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� . <br />. r <br />20 �207��� <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A h�act of land comprlsing a Qart ot Lot 7,'hree (� on Tsland 9n the Northwest Quar�er (NW1/4) o[ <br />Section �ive (5), Towneh�p Nme {9) North, �an�e Eleven (11) West of the 6th P1Vl., HaII Count,y, <br />Nebraska and more particularly cYescribed as follows: Referring to tLe Sout6west carner of t3ie <br />Nortt►west Qnarter (NWi/4) of said 3ectlun F'ive (�, theaee Easter�y on the Querter 3ecHon Ifne a <br />d3stance of Six Hnndred Sixty Figt�t and �ghty-three Hundredti�s (668.83) feet, to a potnt oa ttie <br />Qnarter Section line, tLis point being tlie octual po9nt of beginuing. From thie polnt oi' be�ianing, <br />deflecting to We left 89 degrees 33', ti�ence in a Nort�►erly dlrectfon a distance of I�ve Handred I+"�fty �ro <br />(352.� feet, tl�ence detlecting to t3�er�t 83 d�ees 24' Easterly a�Istance of Sis 8unared Elghty-seven <br />and F'ive Tent6a (687.� feet, ti�ence deflecting to t6e rlght 96 36' Souti�erly e dietance of Six <br />Hundc�ecl Thirt,y-one (631.0) feet, tiience deIIecBng to t8e r�ht�� 33' Westerly on a Quartsr <br />Section line a distance of Sis Hundr�d ���e aad Four Tenths (688.4) feet to t3ie potnt ot' be�inning. <br />I II�� �I IuII IIII I�� IIIII IIII� � IIII II� <br />