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<br /> y����' "Proceeds')in c.onner,t►on wlth candemnetlon or other tskinp of the Property or part thereol,o�for conveyance In Iiou of candemnatlon.
<br /> �� � � " Londer ahail ba entlC�ed et Ite option to commence,eppear In end proeecute In ita own neme any Action or praceeainga,and aheN siso
<br /> ''`' be entitled to make ony compromiae a settlement In connectlon with euch taking a damage. In the ovent eny poAlon of lhe Properly Is e_
<br /> : ►�.,�� ao teken or demaged, Lender shell have tM opllon In Ite sob end ebsolute discretlon,to Apply eil such proceeds, eRer deducling
<br />,.�,,..'
<br /> therofrom all costa and expenses incurrocl by It In connectbn wfth such Proceede,upon any Indebtednesa secured hereby end In euch
<br />,,�b.. � order es Lender may determine,or to apply oil auch Prnceeda,aRer ouch deducdona,lo tho restoratbn of the Property upon such can-
<br />.`;;�'��:'�t� .., ditlone se I.ender may detem►Ine.Any eppllcation of Procseds to indebtednesa shall not extend or poslpone the due datd of e�y pay�
<br /> ments under lha Noto,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds ehall be pald to Yrustcx.
<br /> - 6, p�Aomtaae�by L�nd��.Upon the occurrdnco of an Evanl of Dotauit hcreundar, ar if any act is t�ken or Ie�RI proceedinp �_
<br /> �''%:��� �pfT1111efICad WhICh fI1RlE�IAlly1 allACtS LB1lderb If1lOfOS1 Ifl�Ite Pf0�1E�1,Lender may In fls own discretbn,but without o011gation to do so,
<br /> s:�' and without natica to or demand upon Tn�ata and wNhout roktising Tn�stor from any obligation,do any act whlah trustor has egreed
<br /> but felied to do and may elao do any oEMr act It deerna neoesaary W Pmtect the secwfty horoot. TrustAt shall, Immedlately upon
<br /> �--�� demand therefor by Lender,pey ta Lender eN casSs arsd expenses Incurced end sums expanded by Lender In connection with the exer-
<br />"� ,��� cise by Lender of the faregoing rtghts,together with fnterest theroon at the detault rate provldad in the Note,which nhall be added to
<br /> the Indebtednes�secured heroby.Lendar nhall not incur any Ilability because ot anything it may do or omlt to do hereunder.
<br />`T�,t_:�;l 9. Ha�rdcws IN�brlals.TrusWr shall keep the PropeRy in comp�lence with eti applicable laws, ordinances and reguleHuns
<br />_;� . reladng to industrial hygiene or onvlronmentel proeectbn(collectively referted to herein es"Environmentel Lews'�.Trusta shall keep
<br /> =:��':'• � the Property free from all substances deemed to be hezerdous a tox�under any Environmental Laws(collectivety reterred to hereln
<br /> =��,•'�i as'Hazardous Alaterials').Tnastor hereby warrents and iepresents to Lender that there ere no Hezardoas Materiats an or under tho
<br />--��-: � Property.Trustor hereby aprees to Indemnify end hoW harmiess Lencier,its direcWrs,officers,empioyees and e�ents,and eny aucces-
<br />•i„—— - aora to LerKlsrs Inlerest.irom and epeinst eny md eq dafms.dampes,bases and IlabNfdes adaing In corsnection with the Prosencs.
