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<br /> EXHIBIT A g7�' 1�"�s2
<br /> ..
<br /> Lote One(1�and Two(2), In Sanitarian Subdhrlsion, Orand laland,Hall County,Nebroska
<br /> AND
<br /> Lot Fou�teen{14)Mehring and Olesenhagan Second Subdivlsion,a replat at Lat Two Mehring and
<br /> Olesenhegen Subdivlstor�, Hal l County, Neb�eake excepUng e certa:n tract of land more particularly
<br />� deacribed aa follows: A traet oiland comprising part of Lots Twe�re (12)thru Twenty(20), inclusive,
<br /> Mehring end Gfeaenhagen 3econd Subdf�isfan, moce particulerly described as follows: Beginning at the
<br /> Southeast comer of seid Lats Twelve(12);ttience NorthwesteMy elong the Eastedy Ilna of said Lots
<br /> Twelve(12j thru Twenty(20►, inclusive, to the Interaection with a Ilne thirty t30.0)feet South of and
<br /> parallel to the North Ilne of said Lot Twenry(20): thenca WesteMy along a Iine Thi�ty(30.0)�feet South of
<br /> end parellet to North Ilna of said lot Tweny (20)�e distanca of Forty-three and Forty-two Hundredths
<br /> (43.42)teet;thence Southeasterly abn�e li�e Forty-two and 5eventy-eight Hundredths(42.78)teet
<br /> Southwesterly from and parallel to seid Eastedy Ilne af Lots Tweh►e (12)thru Twenty(20),inclusive,to the
<br /> IntersecUon w(th the South Ilne of sald LotTwelve(12);thence Easterly along said South Ifne of Lot
<br /> TweNe(12),a distance of Fortythree and Fay-two Hundredths(43.42)feet to the place of beginning.
<br /> AND
<br /> A tract of land comprising a partof the West Half of the Northeast(luarter(W'/tJE%a)of Section Fifteen
<br /> (15),Township Eleven(11)Nortl�, Renge N ine(9)West of the 8th P.M. in C3rartd Island,Hall County,
<br /> NQbreska,more particuleriy described as bllaws: Beginning at the Northeast comer of said West Half of
<br /> tha flarttt�::f t�t�astsr{!�ri��!i,�; �n��.g Sn��harly along the East line of Sald West Half othe NorthEast
<br /> Quarter(W'/sNE%),a distance of Six Hundred Thirty-two and Three Hundredths(632.03�feet to the
<br /> Sautheasteriy right-of•way Iina of U.S.Highway No. 30; thenca daflecting right 64°30'20'and running
<br /> Southwesterly along seid right-of way, a distence of Elghty-eight and Sixty-four Hundredths(88.64)feet to
<br /> the Actual place of b�eginning; thence contlnuing Southwesterly abng the last desctibed caurse,a d(stance
<br /> of One Hundred Forly-sfx end Nk�ety-seven Hundredths(148.9�feet;thence deflecHng I�ft 58°08'32"
<br /> and running Southwesteriy,e dbtanca of One Hundred Fourteen and Four Tenths(114.4)feet to a point
<br /> of curvature;thence runnie�g Southwesteriy abng the arc of a curve whose r�dius is 768 feet(the long
<br /> chord of whtch deflects leR 03°10' b4"from the last described course)a lo�ig chord distance of Elghty-
<br /> three and Ntnaty-six Hundr (53.96)feek tt�ence daflecting left 03°10'64"frnm the long chord of the
<br /> last desc d curve and n g Southerly. a distance of Three Hundred Forty-four end Sixty-two
<br /> Hund (344.62) t; nce daflectlnA bft 90° 00'and n�nning Easterly,a dfatance of One Hundrod
<br /> Fifty( 0. )feek th ce q bR 9Q'DO'and running No�the�iy,a distance of Slx Hundred Fivs
<br /> (BOb. t to the iaae of beglnning.
<br /> �
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