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<br /> � � �� 4. Aa addiNond�ecudty,'hu�Wr henDy Qivee W�nd oonfen upon BeneNcl�ry the risht,power�nd�uthodty,dudnQ the oouttr►uanoe of "
<br /> the�e 71v�ta to oollect the nata,i��ue�s.t�d p�oflU of��id propercy,roservin�unto'ltuowr the rlght,pdor W aay defnult by'ltiustor in payment ,.
<br /> .�. ot any indebt�dneu�ecurod he»by or in perform�ce ot any a�eement henunder,to collect�nd nt�ln�uch»nta.iaue��nd proQb Rt tAeY
<br /> b�oome dw�nd payabla. Upon anY�uoh defiult,Beneflciary ewy at a�y tlmo without aoda�,elther ia penon,by arnt,or by w recelv�r W be
<br /> ~ ' appointed by�oouR,and wlthout rer�rd to th�adsquROy ot a�y�u�ity for th�iadebted���henby�ocursd,�ater upoa and take pouswioa
<br /> , .1,� . o[wid properRy or�qy put tA�roof,ln bi�own nama�ue for or otherwire collect wch ronb,it�ue�and protfu,iacludin�tho�e P+�t due aad
<br /> -°�+ •:"• � unpafd,and apply tAe unN upon sr�y inA�btednss�weund h�rsby,and in�uch order�e H�natlei�ry m�Y detarmine.The eatedn�upoa u�d
<br /> takin¢paseuton ot said pmpertY,t!►e wllection ot�uch nnta,b�ue�u►d pro![u and the applicadon t4ereof n atorosdd,�haU aot cvro or
<br />.„`�� wdve any dehult or nodce of def�ul►herouader or invalideta w�y uct doae puranant to et+ch aoNro. �_
<br /> =_�_:�� 6. Upon default by 71uaLor ia the payrnent of aay iadehtednew�ecured hereby or in the Performu�ce of aqy aQ►eement oontalaed heroia,
<br />_;��' a11�urw weeured Leroby�hall immedfately become dus aad payable at the optioa ot the B�netfeiary. In euch event�nd upon wTitten rsque�t
<br /> `�. of Benefldary,7'nutee tT+�ll�ell tEe tcuat property.in rcoord�uce wit�►the Nebruka Trust Deed�Aet,at public aucdon to the hi�l�nt Didder.
<br /> My perwn e�coept'hraetee m+W bid at�YwGxi sale. 11v�tee�hal aPRLY�e p�o of the ule u follown:(1)to the eipewe o[the ule,
<br /> " includia�R re�wmble'hwtae'�fee;(Z)W tbe obliQadon seeurod Dy thi�Deed of'hu�t;(33 tbe turplw�if av'.shdl be di�tributed w the penoru
<br /> „...•.�,''�� sntitled ther�to.
<br /> '�°"'r ..� 8. Tnutee�hcll deliver w the purchuer as the Nle 1q deed,withont wareanty.which ehell eonvey w the purc6uer tEe iatero�t ia tbe
<br />.�_?°Rl:� -'.
<br /> kti . , property whith Ztwtor bad or had the power to convey at the time of ht�execudou of this Deed ot'l�uib ead mch u he m�y have toquired
<br /> �'. •` tl�ereaite� '14wtee's deed sh�ll recite tl�e fact��howln�tbRt the�ale was coaducted in complianoe witb aU the ro4uinmenta of la�v and of this
<br /> ..�rx.�•..
<br />__�`''�" Deed ot 74uit,wbieh mttal�htU be Prlma fade evidenoe of such comp8ance�ud coaclueive evidence thereof tn favor ot bona 8de pu n
<br />._; �;'�y� . and encumbruxx�for value.
