� 201207624
<br /> DOC ID #: 00024376D67D08D12
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use thc Properry as Borruwer's priiicipal reside�ice
<br /> witliiii 60 days after the execution of this 5ecurity Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as
<br /> Rnrrpwer's principal residence for ai least one year after the dale of occupanCy,unless Lender othenvise
<br /> ap ees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuating circumstances
<br /> exist which are beyond Sorrower's controi.
<br /> 7. Preservation, M17aintenance and Yrotection of the Property; Inspectioos. Sorrow�er shall not destroV:
<br /> damage or impair the Property,allow the Property tn deteriorate or commit wastc on Uic Yroperry.Whe�her
<br /> or nat F3urrower is residiiig iu lhe Property�,Borrower shall maintain the Property in order lo pzevent die
<br /> Properly from deteriorating nr decreasing in value due to iLs conditian.Unless it is delermined parsuan[to
<br /> Seclioi� 5 Lhat repair nr restoration is not economically feasible, Boauwer shall promp[ly repair the
<br /> Property if datnaged to avoid furthcr dctcriorakion or damagc.If insurance nr cnndPmnation proceeds are
<br /> paid ii� connection ��ith daniage to, or the lakir�g of, lhe Prgperty, Borrower shall be responsible for
<br /> repairing or restoring the Property oniy if Lender has released proceeds for such purposes. Lender may
<br /> disburse procccd.s for thc rcpairs snd resEoralion i��a single paymeat or in a series of progress payments as
<br /> tlie work is completed.!f the insurance or condemnation praceeds are not sufficient to repair or restorc the
<br /> Pmperty,Bnrrnwer is nnt reJieved of Bocrower's ohligation for the completion qf such repair or restoration,
<br /> Lender or its agent may makc rcasonablc cntrics upon and inspections nf the PrnpPrty.If it has reasonable
<br /> cause, Lender may inspecl the iizterior of the impro�ements on the Property. Lender shall give Borrower
<br /> notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause.
<br /> S. [3orrower's Loan Application. �orrower shall be in default if, during the �.oan applicaUon process,
<br /> Sorrowcr or any persons or entities acting at the directioii of Boaruwer or willi Borrower's knowledge or
<br /> consent gave materially false,misleading, or inaccurate information or statements tn Lender (nr failed to
<br /> pmeide Lender wiLh material information) in conneclion tvi[h the Loan. Material representations include,
<br /> but are not limited to, repmsentations mncerning P,orrower's occupancy of the Property as Borrower's
<br /> principal residence.
<br /> 9, Protection of Lender's Interest in fhe Property and Rights Under this Security lnstrument. If(a)
<br /> Bareower fails to perform the co�enants and agreements contained in this 5ecurit_y lnslruc�ient,(6)��ere is a
<br /> legal proceeding that might sign�cantly affe�t Lender's interest iri t}�e Property and/nr rights under this
<br /> Security Instrument (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or Forfeiture, tbr
<br /> enforcement of a lien which may attain priority o�er this Security Instrument or to enforce laws or
<br /> regalatioris), ur (c) Burrower has aLanduned the PrnpFriy, �hen I.ender may do and pay for whatever is
<br /> reasonable or appropriate to protect I,ender's interest in the Property and righ#s under this Security
<br /> Instn�ment,including proiecting and/or assessing the value of the Property,and securing and/or repairing
<br /> the Property. Lender's actions can include, but are not lunited lo: (a} payiug e�iy suit�s secured by a liei�
<br /> which has priority over this 5ecurity Instrument; {b) appearing in euurt; and (c) paying reasoi�able
<br /> attnrney.s'fees lo prntect its interest in the Property and/nr rights under this 5ecurily Inslrumenl,including
<br /> its secured posi[ion in a bankruptcy proceeding. 5ecuring the Property ine;ludes. 6u! is not limited ta,
<br /> entering the Property eo makc rcpairs,change lxks,rcplacc or buanl up doors and windurvs,drai„waler
<br /> from pipes,elinunake building or other code violations or dangerous conditions,and have utiliues turned on
<br /> or off.Although Lender may take action under[his Sec[ion 9,Lender does not have to do so and is not
<br /> under any duly ur o6Jigalio�i to do so.It is agreed tl�at Lender i�icurs nu liability for not taking any or all
<br /> actinns authorized under this 5ection 3.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed hy Lender under this 5ection 9 shall become additional dcbt of Borro�vcr sccured
<br /> by Lhis Security Inslru�nenl. These ampun[s shall i�ear inleres� af fhe hofe rate frnm thr date nf
<br /> disbursement ant� shall be payable, with such interest, upon notice From Lender cn Borrower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> If this 5ecurity Instrument is nn a leacehnld,Bnrrnwer shall cnmply with all the prnvisions nf the lease.If
<br /> Sorrower acquires Eee litle to the Property,the leasehold and Ehe fee#itie shall�ot merge unless Lender
<br /> agrccs to thc mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> 10. nlortgage Insurance.If Lender required Morigage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan,Boaower
<br /> shall pay the pre�niums required to maic�tain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, fvr any reason, the
<br /> h4ortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender ceases to be a�aila6le from the mortgage insurer that
<br /> previously provided such insurance and Borrower was required to make separately designated pa}'ments
<br /> toward the premiums For ivlortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums reqnired to obtain
<br /> cnverage suhstantiall}+equivaient tn the Mnrtgage Insuranr.e previnusly in effect, at a cost sabstantially
<br /> equivalent to the cost to Soaower of the Mortgage lnsura��e previously in effecl, from an allernate
<br /> mortgagc insurcr scicctcd by Lcndcr. If suhstantially cyuivalcn[ Morlgagc IiiSF�ran�e L'UVYfd�Y is nul
<br /> a��aifabie,Borrower shall cor�tinue to pay to Lender the amount oF the separately designated payments that
<br /> NEBRASF(A-Single Famiry-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 VOi
<br /> Decd of Trust-NE
<br /> POD6--NE{12I11) Page 6 of 72
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