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201207796 <br /> Parcel ID Number: 400215373 wl�ich cun�cnLly has �,e addrens of <br /> 4028 SCHFEL DR (5treerj <br /> Grand Island (Cit�), Nebraska 68801 (ZipCodeJ <br /> ("Properry Address"): <br /> TOGETHER WITH all d�e improvements now or hereafter erected on Ghe piaperly, and nl] cascmcnts, <br /> appurtenanccs, and fixtures now on c�rcaflcr n F�nrC uf ihe property. All replacements and additions sl�all also bc <br /> covcred by this Securiry Instrument. All of the foregoing is refereed 1'o iu d�is Security L�strument as the <br /> "Property." Borrower understauds aud agrees that MF,RS liolds only legal title U� Lhc interest gran�cd by Borrower <br /> in this Sceurity instrument, but, if ncu;sszvy [o comply with law or custom, M�RS (as nominef;for Lender and <br /> Lender's successors and assigns) has die right: to exercise auy or a11 of t��ose intarests, including, but not limiLcd <br /> to, fhe eight to foreclose and sell the Property; and to talce any action rcquircd of Lender inclndi��g, but not <br /> limited to, rcicesing �nd canceling this Seciu�iry Instrument <br /> RORROWER COVLNAN'P9 that Borrower is lawfiilly seised of the estate hereby com�eyed and lias the rigl�t to <br /> grant and convey the Property and that tlie ProperCy is une�emnbered, except for encumbranccs of recnrd. <br /> Borrower warrants and will defend �enerally tl�e title to Ll�o Property agninnt all claims and demands, subject Co <br /> any cncumbrnnccn oCrccord. <br /> THIS S�CURI"l�Y 1N57RUMLNT combines uniform cove¢ants for nafional use and non-uniforni <br /> covenants with tinited va��iations by,jurisdiction to constitute a uniform sccuriLy instcun��e�t covering real <br /> property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Leuder covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Rorrowcr <br /> sl�alJ pay when due Phe principal of, and interest on, the dcbt evidcnccd by thc NuLc and�my prepayment <br /> cl�argas and lafc oherges due undce thc Note. Borrower shaLL nlso pay funds for Esa�ow ICeuis pursuant to <br /> SeeCion 3. PaymenCs due uc�der tlie Note and tl�is Securiry InsCrument shall be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Howaver, if any checlz or ot7ier inst�uincnt rccaivcd by Lcndcr as paymcnt undcr the Note or this Sccuriry <br /> Insi��ument is returned to Lender impaid, Lender may require that aoy or all subsec�uenC paymeuts due�nder <br /> tl�e Note vid tl�is Secw�ity Inst��imenY be m�de in one or more of clie f'olLowu�g ta ms, as sclectcd by Lcnder: <br /> (a) cash; (b) money ordcr; (c) certificd cl�ecl4 ba�il< checi<, treasurcr's chcck or cashicr's check, provided any <br /> such eheel< ia drawn upon an insLi�uLion whosc deposiLs xre insured by a federal age��ey, instrumentality, or <br /> entity; or (d) ElecYianic Funds Transfer. <br /> Yayinents v�e deemed received by Lender when received at tl�e loc�tion designated in the Noke or at s�cli <br /> other focation as may be desiguated by Lender iu accordance with tlie��oticc provisions in Scction ]5. <br /> L,ender may return any payment or partial payment if the payinent or partial payments are insufficient Co <br /> hring the Loan current Lender may acceF�t any �ayme��t ur pareial payment insufficienC Co briag the Loan <br /> current, wiYhout waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to iCs right's to retuse such payment or pxrtial <br /> payments in r1�e{uture, but Leudec is not obligated to apply suclz paymen�,s at tl�c Limc sucli payments are <br /> acu;pl;ed. If each Periodic PaymcnL is applicd as of its schediiled duc da[e, then Lender need noC pay interest <br /> on unapplied fuuds. Leuder may hold such un�pplied fimds until Borrower mal<es payment to hring Ll�c Loxn <br /> current. If Borrower does not do so within a reasonable period of timc, Lcndcr nl�all eilher apply such funds <br /> or return tl�em to I3ocrower. If not applied earlier, such fimds will be applied to tlie outstauding principal <br /> balance under the Note immcdiately prior to forecloeure. No offsek or claim wl�ial� Borruwcr migh[ have <br /> now or i�� Lhc futurc againsl Lendcr shall rclievc Burrower from malcing paymen[s dne under the Nute and <br /> tlus SecuriCy InsCtumenC or performing die covenants 2nd agreements secured by this Securiry Instruuient. <br /> 880130D462 8801300A62 <br /> NEBHASKASIngIe Famlty-FennieMeelFradtlieN�acUNIFORM IN5T12UMENT WITH MEFS �'�• A.n✓��'. Form 30281l01 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA(NE)�1105) <br /> Wollors Kluwor Ftnancial Scrviccs Paye 4 of 1] <br />