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201207540 <br /> (C► "Lender" is�I.I.s FARGo BANK, N.A. <br /> Lender is a NATYONAL A330CIATION <br /> organized and existing under the laws of TE� vN2TED STATSS . <br /> Lender's addiess is 101 NDRTH PBILLIPS AVffii[I8, 3IOIIR FALI,S, 3D 57104 <br /> Lender is the beneficiary under ttus Security Iastrument. <br /> �D) "Trustee" is war�x.s FARGO FINANCIAL NPaTL SNR <br /> C/O 3PEC. SBRV. , PO BOR �31557, BILLING3, MT 59107 , <br /> �E) "Note" means the pmmissory note signed by Borrower and dated aII�usT 31, 2012 . 'I'be Note <br /> states that Sorrower owes Lendet �RTY SSVffi� T80IISAND SI8 HONDRED TSIRTIC ON8 AND <br /> 99/100 � <br /> Dollars (U.S. $*****47,53i.99 )plus interest. Borrower has promised to pay t6is debt in regulaz <br /> Periodic Payments and to pay the deht in full not later than SBPTS�ER O1, aoa� . <br /> (F) "Property" means the property that is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the <br /> Property." <br /> (G) "Loen" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due <br /> under the Note, and all sums due under this Security Instrument, plus interest. <br /> (H) "Riders" means all Riders to this Se�urity Instrument thaz aze ex�utefl by Borrower. The following Riders <br /> are to be executed by Borrower[check box as applicable]: <br /> 0 Adjustable Rate Rider �Condominium Rider ❑ S�ond Home Rider <br /> 0 Balloon Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider 0 1-4 Faznily Rider <br /> 0 VA Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider 0 Other(s) [specify] <br /> (q "Appliceble Law" means atl controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ordinances <br /> and administmtive rules and orders (that have the effect of law)as well as all applicable Final, non-appealable <br /> judicial opinions. <br /> (J) "Community Associatian Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means all dues, fees, assesements and offier <br /> charges that aze imposed on Borrower or the Property by a wndominium association, homeowners <br /> association or similaz organization. <br /> (K) "Electronic Funds Transfer" means any transFer af funds, other than a transacKion originated by check, <br /> draft, or similaz paper iastrument, which is initiated through�ele�tronic terminal, telephonic iastrument, <br /> computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial instihrtion to debit or credit an <br /> account. S�ch term includes, but is not limited to, pointof-sale transfers, automated teller machine <br /> transac[ions, transfers initiated hy telephone, wire lransfets, and automated clearinghouse transfers. <br /> (L) "Escrow Items" means those items that aze described in S�tion 3. <br /> (M) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proceeds paid by <br /> any third party(other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Section 5)for: (i) <br /> damage to, or destruction of, the Proper[y; (ii)condemnation or other taking of all or any part of the <br /> Property; (iii)conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or(iv)misrepresentarions of, or omissions as to, the <br /> value and/or condition of the Pronerty. <br /> NEBHASKA-Single Femily-Fannla MeeRreUtlie Mac UNIFOflM INSTHUMEAIT Form 3029 1/Oi <br /> VMP� VMPBINE)111051.D0 <br /> Wohers Kluwer Financial Services PeBe 2 of 1] <br />