e improvemei�ts now existing oi hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insw�ed against loss Uy fire, l�azards iucluded witliin the[enn "extended covcragc,° end any o�hcr <br /> haznrds inchlding, but nut limited Lo, carthqual<cs xnd Iloods, for which Lender requires insttrance. This <br /> insurance sliall be mainYained in die amounts (including deductible levels) and 'Cor Uie periods tl�at Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pw�suant to tlie preceding sentences can char�ge during tlie term of die Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier providing lhe insurance shnll be chosen by I3orruw�T subject Io Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Borrower's choice, whicl� rigl�t shall noC Ue exereised unreasonaUly. Lender may reqnire <br /> Borrower to pny, in co�v�cction with this Loan, cither: (a) a one-tima chaigc for iluod zone determina[iou, <br /> ccrtification and tracking seivices; or (b) a one-tiine chargc for flood zone deterrnination and certitication <br /> 8801300482 y\ 88013004B2 <br /> NE�RASKF-SingleFamily-FannleMaelFreddieMncUNIFORMINStRUMENTWITHIdERS �,4'�.J�!,-�- Poi�m9028�101 <br /> VMP(y VPAPBA�NE)(t 145) <br /> Wol�ars Kluvvar Rnandal Sorvlces Peye 6 oi 1� <br />