<br /> ""���' use,disposal or tranapat ot any Hazardoue MaleHals on,under,from or ebcut fhe PropertY.THE FOREt301NC3 WMR/WTIES AND
<br />=:;r=---- 10.Asslpnm�nt of R�Ms.Trustor hereby aasipns to Lender,end pranta Lender e aecuriry interost in,aN pro�snt,future�nd
<br />._:�°_�;t�; � efter ertsing rents,issues end protita of the Property;provided that Trustor shall,undl lhe occurrence of an Event of DefauR,herounder,
<br /> --""`__= have t he d g h t W collect and retain such�enm,Issues and proflts as they become due end payable.Upon lhe occurrenoe ot an Event ot
<br />'_'='�� Qetault, Lender may,elther(n person or by egent.with or without bdnging eny action or proa�eding,or by a receiver appointed by a
<br />--- court and withaut regaM to the adequacy ot Ita eecudry,enter upon and teke posaesalon of the Property,or any part thereoi,in its ow�
<br /> -- - nama or in the name of the+Trustee,and do eny acta whfch it deems necessary or deslrabls to preaerve the velue.marketabfliry or
<br /> rentability oi the Proparry,or eny part thereof or Utereat therein,or W increase the inoome therefrom a ptotect the secu�iry he�aM and•
<br /> with or without taktng possessbn af the Prope�ty�sue for or otherwise colle�t the rents.issues end proRta tl�ereot�induding tl�ose past
<br /> ---__= due and unpatd,by noUfying tenents to make payments to Lender.Lander rr�ay apply rents,issues and prof'rt�,less ooata and expens-
<br /> es ot operaUon end cdlection induding attomeys fees.to any(ndebtedneas aecurad hereby�all In auch ordar es Lender may deter-
<br /> m��!.'�-hr+wntwdng uQon end taking posseasion ot the Property, the oollectbn ot such ronb�issues end profits�and the applicatlon
<br /> thereof as aforesaid shell not cure or walve any defauR or nodce of default hereunder a InvaNAate eny aet done in response io sux.
<br /> defeult or pu�auant to such nottce oi defautt and,notwithstanding the condnuenoe i�possesaion of tha property or the c�Mec�a�.
<br /> reoeipt and applicetlon of rents,lssues or p�dSAs�TNStee a�d l.ender shail be enHded to exerdae every dght provlded for in a�y ot Ihe
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law upon axurrence of eny Event oi Deteutt,including vrithout Iimitetfon tha right to etterdse fhe power of sala•
<br /> Further.Lenders righta end remedies u�der Mis parapreph shall be cumuleWe with,and!n no way a Iimitation on,Lenders�ights and
<br /> remed}es under any essignment of lesses end rents r�acaded against tha Property.Lender.Trustee and the receiver shell be Iiable Go
<br /> ecoount ony for those renta actually reoeived.
<br /> 11.EwrKs ot Dstault.ThA following s'haM consUtute an Event af Defauit under this Deed oi Trusx
<br /> (a)Faflure to pay eny Insiailment of pri�c�pal or interest or eny Mher eam aecured herebY wfbn due�
<br /> (bj A bteaCh ot or defeult under any provialon conteined M the Note�Mis Deed ot Truat,sm►oi the Loan Itutr��nente,or MrJ
<br /> other iten or nnc:umbrence upon the PropeKy;
<br /> (c)A writ of execuUon or attachment or any eimiiar prooess shall be entered agaleat'lrusGor whidi shaM become e Nen on
<br /> the PropeAy or eny porUon thereot or interest ttbroin;
<br /> (d)There shell be filed by ot apalnst TruaEor or Borrower en at�ion und�eny pr�.*sent or futuro federel.state or olher etab�Ee.
<br /> taw a npuisdon rolatlrp to bmkruP�Y.�solvsncy or other rolbf for debtors:or thsro eh�ll be�ppok�ted any huste��roceiver or
<br /> {IquWator of Tnntor or Barower or d a1i or eny part ot ths PropeRy,or the�.Maues or proflts fhereof.or Trustor or Botrowsr
<br /> shall make eny peneral as�sipn►nent for the benefd of cneditore;
<br /> (e)The sab�trenster.beae. assignrt�ent, oonveyence a fuAher encumbrance M eH or any paR ot or eny intensat{n the
<br /> Pro�eAl►.eflher vdwitarily or invokr�t��iy.without the express w�4len oa►sent of Lender.provkfed that T�uator sheG be psrtnit-
