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24120752ti <br />"Leases" means all present and future leases, subleases, licenses, concessions or grants or other <br />possessory interests now or hereafter in force, whether oral or written, covering or affecting the <br />Mortgaged Property, or any portion of the Mortgaged Property (including proprietary leases or <br />occupancy agreements if Borrower is a cooperative housing corporation), and all modifications, <br />extensions or renewals thereof. <br />"Lien" means any claim or charge against property for payment of a debt or an amount owed for <br />services rendered, including any mortgage, deed of trust, deed to secure debt, security interest, <br />tax lien, any materialman's or mechanic's lien, or any lien of a Governmental Authority, <br />including any lien in connection with the payment of utilities, or any other encumbrance. <br />"Mortgaged Property" means all of Borrower's present and hereafter acquired right, title and <br />interest in and to all of the following: <br />(a) the Land; <br />(b) the Improvements; <br />(c) the Personalty; <br />(d) current and future rights, including air rights, development rights, zoning rights <br />and other similar rights or interests, easements, tenements, rights-of-way, strips and gores of <br />land, streets, alleys, roads, sewer rights, waters, watercourses, and appurtenances related to or <br />benefitting the Land or the Improvements, or both, and all rights-of-way, streets, alleys and roads <br />which may have been or may in the future be vacated; <br />(e) insurance policies relating to the Mortgaged Property (and any unearned <br />premiums) and all proceeds paid or to be paid by any insurer of the Land, the Improvements, the <br />Personalty, or any other part of the Mortgaged Property, whether or not Borrower obta.ined the <br />insurance pursuant to Lender's requirements; <br />(� awards, payments and other compensation made or to be made by any municipal, <br />state or federal authority with respect to the Land, the Improvements, the Personalty, or any other <br />part of the Mortgaged Property, including any awards or settlements resulting from <br />(1) Condemnation Actions, (2) any damage to the Mortgaged Property caused by governmental <br />action that does not result in a Condemnation Action, or (3) the total or partial taking of the <br />Land, the Improvements, the Personalty, or any other part of the Mortgaged Property under the <br />power of eminent domain or otherwise and including any conveyance in lieu thereof; <br />(g) contracts, options and other agreements for the sale of the Land, the <br />Improvements, the Personalty, or any other part of the Mortgaged Property entered into by <br />Borrower now or in the future, including cash or securities deposited to secure performance by <br />parties of their obligations; <br />Fannie Mae Multifamily Security Instrument Form 6025.NE Page 4 <br />Nebraska Ol-1 l �O 2011 Fannie Mae <br />