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201207796 <br /> If die Loan is subjec[to a law whicl� sets maximam loai� charges, and that law is finally intcrpretcd so that <br /> [hc interest or other loan charges collected or to bc a�llcctcd in counection wiCh the Loan exceed thc <br /> permitted I imits, then: (a) a��y such loar� charge sl�all be reduced by tl�e amount necessary to reduee tlie <br /> cl�arge to tl�e permilted Gmit; a��d (6) any suins already collected from I3orrowcr which exceeded permitted <br /> (imits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender mxy choosc to make this refwid by reducing tlie principat uwcd <br /> wider the Note or by inalcing a direct paymenC to Borrower. If x rcfund reduces principal, tl�e reduction will <br /> be treated as 2 pv�ti�d prepayment without any prepaymenL cliarge (whether or uot a prcpayment charge is <br /> providcd for imder the Note). Borrower's acccptancc of any sucl�refiu�d ��wde by direct payment to <br /> I3orrower will constitute a waiver of any rigliC oP action I3orrowcr might have arisiug out of sucli overcliarge. <br /> 1 5. Notices. 911 nolicas given by Rorrower or Lender in connec[iou wi�h �l�is Securiry Inst�vmeut musY be in <br /> wriling. Any aotice to I3orrower in connection with this SecttriYy Instrument shall bc dcemed to have been <br /> givcn to Borrower when mailed by tirst cl�ss mail or whcn actuaily delivered to Barrowcr's notice address <br /> if sent by oLhcr mcans. Notice to auy one Borrower shaLl wnsti W Le noLice lo al I Rorrowers unlese <br /> Applicable Law expressly requires o�hciwise. Tlie notice address shaLl be the Property Address unless <br /> Burruwa� has dcsignated a substitute notice address by notiw to Lendei. Borrower shall promptly no[ify <br /> Lender of Borrowcr's changc of'address. If Lender specifies a procedure for rcporting Ba-rower's change <br /> of address, then Borrower shall only report a change of address tl�rougl� Yhat spuif ed procedure. <br /> 'fl�erc inay be ouly one designaCed notice address under tl�is Securiry Instrauient at any one Cime. Any uo[ice <br /> to Lender shall be given by dclivc��ing it or by mading it by firsl class mail lu Lcndci's address stated herein <br /> unlcsc Lender lias designated anotl�er address by notice to Bon�ower. Any�otice in connection witl� lhis <br /> Seel�riry InshvmenL shall not be deemed to 1�1ve been given lo Lcnder until ach�alLy received by Lender. If <br /> any notice required by this Security h�strnment is aLso required undee Appliu2ble Lnw, thc Appliwblc Iaw <br /> requircmcnt will sat�isfy tl�e corresponding requircmcnt under this Security InsCrament � <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of Construction. This Security InsGument shall be govern�l 6y <br /> � federa] ]aw and [Izc law of tlie,jurisdicCion in which the Pro�crty is located. All right�s and obligations <br /> conteined iu tl�is Secueiry Inshumcnt xre subject to any requirements and limitxtions of Applicab�c Law. <br /> Applieablc Law inight explicitly or implicitly alfow d�e parties to agree by contract or it might be sile��[, but <br /> such silence sLiall not be construed as a prol�ibition againsl.agreeincnt by co�itcact In d�e eveu[t7iat any <br /> provision or clat�se of this SccuriLy h�strwnent ot'the Note conflicts with Applicablc Law, such confIict sl�all <br /> not xfl�cct other provisions of tf�is Securi[y Instniment or t1�e Note which can be given effect withou[ Ll�e <br /> conflicting pruvision. <br /> As used in Lhis Sccurity IusL�umeut (a) words of the mascutiue gender shall mean a�id include corresponding <br /> neuter words or words of Lhc feminine gender, (b) words in [hc singular shall me�i and include the pLuraL <br /> xnd vice versa; aud (c) the word "may" gives so(e discretion without any obligalion Lo tal<c any action. <br /> 7 7. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr sha1T be given one copy of tl�e Note ai�d of this Sccw ity instrwncnt. <br /> 18. Transfer of Che Property or a Beneficial InCerest in Borrower. As uscd in this Section 18, "Ineerest in <br /> tl�e Proper�y" means a�ry legal or benefioixl interest ii� tlieProperty, including, butnot liuzited to, [Izose <br /> beneficial interests fransfcn�ed in a bond for deed, coutract for dccd, installment sales contract or escrow <br /> agreeinent, the inCe��t of which is Oic transfer of title by Borrower at a fulure datc Lo a purcl�aser. <br /> If xll or any part oPtheProperty ur xny Interest iu the Properry is sold or trnnnfcrecd (or ii Burrower is not a <br /> naiural persun and a beneficial interest in Borrowcr is sold or n�ansferred) wid�ont Lender's prior wri[ten <br /> consent, Lender may requirc immediate payment in ful I of all sums secured by this Secw'ity Instnnnene. <br /> Howcvcr, this option s61I1 not be cxa�cised by Lender if sucli exercise is��rol�ibi[cd by Applicable Law. <br /> 80�1300492 F7 g� 88013V048L <br /> NcBRASKA-SlnylaFamlty-FannieMaolPraddle MacUNIFORM INSTRIIMENT WITH MERS �.�� AA✓� L✓� Ponn 9028 1101 <br /> VMP O VMPPeAe��2�a1�1]� <br /> Woltors Kluwer Flnaoclal Servioea <br />
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