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:� . . �, : - <br /> .. '.7 a7>. . . . ...�.riW.'➢I;A�Y.r',1N�.q.a�. •�A.•,.. � ' � . . +y1�;1���►1R1�'_. <br /> Rr�. ,_ill. '::� . .. .. .. _ . . . ` ' �'- <br /> � •� ' � � 1 T. Tnnaf�r of ths P►op�ity or a B�neficl�l Int�r�et In Borrow�r. If aA or any part o1 the Property or �z^__ <br /> , • eny Intetest In It Is eold or tnnsterted (or II s beneflcqtl Internst in Bonower la sold or translerrad and 8orrower Is not �natural <br /> hlsaSocurityal et►umentBHowe er�ttthl coptl nt hn Id ot,be oxorcl3od by l.ender Ilmoxerlclsepsyprohlbit dlbyf federal Isw as ot iha �� <br /> date c�t Ihis 9ecurity Inatrument. w �� <br /> � � II Lenda axerclses tlds opllon, Lender shnll gNe Borrower notica o1 acceleratlon. The notice shall provlde e period oi not ` <br /> lese then 30 days hom the d�te the notice Is delNared or malled wlthln which Bortower must pay all sums secured by ihis� ,�:�" <br /> , � Secu�ily InatNment.If Borrower tsila to pay these sume p►lor to ihe expiratlon ot thla perlod. Lender may Invoke eny remedles� <br /> ° permitted by ihls Secu►iry Inst�ument without turther notice or demand on Borrower. ,"�:_ <br /> " S(3. Borrower'3 RIpM to Reltl�tete. Ii Bonower meetn certaln conditlons, Borrower shall have the rlght to hava� � <br /> ,,.� � ontorceme�t ot thls Security Inetrument dlanontinued at any tlme prior to the earller o}: (a) 5 deys (or such ather pertod as � �:...: <br /> " appllcable law may epecify for relnstAtement)botore nda of the Properry pureuant to eny power of saie contelned In thls Securty _ <br /> t = <br /> �y�, }, Instrummt; or(b) entry of a Judgment entorcing thla 3ecurity Instrument. Those conditions ere that Bonower. (a) peys Lender all� — <br /> ��,,�� sums which ihen would be due under thls Security Insirument and the Note as II no acceleratlon had occurted; (b) cures any — <br /> , , defautt ot any other covenant or agreemente: (a) paya all expenses incurred in enforcing thls 3ecurity Instrumont. Inciuding.but� _ <br /> � not Iimlled to,reasonable attomeys'fees; and (d) tekes such actlon as Lender may roasonably requfre to assure that the Ilen oi __. <br /> this Secu►ity Instniment, LAnder's rights in the Properly and Borrowcr's abllgaUon to pey the sums secured by this 3ecurity � <br /> ` Instrument ahall continue unchanged. Upon relnstelement by Borcower, this Security Instrument and the oblfgatlons secured <br /> hereby ehall remaln fulty eHectNe as it no acceleratbn had occurred. However,this rlght to reinstate shull not appiy In the case <br /> '� of acceleration under p�reg►eph 17. <br /> Y. <br /> , 19. S�lo ot Not�; Chanp� of �o�n Sorvicar. Yhe Note or a s partkl interest in cn� Note (together with th s <br /> Socurity Inatrument)may be aotd one or more tlmea without pdor notice to Borrower.A sale may resutt in �change In th� entity <br /> ' � (known es the"lan Service�')that conecta monthty peyments due under the Note md this Secudty Inswment. There also may <br /> be one or more changes ol the Loan Servicor unrclated to a snle ot the Nate. It there Is a change of the Loan Servl�er. _ <br /> Bortower wiA be qNen wrltten notice of the ohenqe k► accordance wilh pamgraph 14 above and eppUptble I�w. The nottce wiN <br /> stnte the name and addresa cf the new Loan Servicer and the Rddrosa to which payments should be made. The notiae will also <br /> contain any other Infortnation requlred by appllceble law. <br />' '+ ` 20. H�z�rdoua Substances. Bortower ehatl not causa or permit the presence, use, dlsposai, storage, or release oi <br /> any Hezardous Substances on or In the Property. Bortower shali not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything attecting tha <br /> Property that Is in vlokUon of any Enviranmental Lew. The preceding two sentences shsN not apply to the presence, use. or <br /> �+. storage on ihe PropeAy o!smell quantities of Hazerdous Substances that are generaly recognized to be eppropdate to nortnal <br /> resldenlial uaes end ta malntenance of the Property <br /> '• '.��'� Borrower she0 promptly gtve Lender written notice of any Investlg�Uon, clalm, demand, lawauk or olher actlon by any <br />- , ;�� govertimentd or ragutatory egenay or pdvate party hvolving the Property and any Haurdous Subatanca or Ernfronmentel Law oi <br /> _��'.:'�•,. _,�% . whiah Bonower h�s actual knowledge. It Borrower leama, or la notffled by any govemmentsl or regulatory autho�ity,that any <br /> 'v;:�;'a..;yY;� removal or other remad'�aiion ut arry iiaiardou� �batsnce eft�lln8 Pr^n�rty ta necessary. Bortower shall prompty teke el <br /> �dt"'• � ?