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<br /> - 4 � Ca�nm�rclr�l MORTGAGE - Collateral
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<br /> N�h�n d IncLbt�dnw Loan Amax�t __
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<br /> ''`-�' h�ivx�noUd on th�p�opwtY,�nd all�a�fNnts,riChu and�PP�rqnancw th�nto:
<br /> �N����� IO�1' FIFTY 7�� (53) P�l'A9H �IVIBI�10 � QT7C O�
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<br /> N--- U more than ons p�rao�sipna ihis Mortpap�.HN vwrd'I'rnwn�'�M.'
<br /> This Mortpap�s�cures a loan m�d�6y Comm�rcial F�derN wid«►c�d by: t S,GA .with i�t�ntt at th�i�iUal wb o/ ��,Z� �
<br /> - - � A not�dat�d tM ssnr date as this Mort��ye in th��rtwunt o(i_�.�
<br /> — pM�nn�im.cont�iMtl►�t�ma for np�ymsnt of thst lo�n.H tfiat�ot�u ewx eha�q�d a nPlaad by a�wv rrot�.it will b�s�cund by this Mwlpqa
<br /> I pranla�tl»fdlawiny thiapa:
<br /> 1. All parn�nb o�sny not�w o1hK debt wcund hy ihVs Mortpap�will b�p�M vvMn dw.
<br /> 2. An inwnna PdiW fa fin and�uct�ul�d eovrr�8e v�ill b�k�pt h fara on tl+�pq�rtY tn an arr�oixrt�t N�st WuN to tM d�bts Meund bY thfs
<br /> �is�hd�ni vN�'ll b��a n�r�wnd��Pdiey. ow Tiwk�saxme�oomP+�Y �tt b��atld�otorY to Cormwtelal F�d�tal.md
<br /> 3. AH faxw a�d�swtm�nb o�th�ProPKN wiB b�P+�d bdon tM1/b�co�r»dotlnque�t
<br /> 4. No vv�b wN b�eotnmittd on tM p�oprty.and it will b�k�pt in pood�pdr.
<br /> 6. 'fM p�op�ty will not b�wfd l�ludinp by Isnd contractl.�•��inNr�st h it v�ill b�Maipn�d in M+y wN•
<br /> a. �cwn,n.proa.rtv tn.«,a aN..ot.nv other n,w,o,0..« .ncwnbn�«occFrr
<br /> 7. No oMN► matpaiN w li�n o�tF�prop�rN wiW�wr b�slbw�d b b�in d�Gult a bs tancioMd.
<br /> Hany ot 8w�prwt+INS�n not k�pL 1Mn CarrMrc"NI Fd�al en d�clr�al of 1M 9ebt i�nendiauty dw�nd p�yrbM without dv�no�notia.
<br /> Eoapwmsmry b�rpuihd by Iaw.1T�iMwe�t nlewill k►enM�ro t&OOXa�nylMwdf 1M mainnre ra1��Ibw�bl�by Iwv�t that tirtw,and d+fa
<br /> morqqr un b�tonctwd in aecatdanca with Iwv.H th�d�bt iNCC�Mnt�d.Q�n 1�1so swi0�anY�t or otlNr N�aonw from tl+�p�o�tty b
<br /> (FOR 50.WU(OTA IIESIDfKfS ONLY►. ln ths�nt d any d�fautt in 1M trwl�K�d�ny pryr�nt a In k«pinp u+y cowr►�nt hw�,1Ms Mo�ptp�nW b�
<br /> toncbMd bY�ctiion,w by advwds��t K pmvid�d by at�tut�a tM�ul�d pnede�niasinp tMr�lo.and 1hls prpnpl+ihdl b��Mw»d M wthotianp�+d
<br /> caut3tu�irw�Po+rrr oi snb�s rrNntbn�d In�ald stanns or rti�r�d�ny amx�dmmt tl�nto.�nd rtwY r+tai��tatutory oosb u+d�nan�Y f�(SD.WY.lNN.
<br /> OK,r+d MI n�id�+n onty).
<br /> C�in m+w�nu can b�w�d bY C«mn�rnlal F�d�ral�nd�dd�ti b tM d�bC Meund MI 1� ��+din0�ny tax�s or i�wtane�(h�w�prNd w
<br /> �p�op��ty�and YY�,t�o��wy� ������^�O th�i7aw H�=t'.anrn�rci�l F�d al h i to�o �q�rut n�fo oolMa���d��p�
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<br /> tiMmdia�iy.
<br /> M this propKty b�r ca�dwnn�d�x�d�r tM power d«nir»t►t danain or amr sier�Yw�r�Mhod ot takinp WoPK�Y�'P���.anY P������9
<br /> — will M p�id to Cwnmsrckl FMlM�I uP to tM tull Mnairtt M 1M d�bt Mcursd.
<br /> Btxiv+rw vwiv�s dl�ht of harnswd w�emPtia�in th�prop�rly�ndfutun w�ivM all riphta d nd�r+�.`bn.�x�rtiPtion.di�tri6�niw�n and dowK
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<br /> �-�r"�'.;..�j COUNiY OF �AI�L �
<br /> `-��":~ � 17� oE 6� .19 97 .6das nN.�notary publin in r+d to►Wd canty,pKSOn�My ean»
<br /> -:2;.-y.�. OnMis__ d�Y
<br /> .,�;; ..� �7�T W Pl,�t �1 1PliaC 8 P� to r»�known a b�tM�d«�tic��pKwn ot p�no��whoM
<br /> .ei,� f.,pYf'.��;! nart�is or�n aifi�d to 1M�bow mortpq�.�nd 1My.M/�M/tl+�Y Mwn�N ackwv�dQ�d th�wtd instnnwrrt�nd tM�oneutioti thK�o/M be tlMir
<br /> -�""`^����+,� voluntary�ctanddMd. -
<br /> W\�p'�';; : WITNESS my h�nd r►d nowiN w�tl►�d�y�xf Ia�t writwi �Q .
<br /> .�� `''�'�` My commisNOn�xqns: �� Ol
<br /> J�`""^"`"" 1Qi � ON�1077 (07/97)
<br /> NE-IN-WY�IL-SD-MI-AZ-MN-lA � ,�
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