<br />Ll See Exhibdt A attached hereto and incorporated heredn by reference.
<br />Being all of that property located in County, Nebraska, more particulazly described as
<br />follows:
<br />5. The "Related Security Instruments" are all of those other instruments (if any) given to secure or guarantee repayment of the
<br />promissory note(s) and/or other obligations secured by the Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to, security agreements,
<br />pledges, assignments, guaranty agreements, negative pledge agreements, fmancing statements, control agreements,
<br />agreements relating to hazardous substances, and indemnity agreements.
<br />As used herein, the terms "Deed of Trust" and "Related Security Instruments" include (i) all extensions, renewals, modificarions,
<br />amendments, restatements, consolidations, and/or increases thereof, (ii) all changes in terms relating thereto, and (iii) all
<br />instruments and other documents given in replacement of, in substitution for, or to correct the Deed of Trust or any of the Related
<br />Security Instruments.
<br />Bacicground and Ezplanatory Note: Originally chartered in 1960 in New Mexico as Dona Ana Savings and Loan Association,
<br />Inc., United Westem Bank has been formerly lmown by various names, including Dona Ana Savings and Loan Association, Dona
<br />Ana Savings and Loan Association, Inc., Dona Ana Savings and Loan Association, F.A., Dona Ana Savings Bank, Dona Ana
<br />Savings Bank FSB, and Matrix Capital Bank before changing its name in 2006 to United Westem Bank.
<br />On January 21, 2011, the Office of Thrift Supervision closed United Westem Bank and appointed the Federal Deposit Insura.nce
<br />Corporation as receiver. Immediately thereatter, First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company, a North Carolina-chartered commercial
<br />bank, acquired some of the assets and assumed some of the liabilities of United Western Bank pursuant to a"Purchase and
<br />Assumption Agreement" between First-Citizens Banlc & Trust Company, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in its
<br />corporate capacity, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in its capacity as Receiver for United Western Bank. T'he assets
<br />purchased by First-Citizens Bank & Trust Company include the Deed of Trust and the Related Security Instruments idenrified in
<br />this .�ssignment, together with the promissory note�s) and/or other �bligatians secured thereby.
<br />For value received, Assignor hereby grants, sells, assigns, transfers, and conveys unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, all of
<br />Assignor's right, title and interest, both legal and equitable, in, to, and under (i) the Deed of Trust, together with the real property
<br />described therein and all rights accrued or to accrue thereunder; (ii) the Related Security Instivments; and (iii) all promissory notes
<br />and/or other obligations secured thereby, together with all amounts due and to become due thereon, including interest.
<br />This Assignment is made without recourse, representation or warranty, egpress or implied, by the Federal Deposit
<br />Insurance Corporation in its corporate capacity and/or as Receiver.
<br />Assignor further authorizes and empowers Assignee, its successors and assigns, to exercise all rights, powers and privileges
<br />conferred upon Assignor by the Deed of Trust and the Related Security Instruments, including, but not limited to, the rights and
<br />privileges of a secured party and the right of foreclosure and sale, in as full and ample a manner as Assignor is authorized and
<br />empowered to exercise the same.
<br />