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201207796 <br /> (a) Any sucl� ugreements will not af'f'ecY tlic ammmts tLat Borrower has agrced to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, ur any uthcr terms uf the Loan. Such a�reements will not increase the amount <br /> Borrower will o�ve for Mortgage insurance, and they will nof entitle Borrovvcr tu any refund. <br /> (b) Any such agreemenfs wilt nol affect Lhe rights Bonrower f�as- iS xny -with respect tu the <br /> Mortgage Iusurnucc undcr tlic Ilmncowners Protection Act of 1998 or any other law. `fhese righlc <br /> may include the right to receive cerkain disclusures, to request and obtai�� canedlation of'thc <br /> Mortgage Insurance, to have d�e Mortgage Insurnna:terminated automaticnlly, and/or tn receive <br /> a refund of an,y Mortgagc Insurancc prcmiwns thflt wcrc uncarncd at thc time of such <br /> cancellation or termination. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. AlJ Misccllaneous Procecds are liercby assigned to <br /> and sl�all be paid to Lender. <br /> If d�e Propei�Yy is d¢unaged, such Miscellaneous Procecds shall bc applicd Lo res�urxLioo ur rcE�air of�hc <br /> Properry, it the restoratiou or repair is economically feasible a��d Lender's securiry is not lessened. Diiru�g <br /> such rcpair:�nd resloration period, Lcndcr shall havc thc rig6t to I�old such Misccllancous Procccds imtil <br /> Lender h2s h1d an opportufiity to inspect such Property to ensurc lhe worlc has been wmple[ed to Lender's � <br /> saLisiaction, provided tliat such inspectiou sl�all be uudertaken prompCly. Lender m;�y pay Por the repairs and <br /> restoration in a siogle disbursemcnt or in a seriati of prograss F�eymcnts as thc work is a�mpleted. Unlass m� <br /> agreement is made in writinb or Applicable L�w requires i��tereaC to be paid on such Miscellaneous Peoceeds, <br /> Lender sliall no[be required to pxy Ba-rower a�ry interest or earnings on such Miscellaneous Prou,�eds. if t�1�e <br /> rest�orat�ion or re�air is noL economically feasible or Lendcr's security woidd be lessened, the Miscellaneoi�s <br /> Procccds sha➢ l�c applicci lo the sums secured by this Sectteity Instcumenf�, wheCl�er or not tlien due, with the <br /> excess, if 1try, paid to Borro�ver. Such Miscdlxnaius Procecds sha1T be applied in Lhc ordcr providcd ti�r in <br /> Scction 2. � <br /> hi thc cvcnt of a fotal taki��g, desuuction, or loss in value of the Properry, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall <br /> be applied to lhc sums nn;ured by diis Sewrity Instrumeut, wl�edier oc noC dien due, witli the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a partia] Caking, destructiun, or luss in vxluc of lhc Properry in wl�icl� Ll�c lair markcL valuc of <br /> thc Property itmnediately before Phc p�rtial taking, destruction, or loss in value is equal to or greater tlian the <br /> nmoun�of thc sums secw-ed by this Securiry InsR'ument immediately before the partial taking, destruction, or <br /> loss in value, unless Borrowcr and Lender nd�erwise agree in writing, the sums secured by lhis Securiry <br /> L�struinent sfiall ba reduced by tlie amount oC the Misccllancuus Procccdn multiplicd by the following <br /> fractioo: (a) the total ainouut o�f the sums sewred inuuediateLy before the p�rtiaL taking, destruction, or loss <br /> in vxluc divided by (b) the fair marlcet valne of the Property immediat'ely before flie partial talciug, <br /> destrt�ction, or loss in vah�e. Any hedenw sl�all bc paid to Burrowcr. <br /> in Yhe event of a partial taking, d��LrucLion, ur loss in valuc of the Proparry in which N�c fuir marl<ct valuc of <br /> t6e Property immediately before the partial [��ilcing, destruction, or]oss in valuc is less dian the a�nount of the <br /> auma sec;ured immediately before the partial tal<ittg destnicCion, or loss in value, unless Borrower 2ad <br /> L,ender otheiwise agree in writing, ll�c Misccllancous Proceeds shalJ be applied to the sums sccurcd by ehis <br /> Security Instivment whether or not the suins are then due. <br /> If the Property is abandoned l�y Borrower, or if, after notice by Lendcr Lu Borrower that the Opposin�Yar[y <br /> (as deFined in tl�e next scntence) ofters to make au award to setCle 2 claim for da�nages, Borrower fails Go <br /> respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notiec is given, Lender is authorized [u collecl and appfy <br /> [he MisceLlxncous Procecds eidier to restoraCion or repair of the Property or to the su�ns secured by diis <br /> asoiaooaex ,{� aeoiaooaax <br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFamlty-FannieMaelFretldleMai IJNIPoRM INSTRIIMENT WITH UFRS ��.� - K.,J: Form 30iG 1fU1 <br /> VMP(r� VMP6A(NE�(1105� <br /> W olters Kluw er Fnanciel Servlces Page 10 ol 1� <br />