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�� <br />, _� <br />20120'7560 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Tl�e Ncrth�vest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Sectfon Twcnty Three (23� in Totivnsivlp Twelve (IZ) Nortb, Range Ten <br />(10) West of tl►e 6tL P.M., in Hal! County, Nebraska, Exceptin� a tract of land more particulsr]y dcscribcd in <br />Warranty Deed rec�rded as Document Na. 90.I01756, alsa Excepting e tract af land more particalarly <br />described �1n Warranty Deed recorded as Document Na 92-t08242, and Excepting e trect of land more <br />purticularly describcd in Warrenty Doed recorded as Document No. 95-IOZ442 <br />I II�� �� I�II IWI I�� IIIII II� � ull II� <br />