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<br /> � � ADBL1� aoi-'►oe izooe
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<br /> �� N6SRAiItA I�crclnnfter callcd ihe p:+r�y �,f ihe first part. lu �•
<br /> `• of the Counry of tnd S1ate nf
<br /> ' ''i DOII.ARS.
<br /> considentianof S$�NTY �HOUBAND AND NO/100 _
<br /> aw� in h�nd paid,do hereby grxnt, bargain,scll And convey unto the Home Fedcnl Sovings& Lotn Association of Grand Islond. arand IFland, �
<br /> �, Nebnslca,and its successors anA assigns,the fallowin4 reai estato,situ�ted in �'L `�
<br /> '� NBBRASKA ,towit: -
<br /> ,� Counry.Staa af
<br />_� �
<br /> r..:•�»�q� •
<br /> �c� � .b.
<br /> " " �` Together with sll the appuctenances thereunto belongEng.and all wvemnts in all ihe tltk dads running with said re�l estace,and all the rents,issucs
<br /> , '.a� and profits a�ising therefrom atter def�ult in perform�nce of any covenanr or cordttion herein contained;snd wamnu the dtle thCretu perfect tnd
<br /> � � ; " cleu exceptfo�this mortgage.
<br />=::* ..�..' During the time this monBaBe is in force ihe mortgagors agree:
<br />� , First. To pay�II taues and special assessments levied ag�inat said prem(ses.including all qxes and assessmenta levied upon this mortgige.
<br /> • . �a�.1.', or the deb[sccured by this mortgage.
<br />_ . �:� Second. To kee�all buildings thereon insured�gainst loss by fire, ��61�,000.00 do in some comW°Y•for tt�e benefa of the said
<br />;rr."','-�. �- 5���Pcslcrs!^.�Yf�es�L�+!�,Ac.caciacion of Grand L<land tn the sum of S
<br />':"1�� ••�. Assacutbn,and its successors or�ssigns;and to deposit said policks with s�id i'lssociadon,sna shaii noi commit u�sut�r sny•::�.se QQ`—°�'!
<br />�;,�;��'�; promises�and ahall put u�d keep said rca�esnte buildinQa and improvemen[s in�oad order.
<br />:x,r��"� Third. To pry or cause w be piid co the Home Fedenl Savings&Iu�n Associ�don of Cinnd Isltnd,ita successore or assiens,the sum
<br /> i� sum of S S�� TxOUSAND AND NO/100
<br /> mI1.ARS.
<br />-_°-�`�� payabk as follows:
<br />:�
<br /> DUE: APRIL 1, 1998 —
<br /> ---- - with interesc thereon piyable.accarding to the tenor and effect of ttie one cemin first mortg�Be noca of said mort�a�ors,baring even dato with
<br /> � these presents. After mawrity said bond draws interest u the nte of nine per ant per annum.
<br /> _-� If said taxes�hen�due,�then said whok d bt shail become doe imaedi�tely�the optlon of the s�idTA�ssoci�dan,u�d�II'thece�i�r
<br /> ,.� o!said inucest is rtot p
<br /> -- draw interest at the nto ot nine per cent per annum.
<br /> — 'A�e rtanga;or(s)hereby usign(s)to snid mortt��a yll rents�r►d ineome arising tt sny and all times from aaid property ancf hereby
<br /> iu�Oriu s�id mongaYee or ia a�ent,u its option.upon defiul� w take chaqe ot said ptoperty and colicet aU reats�nd income dKrcfrom and
<br /> �pply the same to the payment of interest,principil, insunnce pnmiums. tues.�ssessmenta,repaira or improvemenn necesa�ry to 1ceeP_geid
<br /> __ _____— p�riy�tenanubk condition.or W o1Mer char�e�or payments provided fa he[ein or in the note hereby secured. Thia rent assi�ntnent ehall
<br /> conth►ue in force unt�l the unp�W bilance b�;sxid��fte is tW�,Pa)ct. Ths►ak�n{°f possessbn fiereuc�der ahsll in no mtnner pnvent or rctard said
<br /> mortY��ee in the cotkction oi asid wms ky�orecl'osure qr ot4erwix. ,
<br /> Whether e�id debt becomes due by lipeo�pf tiroec d�.bY����faflure of the psrty of the firet p�K W compty with any conSition
<br /> hetein,the said Home Fedenl5avings dc Loan'rC�,46cliAon of ararW Isilnd,the�successora and�ssi�ns,slull h�v�e d�e riaht co be�in the torccbw�e
<br /> — o{�hb mortga�e at once on the whok debt nereby secural.and to include dierein�II taxes.�ssessments.insuraece prcmiwns and costa.p�id by
<br /> = it or them;or said Association. iu successaee or�ssigns,nuy forcclose only as to the sum pasc due. wi�iwut it�lury to this mort�aye.or the
<br /> _ displuement or imp�iiment of tho lien thareof.
<br /> � --- Md the said first p�rry md the mskers of said rwte.espocf�lty igraand decluc tlut the sepinte euau of ach and�very one of them,
<br /> — including both that now owned and that herafter acquirod.is pled4ed tnd bound for the psyment of the debt hercby sec�red.
<br /> -� - :,���. After the wmmencert�ne of any suit in foreclosute tho pl�intiff thercin slult be endtled to thc immedi�te possessian of s�id prcmisra and
<br /> -_ --
<br />