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<br /> �8p�a ACOV�Tn�� l�n��o�Mco�au+p paa� .._... �� —
<br /> DEED OF RECONVEYANCE 97�1d�� �
<br /> THAT WHEREAS,al of the indebtednass aacurod by th�Doad of Trust exacut�d by ANDFiEW C SIMMONS AND
<br /> Keaa�E J 51MMONS._HUS9AND AND WIFE _�-
<br /> to UNITED NEB A BANK ,Truste�for th�
<br /> benetit at UNIYED NF.BAASKAI BANK ,th�
<br /> Benet'ictary named therein dated 1 1 and recorded�. ��� �h the ol(iCe ol th�
<br /> Repister ot Doeds of HALL ' ounty,NEBRASKA a� a�
<br /> p�y� or Oocument No.95•10 091 0��l��st Oeed Records of said Counry has be�n paW and B�nMiCtsry
<br /> has requestod in writlnp that the Deed of Heconveyance be ezecute and delivered.
<br /> NOW THEREFORE,h oonslderatbn of suah payment and in acCOrdence with the request of the B�netfclary namad thw�ein,tn�
<br /> und�sipnad as Trustea does by thesa presents, Qrant,remise. release and reconvey to the person or pasons rntRWd th�nto �1 th�
<br /> intersat and atate derNed to said Trustee by or throuph sald Deed of Tn�st In t�e followYfp described property:
<br /> LOT TWO (2), IN BLOCK ONE (7)� �►�t i3�rt'iii ii�Wi3 RCGi=i0li+ :L'OL.`a :4!':�l3, !!e�i rnt��TY,
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> TOOETHER WITM ALL butWhps,fbcturas, knprovements and lppurtenances belonpinQ to su�h pr�mfs�s.
<br /> on'reo Seotember 3 1997 .
<br /> . �
<br /> ,«°i0°''^,�`"'�,,,. ' ' BRANCH PRESIDENT
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<br /> COUN1'Y OF HALL
<br /> on thrs 23rd day ot Seatember , 1997 , betore me, tne undersfgned, a Notary PubNa h �nd ior s�b
<br /> snro,parsonauy�pp�ered DALLAS KIME BRANCH PRESIOENT --- '
<br /> Trusfes, to me known to be the Identfcal person named h and who executed the foropoing fnstNrrHnt, and acknowl�dp�d l�at M
<br /> exaCUted the same es his votuntary 4ct end doed.
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