<br /> ted to execute a base d the Propecty 41�at doea not contain en opUon to p�xchase and the tertn of whk�does not exoeed one
<br /> year,
<br /> (n Abandonment of the Properiy;or
<br /> (p)It T�ustor is not en individual,the tssuance,sale,transfer,ass{Dnment,conveyence or encumbrenc�e of nane tMn(H a
<br /> oaporatbn)e total of porcent of fta tasuad and outstunding atock,or(N a paRnershtp)a tatai of psr-
<br /> cent ot partnerahip interasts,or(if a Iimited AabflHy compeny)e total oi peroent oi the Ifmited Itebilityr oompa-
<br /> ny k�tereab or vodng riphts durinQ the perbd fhfa Deed oi Trust remalna e lien on the ptope�ty-
<br /> 12,R�f+�dNs;Acw{Kadon Upon l�huM.In the event of eny Event of Defauft Lander may,without notloe exoept aa roquked
<br /> by�ew.aedare aq i�,d�e�edr�e�s�cured n�recy co be aue and r�ya�e end a,e�enan u�ere�por,becon�e dw�d�yaas w�,-
<br /> out any preaentment,demand,proteat or notice ot eny k(nd.ThereaRsr Ler�det may:
<br /> (a)Qemand that Truatee exvroae the POWER OF SALE gnx�ted herein,and 7nutes shaN thenealEer cwee Trusta's inter-
<br />----- est In tha PropeAy to be sold and the proceeds to be dlaWbuted,all kf the manner provfded 1n the Nebraake Truat Oeeds Ac�
<br /> .___._ _ ____ (b)Exerdse any and atl rights provtded for In eny M the l.oan Inatrumente or by law upon oocurtsncs oi eny Event of
<br /> Defaui�and
<br /> - (c)Commer�ce an actlon to foredose this Oeed of Trust as a mcvtgeye,appoktt a recefver,or specitically enforce any of the
<br /> covenenb hereof.
<br /> -- No remedy hereln confemed upon or reserved to Truatae or Lender la tnterided W b�exdusive of any other remedy henein,in the Loan
<br /> - - Inshuments or by law provided or permftted� but each shall be cumulative,sF�all be In oddiUon to every other remady given hereundor,
<br />- ----= in the loan InsUuments or now or hereafter exlsHnp et taw or In equity ur by statute,and may be exeroised�ently,kidspendently
<br /> .-- ui 5iiu.is+`ioi f.
<br /> 13.Tr�ustw.The Trustoe mey rosipn at any time without cause,end LsrxJer may at any tlrt�e end wfUwut ceuse eppolnt a�uc-
<br /> -� � cessor or subsUtute 7rostee.Trustee ghall not b�Neble to any parry,includfng vrithout Ilmitatbn Lender,Borrower.Truabr a sny put-
<br /> -- � cheaer of the Prt�perty,for any loss or damege unbas due to rodtlesa or wWltul mFaoonduct,end shell not be requlrod to toke any sdion
<br /> _;�� tn oonnection with the enforcement oi this Deed of Twst unfeas indemnifhd,in writinp,tor aN ooeb,oompensatbn or expsnaes which
<br /> - -�-==,�� may be associated therewtth.In eddiHon.Tndstee may becarb a purcheaer at any aale oi the Property Qudidei or under tt►e power d
<br /> -- ---_=" aaie gtanted herein)�Pos�e the sale of all a any pation of the PropeKy.aa proviaed by iaw�or seN the Prope�ty es a wta{e.or in
<br /> _� seperete parcela or lots et Trustee's discxeNon,
<br /> "�_,_„��� 14.FNS and Exp�ns�s.In the event Trustee sells the Froperiy by exerclae oi power ot seb,Trustee shall De entlHed to appy
<br /> any sale proceeda flrat to payment ot ell oosts erx!expenses o(exerctsing powsr ot sale,ir�dudinp all Tn+sLee's feas,and Lendere e�d
<br /> _=�Ti�:�� Tnutee'e ettnmey's fees, actually Incu►red�o extent perrnitte�by epplieable law.In the evant Borcowef er Trustor exerclaes eny�ht
<br /> `'- prw{ded b�r taw to cure en Hvent of Defauk,Lender shall be sntltled to recover from Trustor eN costa and expenws actueNy foaxred e�
<br /> ----'� �rosuft of trustor'e defaulf,fnGudlny without INnitatfon ell 7nrstes's end attomeyd fees,to the extent pertnitted by appficeble law.
<br /> _.��i�� 1b.Futun AManus. Upon roqueat of Bortower,Lender rtwy,at Ite optlai,maice additional snd tutwe�d�rances e�nd road-
<br /> . .--'.�.,�;. vanoes to Borrower.Such edvanoea end roadvanoea.with Interest thsreon,shaU be securod by thia Deed d TnnL At no t�rt�e ehaN ths
<br />