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20120�42� <br />Lot Bou�Cte�t (14) , and �he South Oae-Aa�lf (8�12) of ?+ot �welv+� (12) . in <br />91oaTc �ty-eigb� �28� iu Rotghland park, aa Add3.�C3.oa �o �]ae C3ty of <br />Craad Island, Hal.l Canaty, Nebraska aad a stxip oi laad Tweaty (20) Peet <br />� width, form�rly a gart of Wangh 81-ac�et, aow vacsat�l mor� particvisr3.p <br />desar3J�ed a� Folloars: l�gatan3nq at � Sa�x�heast ctorA�x of Trot B'oustae�a <br />(14) , Bloak �S,renty-sigh� (28) , HighYand Pa�k and Additian �o tks CiLy o�' <br />Graad Zslaad, 8s1i ConnLy, Nebraska, smwniag thence Wes� aloag the Soni•h <br />Z3ne� ot� said lot, One Huadsed Th3xty-t�o (7.32) �eet, raaa3rsg tbeace <br />8outh Ta�enLy �20) Ee�t, xu�ing �he�te:a east, One Hlsndred Thirty-taro <br />(13Zf . suaa#.�9' tlience Nor�ls, �re�rc�y t2Qj �ee8 �o the pain� o�E' begina3ng. <br />