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5TA':�e 6F NEtFFWSKA <br />CpU1VTY QF Nr�LL <br />9, The �ndersignod Register of l7ceds of 14aiJ <br />Co�r�tv, Par,bras;:3, c�n hEre�i;y carti�r tF�3t 4his is a <br />tne co;,y �f ine ��v�.or:! �i th;, �ri�ir,�� os �he saFne <br />a�pears of rec��rd I^ "���� u�iiLe. <br />In +nri'tness �.vhcr? ;* r hati� f,�>�sun�ta_;,3t � of <br />� <br />and aiix9d my oi�ie�til ss�l inis --� Y <br />A �� v '� L f� 1 � <br />Registsr oi Daeds uf Ha11 Couniy, (�o�iras�c:+ <br />-- �� <br />2Q1�07�54 <br />201106665 <br />and the rlght to bring a court actton to assert the non-e�tstence of a default or any other <br />defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. if the default is not cured on or before the date <br />specifled in the notice, Lender at its optlon may require im�nediate payment in fiull of all sums <br />secnred by this Secarfty Instrument wYthoat farther dem�nd and may invoke the power of <br />sale and any other remedies permitted by AppLicable Law Lender shall be entitled to collect <br />all expeas� incurred in pursning the remedia provided in this Section 22, including, but dot <br />limited to, reasonable attorneys' fe� and cosb of title evidence. <br />If the power of sale is invoked, 1Yustee ahall record a notice of defanit in esch county fn <br />which any part of the Property is located and shalt mall copies of such noHce fn the manner <br />prescribed by Appiicsble Law to Borrower and to t6e other persoas prescribed by Applicable <br />Law After the time required by Applicable Law, 'IYustee shall give public notice of sale to <br />the persons and in the manner prescribed by Applfcable Law TYustee, withont demand on <br />Borrower, shall seIl the Properky at pnblic auc�ton to the highest bidder at the bime and place <br />and under the terms de.signatcxl in the noHce of sale in one or more parcels and in any order <br />Trastee determiaes. Trvstee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public <br />annoancement at the t3me and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee <br />may purchase the Properly at any sale. <br />Upon receipt of payment of the price bid, 7Yastee s6all delfver to the purchaser Trustee's <br />deed conveying the Property. Ttte recitals in the Trast�'s deed shall be pntima facie evidence <br />of the trath of the statemedts made there�in. Trastee shall apply the proceeds of the s�le in <br />the following order. (a) to all costs and expens� of exercising the power of sal� and the sale, <br />includfng the payment of the Trustee's fe� actaaIly incurred and reasonable �ttorneys' fees <br />as permitted by AppHcable Law; (b) to aII snma secnred by t6is Security Instrament; and (c) <br />any ezcess to the person or persone IegaIIy entitled to ik <br />23. Reconveyanee. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security instrument, Lender shall <br />request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shall sutrender this Security instrument and all notes <br />evidencing debt secured by this Security Instnunent to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Progetty <br />without waaranty to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pa.y arry <br />recordation costs. Lender may charge such person or persons a fee for reconveying the Property, but <br />only if the fee is paid to a third party (such as the Tnastee) for services rendered and the charging of the <br />fee is permitted under Applicable Law <br />� 24. Substttut� Trustee. Lender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a <br />successor trustea to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an inst�ument recorded in the county in which <br />this Secnrity Instrument is recorded. �thont conveyaace of the Properly, the successor trustee shall <br />succeed to all the title, power and rluties conferred upon Tntstee herein and by Applicable Law. <br />25. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and saie be sent to <br />Borrower's address which is the Properiy Address. <br />N��������o��� � T�,� <br />� <br />��� ���e �7108084.�2.t201012aiY Ird9at� Page 18 of 17 <br />