<br /> under the Note and this Security Instrumcnt shxll bc madc in U.S. currency. However, if nny chcck or other
<br /> instrument received by Lender as paymenl imdcr lhc Notc or lhis Security lnstrument is retumcd to Lender unpaid,.
<br /> Lender may require tha.t any or all subsequent paymen�s due under Ihe Note and this Security Instrument be made in
<br /> one or more of the following forms,as selected by Le�der: (a)cash;(b)money order,(c)ccrtified check,bank check,
<br /> trcasurer's check or cashier's check,providecl any such check is Arawn upon an inslituliun whose deposits are insurcJ
<br /> by a federal agcncy, instrumentaliry, or entity; or(d) P,lectronic Funds Trttnsfer.
<br /> Paymenls arc dccmed received by Lender when received at the location designated in the Note or at such other
<br /> location as may be designated by Lender in accordance witl�the notice provisions in SccLion 15. Le�der may return
<br /> any payment o�paztial payment if the payment or par[ial paymenGs are insufficient to bring lhe Loan currenG Lender
<br /> may accept any payment or par[ial payment insufticient to b�ing the I.oan current, without waiver of any rights
<br /> hcrcunder or prejudice to i[s righls lo refuse such payment or partial paymcnis in the future, but Lender is no[
<br /> obligalui lu apply such paymen[s at the time such payments are acwptcd. lf each Periodic Payment is applicd as of
<br /> ifs scheduled due date, then Lender ne,Yd nol pay intcrest on unapplicd lunds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds
<br /> until Borrower makes payment lo bring the Loan current. IC Borrower does nor do so within a rcasonable pe�iod of
<br /> time, Leoder shall either apply such funds ur rc[urn thcm to Borrower. If not applied earlier, such funds will be
<br /> applfed to the ou[sYanding principal balance under ihe Nole immediately prior to foroclosure. No offset or claim
<br /> which E3orrower might have now or in the fu�ure against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making paymems due
<br /> u�dcr the Note and this Security Instrument or performing the covenants and agreemenls secureA by this Sccurity
<br /> Inslmmcnt.
<br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Fxcep[ as othcrwisc described in this Section 2, xll payments
<br /> accepled and appliud by Lendcr shnll 6e applied in the following ordcr of priorily: (a)in[erest due undcr the Nole;
<br /> (b)principal due under lhe Note; (c)amounts due under Section 3. Such payments shall be applied [o cach Periodic
<br /> Payment in the o�de�i��which it became due. A�y rcmnining nmuun4s shall be xpplied first to latc charges, second
<br /> [o nny other amo�mts due under this Security lnstrument, and then to reduce the p�incipal balance of the Note.
<br /> If Lcndcr receives a payment from Borrower for a Aelinquent Pcriodic Payment which includes a sutlicic�t
<br /> amounl lo pay any lalc chazgc due, the payment may be applied to thc delinquen[ payment and the late charge. If
<br /> more than one Periodic Payment is outslanding, Lender may apply any payment receiveA from Bo�rower to the
<br /> � repayment of the Pe�iodic Payments if, and to [hc cxten[that, cach payment can be paid in full. To lhe extent that
<br /> any excess exists after[he payment is applied to the full payment of one or more Periodic Pxymcnls, such excess may
<br /> be applied to any lale charges due. Volunfary prepayments shall be applied first to any prepayment charges and then
<br /> as dcscribed in the Note.
<br /> Any xpplication of payments, insura�ce proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds lo principal due under the Note
<br /> shall not extend or postpone the due date, or change the amount, of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay to Le�der on fhe day Periodic Payments are due under the
<br /> No[e, until the Note is paiA in full, a sum(the"Nunds") to pmvide for paymen[ of arnuunts due foc (a)taxes and
<br /> assessments and other items which can attain priority over this Securig�Instrumcnt xs a lien or encumbrance on thc
<br /> Pmpcity; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any, (c)premiums for any and aIL insurance
<br /> required by Lcndcr undcr Swtion 5;and(d)Mortgage Insurance prcmiums, if any, or any sums pnyablc by Borrower
<br /> to Lender in lieu uf Ihe payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in accordance with the provisions of Seclion 10.
<br /> These items are called"Escrow Itcros." At o�igin�tion or at a�y tinic during the term of the Loan, Lcnder may require
<br /> that Community Associatio�Dues, Fees, and Assessmenls,if any, be escrowed by Borrowcr,nnd such dues, fees and
<br /> assessments shall be an Escrow I[em. 13orrower shall prompUy furnish to Lender all noticcs uf amounts ro be paid
<br /> under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the F'unds for F.scrow Items unless Lender waives Borrowcr's
<br /> obligation to pay the Funds for any or all F,scrow Items. Lender may waivc E3orrower's obligation to pay to Lender
<br /> Funds for any or all Escrow items at any time. Any sucli waiver may pnly bc in writing. In the event of such waivcr,
<br /> Borrowcr shall pay directly, when and where payable, the amounts duc for a�y Escrow Items for which paymrnt of
<br /> Funds has bccn wsived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall fi�rnish lo Lcnder receipts evidencing such paymenl
<br /> within such time period as Lender may reyuire. Borrowc�s obligalion lo make such p�yments an�i tu provide�eceipts
<br /> shall for all purposes be deemed to be a covenanl and agreement co�riained in this Security Inslrument, as the phrase
<br /> NFBR4SKA--Single Femily—Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT- MERS po�yNa����;��
<br /> Form 3�28 1/D1 Page 4 of 15 www.docmagiccom
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