<br />_•`.•''a 7. '19w po�nr ot�ale eonferred l�f thi�Deed o4 Z4vst is aot on exclwiw nm�dy;B�aMdai7 may eanM tbb Deed ai�rt W b!o»ela�
<br /> -ate�t�.�
<br /> _ x+-� �u w cowtpi�•
<br /> '=�': e. Ia the evant of t�e dath.f�paotty�dlwbiUty or re�tloa atT�wtee,Heaelfcl�rJ m�,Y�➢P�ut ia�rtit[���uavwor tnutet,ond
<br /> ':•;�� upoa th�reoordt�ot�uch appointment in the mort��e records of tI»counRy ta wL{ch t6io D�ed of 1�tt is xcarded.the�uee�a�u�tw --
<br />-�'-".'�.=--� �all be ve�ted wlth�Il po�ven of tLe orl�laal tnutee. The trwtee i��L obtiYad to noti��4Y P��Y haroto af peadin��le nndtr as�y othe�
<br />=-=Wz�;�,_ r Deod otRtust or otaqy uMoa or pmoeedlniia which'hwtor,'hwtee or BeneQciary�hall b a psrty ualeM sucL�st3oa or prooeadin�i�brouRht
<br />•_�:.��!.:� by tl�e 7�ustee.
<br />�-���� 9. Thts Deed otT�vtt applies to.iaure�to the baaefit of,�nd it Disdin�mL on(y on the p�rlie�burto�bui oathetr Deis��d�vl�eas,le�atea,
<br /> - admini�traton.eueuton.auaeswn aad aui�w. The term Beneficiuy s�ll mans ehe Iwlder usd owner of tbe aok�eeured Lee+eby,wh�tLer
<br />" -= - - or mt nam�d o Bons�dary b�tein.
<br /> --_— 10. RequNt!or Notloe of D�taulo or Notive of Bal�. It is reqasated that a oopy of any Nodae of Detault or Notias ot Sale be maU�d to each
<br /> penon who i�namd tn tbi�1fu�t Deed at�h�md1iK��of■uch penon a�set ouL above.
<br /> NOTIG'E TO CONSUMEB 1.Do aot�i�n this pRper before you read ib S.You are entitled to R copy oi
<br /> ----- thi�psper. 9.Yau m�y prePaY the unpaid b�l�unce at any time and m�y be entitled to reaeive a reiY�nd
<br /> oi unearaed oh�r�ee in acc�ordanae with Isw+.
<br /> 8isned this_�d+Y of AuQUSC ,A.i�.li+..�.
<br /> )u. �
<br /> Ha � —COUNTY )
<br /> pA��_�y of Au¢us t .A.D.19 9�,befor+e me,the unde»iQned,a Notary Publlc,duu oommiwlaad and
<br /> qwli6ed fos u►d raidint in utd aounq,per�ooallY uuno Ma,rk C Hunt ley & 1 inda L Hunt lev, hue.band and wif e
<br /> ���j.,i n� t enant R W m�iwown to b�th�id�uti�al p�na�wlww"'-�8 a�d W th�fun�oint iu�tetirnrut
<br /> u ltwtor ° —�nd�etnowi�d�sd tbe�uns to b� their
<br /> voivatary�et Wd deed. �
<br /> WitoMS ny�nd aad Notarial8�d the d�aad y�ar lut�bow wr(Wa
<br /> 1[�r Comnlwiau uq*�s tbs B d41' �.�,MO(MY�NM/MM�MMh
<br /> � Febr�ary .19�22. � � �+.,ta"✓ ....._.�
<br /> —2 xw�P�btia
<br /> wp�A.4�1�1
<br /> $TATE OF )
<br /> )M.
<br /> �U���
<br /> Entered In Nuooerical Ind�z snd ffied for record in t]►e o�lae otthe Re{bter of Dwd�of wid aonnty,tLe
<br /> �r qt _ .19 ,at _o'ciock aad �LfntM lL�
<br /> aad duy�racorded in Book o[_ Mortta�e�pat�
<br /> � Re�i�r a[D�b
<br /> 1kP�
<br /> ._.. . —� 970 071D'!(NE)
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