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201207753 <br /> 13. Notices. Any noflce to Borrower prov9ded for in t�3s 5eciuity Ins�e�s1�all 1�e�S'en by delivering it or <br /> bY mailing it b9 flist class mail�less applicable law t+equines nse of anofher method. The noHce shall ix dinected to <br /> the Pioperty Addirss or any other addiess Bormwer designates by votice to I.ender. Any notice tu Lender shall be <br /> given by fltst class mail to Lender's address s�ted herein or any address I.ender designates by nolice to Borrower. <br /> Any notice provided for in fYds Security Insln�e�sha11 be deemed m have been given to Bor�uwer or Lender when <br /> �ven as piovided in this garagraph <br /> 14 Gov�ning Law; Seveaability. This Secmity I�h�e�shall be governed by Fedeial law and the law of <br /> the j�uisdiciion in which ft►e ProperlY�s locabed. In�e event fhat a�provision or clause of tjris 5ecwity Insh�ent <br /> or fhe Note co�licts wifii applicable law, such co�Uict shall not affect other provisions of tlnia Secmity Insta�ffie�ur <br /> fhe Note which can be gi�ven effect wiffiout the conflicHng provision To tl�is end fhe pmvisioas of this Sec�ity <br /> �h��e�and fhe Note s�declared to be seveiable. <br /> 15. �orrow�'s Copy- Borrower sLall be g�iven one conformed copy of the Note and of ffiis Sec�uity <br /> Ins�ent <br /> 16. Hazardous SuLadancas Borrower shall not canse or pernrit 1�e presence,use, disposal, storage, or release <br /> of any Hazardous Subsfances on or in�e Property- �izower ahall not do, nor allow anyone else bo do, auything <br /> affecfing fhe properiy that ia in v3olatiion of a�Em�ironme�al The preceding t,wo se�ences shall not apply Uo <br /> the piesence, use, or storage on �e Pioperiy of small qua�Hes of Ha�aidous Substances fhat aie generallY <br /> iecognized to be appropriate to normal reside�tal ffies and to maintenance of the Properiy. <br /> Borrower sLall piomplly give I.ender writben notice of any iavesbtgalion, claim, demand, laws�dt or other acflon <br /> by anY governmental or iegalatory agency or privabe parly imolving the Property and any Hazaidous Substance or <br /> Envinunmental Law of wlrich Borrower has actual lmowle�e. rf�rrower learns, or is notifled by any governme�l <br /> or regulatory authority, ffiat any iemoval or ofher remed[�on og any Hazandous Substances afFectlng�e Properiy is <br /> necessary,Borrower shall piompflY take a11 necessazY�emedial aclio�a fn accordance with Emiro�e�a1 <br /> As used in this paragraph 16, "H�zardous Substances" aie 13iose substances deSned as toxic or hazardous <br /> sui�mnces by Envinonme�al Iaw and the following sul�tances: gesuline, kerosene, other flammable or to�c <br /> pelrole�producffi, to�ic pesticides and herbicfdes, volatile solve�, materials cont�ining asbeslus or formaldelryde, <br /> and ra�oactive materials. As used in this paiagrrpli 16, "Em iro�eahal Iaw"means fedeial laws and laws of the <br /> j�uisdiclion wheie the Pioperly is loca6ed fhat relate to health, safety or enviionme�al pi+otection <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender fmther covenant and aa�eee as follows: <br /> 17. A�igum�t of R�ats. Borrower mmcondt8onally asaigos and�nsfeis to Leader all fhe ne�s and revemies <br /> of Hie Properiy. Borrower authorizes Lender or Le�er's age�to collect the re�s and nevennes and hereby� <br /> each benant of the Property to paY the re�s 1p Lender or I.ender's age�.s. However, piior to Lender's notice to <br /> Borrower of Borrower's bieach of any covenant or agneeme�in t�►e Seciuity Instr�e� Bormwer shall collect and <br /> neceive all z+enis and nevenues of Hie Prnperty ss lrustee for the beneflt of Lender anti�r►owea TLis assignme�of <br /> ie�s co�tiLutes an al�olube asaignme�and not an assignme�for additional sec�nity only. <br /> �f Lender gives notice of bmach to Borrower. (a) all��s ieceived by Borrower shall be held by Borrower as <br /> 4vstee for beneflt of Lender only, to be applied in ffie s�s sec�ued by ffie Secmity Inst�vmen� (b) Lender shall be <br /> e�ifled to collect and receive all of fhe re�s of�e Property; and(c) each tenant of 8►e Property sba11 pay e11 ren� <br /> due and�mp�td bo Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's wrYtben demand bo the i�nant <br /> Borrower Las not execubed any prior assigame�of the nee�s and has aot and will not�rform any act i�at would <br /> preve�Lender&om exeicising i1s rights imder this parag�aph 17. <br /> I,ender shall not be required to e�er upon, take couh+ol of or maintaitn�e A�operiy before or afler giviug nofice <br /> of b:each to Bormwer. However, Lender or a judici�lly appofnted receiver may do so at aay lime ffiei+e is a bieach. <br /> Any application of te�s ahall not c�e or waive auy default or im�alidate any other right or remedy of Lender. TLis <br /> assignme�of reIIts of fhe Properiy shall terndnate when the debt secw+ed by the 5ecurity I�tr�e�is�d in fiill. <br /> 8 61613 3 7 ����9�� <br /> (�4N(NEj�esoz�.o� �e�8 <br /> �� <br />
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