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<br /> F � � � TOOETMER WITH �N ihs Improvemtnte now or here+�lter enct�d on ths pro�erty. �nd all a�eemente, appunemnaee. �nd
<br /> t' Ilxtur�s now or hKwriK w p�rt ot th�propMy. AN r�pl�csmmts �nd �dditlone ah�N dso bo covered by lhls Sacurity Inatrumenl.
<br /> ' AN o1 lhe foraqolnp la reterred to In thle Sacurlty Innttument�e Iha 'Property.' —�
<br /> ; � BORROWER COVLNleNTB Iha! Borrawer is lewfuily aelted oi thc� e�iete hereby con�oyeA nnd hna Ihe dflht to(�r�M �nd �
<br /> ` � conv�y tha Propary �nd ih�t the Prope►ty Is unenc�mbered, except for encunibnnce� ol record. Qarrowe►warvenis �nd wW (� �
<br />� ! delend prn«�ly /he tHie to lhe Propaty wq�lnet�N cl�kne �nd de+nanda,eub�ect lo my encumbr�ncee of record. y -
<br />' " � THIB SECURITV INSTRUMF.NT combinas unllorm coven�nte for n�tlon�i use and non unHorm covemnts with limlfad _
<br /> � vu4itlona by Judsdlctlon to constiwta�uNform eecurity InaUumenl coverinp rstl property. `..
<br /> ' I UNIFOAM COVENANT9. �onowe�nd Lander coY�n�nl�nd tqre��s IoNowa:
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Prinalpal �nd Int���K; P►�paym�nt �nd L�h Ch�r��s. Barrrswa eheH prompty psy wher�"�
<br /> � due ihe rtncipat ol and interest on the dubl evldsr�ccrl by tho Nota and any prepeymrnf nnd Ntn chnr�es due ander Ihe Note t=
<br /> 2. �unds tor Tax�s �nd Insunne�.&ubJect to�ppNC�bla I�w or to�written w�Ner by La��der. Barower sh�A p�
<br /> '-��� to Lender on Ihe day monthy p�ymente �re dus under the Note, untll ihe Note ia pdd In fuN, �eum ('Funds') for: (�)ye+i
<br /> taes �nd assessmmte whlch may att�ln priority ovbr tf�la Sxurity tnatrument sa � Ilen on the Properry; (b) yeary le�sehol
<br /> payments or ground rents on the Prapaty,il �ny; (c)yearly hazsrd or property Inaursnce premlums� (d)ye�dy tload ineurance�
<br /> premlums. il eny; (e) yearly mortgage Insurence premiums. 11 any: and (Q eny sums payable by Borrower to Lender In�ccordance
<br /> 5L'• � � J with Ihe provblona oi parapraph 8. In Ileu of the payment of mortgage Insunnce premlums. Theso Items ere csled 'Escrow
<br /> � Items." Landcr may. et any time. collect�nd hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the maxlmum nmount e knda (or e
<br /> , iedenNy rekted mortg�ge lonn may roquim for Borrower's escrow account under the federel Heal Estete SetOement Procedures _
<br /> Act o1 1874 as nmended h�m time to time.12 U.S.C. @ 2801 nt aeq. ('RESPA"), unlesa �nother law that appYes to the Funds
<br /> � .� sets s lesser�mount. If ao. Lender may.at any time, coliect and hold Funds In an amount not to exceed the les�er amount. _
<br /> ' Lander rtwy estirnte lhe amount of Funds due on the basis ot current data and reasonable eslimates ol oxpenditures oi luturo
<br /> Eecrow Items ar olhenvise in accord�nce with appNcable law.
<br />_ The Funds sh�N be held in an insUlution whose deposke�ro insured by�tedenl apen��trumenWity,or«►he Ecacrow
<br />=;yt, ; � Lender, H Lend�x Is such m InsdtuUon) or In any Fedanl Home Loan Bank. Lender eh�Y th�Fund� to pay
<br /> ltoma. Lrnda may nct cfinrfle Barower tor hoiciing and appying the Funde, ennu�ly m�ly�ing the esuow �ccount o�ve�ifykiy _
<br /> " the Escrow Items, unless Lenda paya 8ot►ower interest on the Funde �nd appMcable law perrt�its Under to m�ke euch �
<br />- ' �t ''��` chvye. However,Lender tn�Y requke Bortower to pay a onatime charqe tor m Independent real eat�te tax repatlny aKV{ce
<br /> � � used by Lender ;n eonnection with lhia loan, unioas applicable law providea othctwfse. Unk�s an �greement Is m�de a
<br /> _ . applicable law requk�ea interost to be pild,Londer sh�N not be reqwred to pay Bo►rower eny Interest or eamNOs on the Funds.
