<br /> (E) "MERS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration Systcros, [na MERS is a separate corporation that is acting
<br /> solely ati a nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and nssigns. MERS is the beneficiary under this Security
<br /> lns[rument. M ERS is organized and existing under ihc laws o1�Dclaware, and has an address and telephone number
<br /> of P.O. Box 2026, Flinf, MI 48501-2026, teL (888) 679-MERS.
<br /> (F) "Note"mcanx[he promissory note signed by 13orrower and dated AUGUST 27, 2 012 .
<br /> The Note states that Borrower owes Lender FIFTY THOUSAND EIGHT HiJNDRED FIFTY AND
<br /> 00/100 Dollars(U.S. $ 50, 850 . 00 )plusinteresl.
<br /> Borrower has promised to pay this debl in regular Pcriodic Payments and ro pay the debt in full not later thxn
<br /> SEPTEMBER l, 2027
<br /> (C) "Property"means the property that is described below under ihe heading"Transfer of Rights in lhe Property."
<br /> (H) "Loan"means the dcbl cvidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment chargcs and late charges due under
<br /> the Note, aud all sums due under lhis Sccurity Inshument, plus intcrest.
<br /> (1) "Riders"means all Riders lo lhis Security Instrument that nre exwutcd by Borrower. The following Riders arc
<br /> to be executed by 8orrower[check box as applical�le]:
<br /> � Adjustable Rate Rider � Planned Unit Development Rider �
<br /> � Balloon Rider � Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> � l-4 Family Rider � Second Home Rider .
<br /> � Condominium Rider � Othcr(s) [specify]
<br /> (J) "Applieable Law"means all controlling applicablc fcdcral, sta�c;xnd local statutes,regulations, ordinances and
<br /> administrative rules and orders(that have lhe effect of law) as wcll as all applicable final, non-appcalxblc judicial
<br /> opinions.
<br /> (K) "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments"means all dues, fees, asscssmcnls and other charges�
<br /> that are imposed on Borrowcr or thc Property by a condominium association, humeowners association or similar
<br /> organization.
<br /> (L) "Eleetronie Funds Transfer"mcans ttny transfer of funds, other tha�a lransaction originated by check, cirnft,
<br /> or similaz paper instrumenl, which is initiated through an elechonic terminal, tcicphonic insuumeny computer, or
<br /> maguetic tape so as lo o[der, instruc[, or authorize a financial instiLution to debit or credit an account. Such term
<br /> includes, but is nol ]imiled lu, point-ot=sale transfers, automated teller machine lransaclions, 7ansfers ini[iatcd by
<br /> . tzlephone, wire transfers, and automtttcd cicaringhouse hansfers.
<br /> (M) "Escrow Items"means lhose ilems thal nrc dcscribed in Scction 3.
<br /> (N) "Miscellaneous Proeeeds"means any compensxtion, sctUement, award of damages, or procccds paid by any
<br /> third party(other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5) lor: (i) damage tA, or
<br /> dcstruction of, the Property, (ii) condemnation o�other taking of all or any part of[hc Pruperty; (iii) conveyance in
<br /> licu of'condemnation; or(iv)tnisrepresentations of, or omissions as Iq Ihe value and/or condilion of the Property.
<br /> (0) "Mortgage Insu�ance"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpaymcnl of, or default on, the Loan.
<br /> (P) "Periodic Paymeot"mceos the regularly scheduled amoun[due for(i)principal aod i�[erest under thc Notc,
<br /> plus (ii) any amoun[s under Section 3 of this Security Instrument.
<br /> (Q) "RESPA"means lhe Real Eslatc Sctticment Procedures Act Q2 U.S.C. $2601 et seq.) and its implemenling
<br /> regulation, Regulation X(24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might bc amcnded from time to time, or any additional or
<br /> successor legislalion or regulalion lhat govcrns thc snme su6jcct mxtter. As used in this Security Instrument,
<br /> "RHSPA"refers to all requireme�ts and reslriclions that arc imposed in regard to a"federally rela[cd mortgage loan"
<br /> eveo if[he Loan does not qualify as a"federally related mortgage loaii' under RESPA.
<br /> NEBR4SKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFretldie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-MERS DodNagic�TrP�
<br /> Form 3028 1l01 Page 2 aF 15 www.docmagiccom
<br />