• necessary romediel nctions in eccordance with Envtronmental Lsw. <br /> �,_.� . <br /> 4'+�'+;±.'�•.'� : Aa used I� thls perag►aph 20, 'Hezardous Substances" are those substances deflned as toxia or hazardous substances by <br /> .;�• . <br />��,�.;a�;` . EnvlronmenUl Law and tha following aubstances: gasoline, ke►ose�e, other tlammabie or toxia petroleum products, tox c <br />- _i_;�,�+',r� pestic!des and herbicldes, volatile soNents,mnteHals eontalning asbestos or formaldehyde,and rndioacttve materlals. As used In <br />_=�'��,4r; ; paragreph 20, "Enrironmental Law' means tederal kws and laws of the Jurisdictlon where the Properry is located that rQlate to <br /> �-;��i+,�'��f heakh,eafety or environmental protealion. <br /> ;:;;;�;�,�,;�',� NON•UNIFOHM COVENANTS, Bonower and Lender turther aovennnt and egree ae toMowa: <br />��� 21. Acc�bratian; R�msdips. Lend�r shall giw notic� to Borrow�r prior to acc�I�rallon <br />��-�,� <br /> -�--.�,.�.5�„� iotlowing Barrowsr's br�aah of any covon�nt or agr��m�nt In this S�curHy Instrur��nt but nd <br />____—_�.� prior to �cc�l�ration und�r paragraph 17 unl�ss applic�bl� law provid�s oth�nerts�). Tri� ndia� <br /> shall sp�ciTy:(�) th� drf+iuN; (by th� aatlon requlred to curs th� dehuth (c) � d�t�, not I�ss than <br /> -�••�--�--- 30 days irom the dat� ths notic� Is give� to Borrower, by whiah th� d�huit mud b� cursd; �nd <br /> mi�°�■� (d) that hilur� to curo the detault on or b�for� th� d�t� sp�cffi�d in th� notla� may nsuk in <br />__—��a..�.� aec�leration of ths suma seaured by this S�curity Instrum�nt �nd s�l� of th� Prop�rty.Th� notle� <br /> sh�ll furth�� Infwm Bor�owsr of th� right to rdnstat� �tt�r acc�le�r�tion and th� ripht to brinp � <br /> --_;�,�:�� court aotton to ass�rt th� non-�xtd�nc� of a defauR or any oth�r dN�ns� of Borrow�r to <br /> - ° acc�lorstlon �nd sa��• If ths d�faut4 i� �ot cur�d on or b�fon th� d�ts sp�cifl�d in th� notic�, <br /> l.�nd�r rt ib optlon m�y r�quiro immqdt�t� paym��t In futl of all sums s�cur�d by this S�curity <br /> Indrum�nt without furth�r dom�nd and may invok� th� pow�r of s�l� and any oth�r nm�d[�� <br /> psrmttt�d by appUaable law. L�nd�r shall b� antklsd to coli�ct all �xp�nsos incurr�d in pursuin� <br /> '"'—" th� rem�dA�� provid�d in thia par�gr�ph 21. Includlny, but not ItmR�d to, r��sonabl� �tt�rn�y�' <br /> --� fa�s and costs of tttl� �videnco. <br /> --_=--�• — M th� powor of sal� is Invoked, Trustse ahall ►acord a notico of dof�utt in each county in <br /> ___�� whtch any p�rt of th� Prop�rly Is locat�d and shall mail aopios of such notic� in th� mannu <br /> ;��:���� pr�acrib�d by applloable law to 6orrowor and to the oth�r persons pr�scribed by applic�bl�liww. <br /> __:==s�: ,P Ait�r th�tim� roqulrod by applicablo I�w� Truats� shAli glw public notice of pl�to th� p�rsalt! <br /> �a '� �nd in th� m�nner prsscrib�d by appllcable I�w.Trustas, wtthout d�mand on Borrowsr, shall a�ll <br /> �h ��" ' th� Pro • �t ublta auction to the htghest biddpr at tho tima and plsce �nd undsr th� ter�i <br /> :`,�:?.�:�;� p i'�Y P <br /> ��' .r'��� �� designated in th� notic� of eals in one or more parcols and In any o�der Trustse dstermlaaa� <br /> - • '.��.d Truatse may poatponv sale af all or any parael of ths Proporty by pubtic announcemsnt at th� <br /> -,_ �`�':�,,: �7 tim� and pl�cs of any prevtously �scheduled sale. Lendor or its d�sign�� may purchaa� !M <br /> -�-•�f'' :.1.:. � ' Prop�rty*t �ny eale. <br /> _��� Upon rec�lpt of paymont of tho p�ico bid, Truate� shall d�liv�r to the purchas�r Trustv�'� <br /> .. ., . <br /> :: ..; <br /> �+� --_L'__ __� _ ��,��,u.�e.,,...�,a,� Th� rsnMal� In th.Truat•a'a d��d shatl bs nrim��iC�Y SV�f��11CS 0� <br /> .f�:;;. : - u'�.0 vv��"���..a...� . ...r._..,. .. <br /> �Y�� the truth of the sRatements mado th�rein. Truste� ahell apply th� proc��ds ot ths aal� In th� <br /> :�.._ <br /> ,•::�; following ordsr: (a) to all costs and oxpon�es of exercl�(ng the pow�r of sNs, and the sab, <br />— „ � , ;, � includinp ih� paymont of the Trustee's fs�s �ctu�lly incurrod, not to oxc��d thn� <br /> . , 96 of th� princip�i amount of ttx <br /> — • ��`;� nots at tho time of the dscl�ration of dst�ult� and r�asonabl• attorn�y's fs�s �s p�rmittod by law; <br /> - ` (b)to all sums securod by this Security In�trum�nt; and (c) any oxcoss to the p�rson or pmrsom <br /> -� ieg�ny .n:�taa to �t. <br /> � . *,� F131G.LMQ(1NT) Poqe 4 ot 5 y�•_L�[_.. 1_1 _ <br /> ' �"yi' .. <br /> _ ... �... �. <br /> 977Gt1 <br /> i - <br /> ' I .._ . .. .. . _ .. _ . . _._._ ._ ._ <br />