<br />• Ba►ower and Lende►msy agree In wtitk►9� however, that interest shdl be pald on the funds. Lende►shaA plve to Barowu,
<br /> T wilhout charge, an annuel accounting of the Funds, showing credits end debfts to the Funds and the purpoee tor which each
<br />-� . :�'`� debit to the Funds waa made. The Funds are pkdged as additional securHy for s0 aums aecured by the Seeudty InsWment.
<br />� ,. .� � It the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pem�ilted to be held by appAable law, Lender ah�N account to Borrowa
<br />;,�:' ', :,,� for the excesa Funds In accordsnce wfth the rcqulrements o}applicabie Isw. It the amount of the Funda held by Lender at any
<br /> s�Y,_};..• tkne is not aufflcknt to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender rnay so noWy 8omower in writtn9.and,h such aae Borrower
<br />_�z,�.;�±... • shaU pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the daflelency. Borrowe► ahsM make up the deAdency k► no more than
<br /> �'��^'��+' � twelve monlhy p�yrt►ents,nt Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> t:��.�°`.a��'•s,r..���:� 1 Upon Wyment In tull oi aH sums secured by thta Secwity InaVument, Lenda shaN prompty retund to Borrower any Funda
<br /> .��7.j,+.r� hdd by Lendct. If, under peragraph 21, Lender ehall acquire or seii the Pmperiy, Lender,priur to it�a acquid"�osi a r.�la o!!hs
<br /> ti '�"°?'�;°,�' Roputy, sh�M apply any Funds keld by Lender�t the time of acqufsitlon or sale as a credit against the sums securad by this
<br />---'cT"""'"�::4: Security InsUument.
<br /> ��.�'°y�'� 9. Applicitton ot P�ym�nta. Unless appNaable Inw provides otherwlse. all payments receNed by lender unde►
<br /> yA�ltl'�I_It�`-It-�R ,
<br />�c p�nflraphs 1 and 2 ahaH be applied: firot,to any prepayment chsrgee due under the Note; second, to�mounts p�yable under
<br />;Y�� pusgraph 2;thlyd,to Interest due; tourth,to prindpnl due; and last,to any Iate cherges due under the Note.
<br /> = --__ 4. Chitg�i; Li6ns. Borrowa shRN pny ell texes. assassments, charges, fines and fmposfUons aUribirtible to tha
<br /> -- Property which mry attaln pdorfry over this Security Inshument, and leasehold p�yments or growd►ents,if ony. 8arower shaN
<br /> --- pey these obNgaUons in the menner provlded tn paragraph 2, or H not peld (n that mtnna, Borravrer shaM piy lhen'�on time
<br /> - directy to the person owed payment Borrower sheM prompNy tumish to Lender�M noticea oi amounta to be p�id unde►thln
<br /> -- -•�� puayraph. il BoROwer mekes these payments direatty, Borrower shsR promptly tumiah to Lendx rocdpts evidendn9 lh�
<br /> _ _ p�yments.
<br /> --- Boaower sh�A promptly discharge any Nen whloh haa pdorfly over thla Sacurtry Inshument unteas Borrower: (�) �9rees in
<br /> writing to the pay�nent of the oWigiUon eecurod by the Nen k► a tn�nnsr acceptable to Lend�x; (b) contesta In pood hith the
<br /> Ilen by. or defends apeMst enforcement ot the Nen in, legal proceedings whlch in the Lender'e opinion opente to pravent ths
<br /> ----- entorCament of the Nen; or(o) secures hom the holder oi the Aen an agreement eetlsiectory to Lender aubordinatiny the Nen to
<br /> — thls Security Inahument. It l.ender deterrtAnea th�t any paK oi the Property is aubJect to�Hen whlch rtNy atUh ptlaity over thfa
<br /> � Securlty InsWment, Lmder rrNy gNe Bortower e notice Identltying the Ilen.Bortower sh�ll saUsfy the Ilen or take on�or moro ot
<br />— — tho actlons eet iorth�bove wRhln 10 dsys ot tha giving of rtoUce.
