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<br /> ��~ �11�G�� ,e�.
<br /> the Property in viola�ion of any law, ordinance, or regulation� "' `
<br /> � �;,�
<br /> ; and ahall pay and promptly diecharge at Horrower s coek and ,
<br /> expenae all liens, encumbranoea and charqea levied, imposed �r �,,
<br /> assessed against the Pro�erty or any part thereof: �-=��_
<br /> :I L
<br /> 6. Eminent Domain. Lender is hereby asaigned all �':'�
<br /> �� � c�mpensation, awards, damaqsa and otiher payments or relief
<br /> (hereinafter "Proceeds") in connection with condemnation or other
<br /> "�,�,,,�..,�.�� taking of the Property or part thexeof, or for conveyance in lieu _
<br /> t of condemnation. Lender shall be entitled, at its option, tv
<br /> ? c�mmence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any action or
<br /> ' proceedings, and shall also be entitled to tnake any compromise or -•-
<br /> settlement in connecti.on with auch takinq or damaqe. In the
<br /> event any portion of the P�operty is so taken or damaged, Lender
<br /> shall have the option, in its sole and absolute discretion, ta
<br /> apply all such Proceeds, after deductinq therefrom all costs and
<br /> �y, expenses incurred by i� in connection with auch Proceeds, upon
<br /> any indebtednesa secured hereby. and in such order as Lender may �
<br /> =`• determine, or to apply all such Procesds, after such deduation a,
<br /> to the restaration of the Property upon auch conditione as Lender
<br /> may determine. Any application of Proceeds to indebtedness shall
<br /> •� not extend or postpone the dus date of any payments under the
<br /> , Note, or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> r 7. Performanoe by Lender. In the event of Borrower's
<br /> failure to per�orm any of the covens�nts herein or make any pay-
<br /> � ' " men�s required hereby, or if �ny act is taken or legal proceed inq
<br /> � � commenced which materially affecte Lender's interest in the
<br /> - _ prnperty, Lender ma_y 3n its own di�cretion, bu� without obliga-
<br />- ` tion to do so, and without notice to or demand upon riorrower, a�,ci
<br /> n;;r,:.•• �-;'�'. w�.thout releasi:iq Borrower fxom any obligation, do any aat which
<br />�;,r_-";.::;,_;,,:� the Borrower has aqreed but iails to do and may also do any other
<br />.-������r� act it deems necessary to protect the security hereof. Horrower
<br />_r.„, ,,.,,,,.�, shall, immediately upon demand therefor by Lender, pay to Lender
<br />_�';�!;,;f.°•'� all coats and expensea incurred and sume expended by Lender in
<br />_.RH=;;�.;� . connection with the exercise by L'ender of the foregoing rights,
<br /> _���.•j�, together with interest thereon at the deEault rate provided in
<br /> -�=���"?�'_,�`f the Note, which. shall be added to the n e tedness secured
<br /> I"-�"`'���'•�1��� � hQreby. Lender shall not incur any liability because of anything
<br />��`'_q.�..?'L�!�i
<br /> �,��� it may do or omit to do hereunder. ,
<br /> `�"---�"'°`= e. Hazardous Materiale. Borrovier shall keep the
<br /> _._ - - — Property in comp�nce w t any and all federal, ntate and local
<br />-� --- laws, ord3nanaes and regulations relating to induatrial hygiene
<br /> - = or to environmental coriditions on, under or about the Property,
<br />�a ___.� including, but not limited to, soil and groundwater conditions.
<br /> Trustor shall not use, generate, manufacture, atore or diepoae of
<br /> �J�---�---.= on, under or about the Property or transport to or from th�
<br /> �� Property any flammable explosives, radioactive materials, hazardoue
<br /> - wastes, toxic subetancea or related materials, including, witYzout
<br /> M�-�=---; limitation, any substancas defined as or inc].uded in the defini-
<br />__e_-==�,�� tion of "hazazdoua subste�ncee", "h+nzardous waetee", "haanxdous
<br /> -� materiale" or "�oxic substanees" under any epplicable �awe,
<br /> �-..��_;;���,� ordinances or regulations (co�lectively referred to hereinafter
<br /> "`�`�`�,� as "Hazardous Materiala") . BoxroNar hereby wdrrants and repre-
<br /> "��:::.�,;'.�a^ sents to Lender thnt there ara no Hazardous Mnterials on cr under
<br /> -" '" ' `°��' the Property. Borrower hereby agxees to indemnify and hold
<br /> -��;.«.��,..:••-..
<br /> - ° � harmless Lender, its directora, officera, employees and agente,
<br /> _:�;�;,�. �,� and any sucaessors to Lender's interest, from and agaittat any and
<br /> - ' ali claims, damagea and liabilities arising in eonnection with
<br /> �;�: r �'•,�''` � the presence, use, atorage. diepoesl or tranaport of Aay Ha$a►rdous
<br /> - ���r..��' Materials on, under, from or about the Property, iricluding, with-
<br /> ���°:'_ � out limitation, (a1 all damages direetly oz indireatly a�iainq
<br /> -�----
<br />-"�""'�� ` out of the use, getteration, etosage or aispveai os aazaz���6
<br /> ���
<br /> -��''`� Materials by Sorrower or any prior cwner or �perator of the
<br /> � Property, and (b) all coats of any required or neceesary repair,
<br /> ; cleanup or detoxification and the preparati.on of any aloeuxe or
<br /> �-•: other required plans, whether ouch action ia r�qu�red or r�aces-
<br /> ' � sary prior to or fo].lowing transfer of title to the Property, to
<br /> the full extent that auch action ie attributable, direatly or
<br /> � indirectly, to the preaence or use, gen�ratiion, etoraqe, release,
<br /> � threakened release or dieposal of Hazardou8 •Materials by arxy
<br /> • persnn on the Property prior to transfer of title theretio by
<br /> - . . t
<br /> _ ,� � -3-
<br /> ' ' I •
<br /> � . - - -- _. -..._.. . -- . _ _
<br /> � � _
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