<br /> -- 5. Hwrd or P�op�rty InsuranC�.Borrower shaN keep the knprovemcnts now exisUng or here�Rer aected on the
<br /> ------- Property insurod a�inst loss by Are, hezerda induded wRhin the temi 'extended coverage' u►d a�y other hsz�rda, hdudiny
<br /> lbods or tloodi�0,tor which Lender requkes Insurance. Thie insurance shsl{be mtlnt�ined In the amounta md ia the p2rlods
<br /> that Lender requkes. The Inaurance cartler provWMg the Insuanca ahaN be chusen by Borrower subJect to Lendar's�pprow!
<br /> which ehaM not be unreesontbly wkhheld. If BOROWK T�II3 10 R1lM1�dif1 COYlfa�! dQ6CfIbld�bOVe, lender rt►�y,at Lender'a
<br /> option,obUh coverage to protect Lender'a rights in the properly h accordence with paragraph 7.
<br /> — /UI (naunna poNdes end renewais ahaM be acceptable to l.ender and shaN hcNde a atandard mortgege d�use. Laadar
<br /> � shsN hive the dpht to hotd the poNdes and rcnewals. it Lender requkea, Bortower sh�tl promptry give to Lender dl �ecxipts oi
<br /> _�_ pdd prerniums Nd renewal noUcea. In the evant of loss, Borrower shall glve prampt noUce to the Inaurance artix a�d Lendmr.
<br /> Lender msy make prooi ot Ioas It not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> --- -- Unless Lendor and Borrower othervulse agree fn writing, fnsu�ance proceeds sh�ll be applled to restoratlon or rep�lr oi the
<br />—�—"'� property damnyed, H the restwetion or repalr Is eeonomlcaly teastble and Lender's security ia not lesseneci.It the roatw+dion or
<br /> _—- --- repak Is not economlcaNy teaaWte or Lender'a secutity woutd be lessened,the insunnce proceeds shal be eppiled to the sums
<br /> -- searred by thia Security Instrument, whether �r not then due, with any excess paid to Bortower. If Bortower�bandons the
<br /> - --- _:e� Pmperty, or does not�nswer wrihin 90 days a nottce trom Lender that the Msuranco cartier hna otterod to adtls n cleim, then
<br /> - lender may coCect the insurance proceeda. Lender mey use the proceeds to repak or rostoro the Propaly or to pay nums
<br /> -�ri���=;�� securcd by thi�Security�nstrument,whetha or not then due, The 30�day period wW bep(n When the noUce b gtven.
<br /> - ---�'�� Unleas Lender and Bortower otherwise agree In wrtdng, any appWcaUon ot proceads to prk►dpal shiN not extend or
<br /> --�-i�.��°,�,�
<br /> postPone the due date ot the monthy p�ymenta referred to tn parapnpha 1 and 2 or chenge the amount oi the paymante. It
<br /> _�-�'�"F� under panpraph 21 the Properry Is ecquked by Lender. Borrorror's dght to any insurance polkies and proceeda resulHng trom
<br /> --��:;`�� damage to the Property prior to the Rcqutskion shaU pass to Lender to the extent ot the auma by this Securfty Instruma�t
<br /> -�--"'�� hvned4tetv nNar to the acqulsition.
<br />�- �-�� � 8. Occupancy, Pns�rvatlon, Malnt�nanc� �nd Prot�ction of th� Prop�vty; Borrow�r'� �wn
<br /> =��,'�� Applicatlon;l.oas�holds. Borrower ehell ocaupy, ostablish. snd usa the Piroperly as Borrowet's prindpal resldence wilhfn
<br /> '� �•"='_-, s eixry days efter the executlan of thl� 3ecudty Instrument and sheN continuo to occupy the Properly as Borrower's prtndpd
<br /> �'Y'�''-' �"�;`' ` rcsldence tor at least one year efter the date of occupancy, wilesa Lendtt otherwi�e agr�ees In wdtfng,which consent nhall not
<br /> �°:�,�•••':�`� be unreaaonabry withhdd,or unless extenusting ckcumstances exlst which aze beyond Bortower's control. Borrower ahaH not
<br /> �""'` � -��.'� destrcy. damage or lropeir the Property, eNow the Property to dete►ionte,or commR waste on the Property.8omower sheH be in
<br /> - � � ' dehuft ft any talelture action or ptoceedkig, whether chril or ctlminal,Is begun that In Lender's good teHh Judgment could resuR
<br /> ��:s � ;
<br /> � ,,,�,. N fo�leiture oi tha Property or otherwiso m+�terlaly Empair the Ilen created by thls Securityr Inatrument or lender'a securriy Interost.
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