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<br /> YHIS DE�D OF TRUST,is made as ot tt�e 2 2 n d _day of S e p t e m b e r , �8 9� ,by and among�
<br /> tnerrusta, Steffen and Rowe Contractors , p
<br /> whose ma9ing eddres,is R o u t@ 3, B 0 x 3 A 1� G r a n d I 518 n d, N E 6 8����n•Trustor,whether one or more), ��,
<br /> �
<br /> meTrustee F i ve Poi nts Bank
<br /> whose mtYing eddress is P 0 B o x 15 0 7 G r a n d I s 1 a n d N E 6 8 8 0 2 {t�erein'Trustee'),end
<br /> the eenet�ary, F i v e P o i n t s B a n k
<br /> whosernaYingaddressis 2015 N Broadwell � Grand Isldtld NE 68803 (herein'Lentler).
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSI�ERATION,Including Lender's axtension of cxedit identffled heretn to
<br /> St� fen a d Rowe C ntractors
<br /> (herein"Borrower;whether ona or more�and the trust herein aeated.lhe recefpt
<br /> �,;,�;��;� •���y��,�;��¢g�.Tr+�ator hereby trrevoaabiy arents.transfers,cdnveys and as�iyns to Trustee,IN TRUST,WITH
<br /> POWER OF SAI.�,tor the beneftt and aecurriy ot lender,under and subject to tl�e terms end conditlona herematter sai fo�tn,ihe roni
<br /> ProP��'h�desc�ib�d as tollows:
<br /> lot Three (3) . Indianhead Subdivision in the City of
<br /> Grand island, Ha11 County , Nebraska.
<br /> ToyeU�erwith all buildinpe,improvamente,flxUxes,etreets,alleys.peaaegeweYs,easements, riyhts,privibyes and aPP����
<br /> bcated 7�er+eon or In anywise pertAlninp fheroto.end ths ronb,Issues and proAts. reverabns snd ro�nak�dsn thenot.e�d tuch psr-
<br /> sonal property that Ie altsched to the Improvertbnte so es to conatftute s fixture,Indudln�,but not NMtsd to,t�s�tinp snd cooik�Q MuiD-
<br /> �t�����wriy�tlie homestead or madtal Interesta.H eny,which intereste ero hereby roleased and waiwd;�N d whk;h,kidud-
<br /> ing roplece�nents end addtdona theroto.la heroby declared to be a paR of the re�l estate secured by the Nen W tMs Desd ot Tn�st snd
<br /> oll oi ttw(or�epot�p beEnp roferted b henk�a�1he'Propert�.
<br /> ThM Deed d Trust�haW eecurs �Lths psyr�t oi the principal sum and Inter�eat evldenoed by�promis�ay nots u crodit pres-
<br /> ment da�ed S e p t e m b e 1" �Z. 19 9 7 ,havk�g a maturity date ot .��.8.�
<br /> in the odpinW prindpa�amount of s 88�000.00 _ end a�y end aN modNirstbna.exten�fon�and�snewMs
<br /> thereot a therseo end eny end all futuro advancss end readvancsa W Borrowar(or eny ot tl�em ff mone tha�one)her�eu�dsr P��t
<br /> to one a r*wre PromiseorY notea ar cxedit apreemente(hereln caHed'Note�: (b)the PeYmsnt of olhe�auma advmced bY Lendsr b
<br /> proteet tlie secu►itY at the Note:(o)the Performenoe o!WI covenants end a�reeme�M of Truator set forth herefn�and(d)eH proseM and
<br /> {uturo Ndedtedneas end o1,�Npetbns of Borrower(or any af them if moro tfisn one)to Lender whether dinect,fnd�rect,abaduEe or oontln-
<br /> pen!and wf�ett►er arising by note.9uaranty.overdreR or otMrwtae.The Note�thia Deed W Truat e�d eny snd eN nthe�documen��t
<br /> aecuro tlie Note a othervvfae executed In connection therewith,Including wllhout Iimketbn guarentees, secu�itY a�ree
<br /> esaignmenb ol'leases and renta.ehall be refemed to herein es the'Loan Inshumente'.
<br /> Tiustor oovenanta end egrees with Lender as followa:
<br /> � 1.Paym�M of ln�Nbbdn�ss.AII indebtednesa secured heroby shall be paid when due.
<br /> 2.TitN.Tnistor b the owner of the Property,has the rfght and auttwdty to oonvey the Prope�ty. aod wartanla that the Ibn cnet-
<br /> ed heroby i�a flrst and prior lien on the Property,exoept for Ilena end encumbrancea aet forth by Trustor in writlng end delivered bo
<br /> Lender betore executlon oi this Deed ot Trust,and the execution end dglNery of thls Deed oi Trust does not vialate eny conVact o�
<br /> other ob�,;adon to whkh Truator�s subject.
<br /> 3.T�xK. Ms�ssn�nb.To pay before delinquency all taxes,spedal assessmenb end ell other charges egek►st the PtopertY
<br /> now orhereaRer levled.
<br /> 4.Irtsurana.To keep the Property inaured egafnst damage by flre,hazaNa Induded withinihe tem�'exte��ded ooverepe��end
<br /> such othrer heza►da es Lender may requfro,in amounb and with compan{es ecceptable to Lender, namtng Lender es an additfonel
<br /> named hsurod.with loss PaYable to the Lender.In caae ot loss under auch polk�es, the Lender b authorized to edJust,oolbct end
<br /> aompromise,ell claims thereunder and shall have the option of epplying all or paK ot the insura�ce pra.'eeds(q to any indebtednesa
<br /> aecured heroby and in such or�er es Lender may detem►ine,pq to Me Tn�sior to be used for the repalr or restoradon of the Property or
<br /> (iti)for ny oN�er purpose or oblect satlatactory to Lendar without effe�tiny the Nen of this Deed of Tnnt for the full wrwunt eecured
<br /> _..�Y.�..��..�.�....r,..�s.�. e.��sMllrntMnt nf en�edt to Uldeb19d1183s Sh91)Iqt 6Xt@�id 01'pOStpOfle tIM dlle da�@
<br />. . f1O1QYy fI�H�O oV1w�t/a�..�vw v.n.......r.w�..�.�Tr..�__'-' '
<br /> of any payrt�ents under the Note,or cure eny defauft thereunder w hereunder.
<br /> — 5.Hscrow.Upon w�itten demand by Lender, 7ruator shall pay to Lender, fn such manner es lender mey desi8nate,sufflcient
<br />-- sums to enabb Lander to pay ea they ber.ome due or►e or more of the toilowing: (q all taxos,asses.sments end other char�es egetnst
<br /> the Properly, (il)the premiums on the property Insurence requlred hereunder.and (Iil)the premtums on eny mortgege Insurance
<br /> � requfred by Lender.
<br />- 8.�Ilalnt�nmc�,R�pairs and Compllana wkh laws.Trustor ahall keep the Property In good oondition and repalr, shatl
<br />— promptly repair,or repiac:e eny improvement whfch may be damaged or destrayed;shall not oommit or pemift any waste or deterbra-
<br /> ,� tlon of O�e Property;shall not remove,demoliah or subatenUally aRer any o}the knprovements on tlie Properry:shell not aommit,sufier
<br />_— or permit any act to be done In or upon the Property In violaUon ot eny law, ordinance,or regutatlon:end shall pay and promptly dis-
<br />» charge et Trustor's cost end expense ell liens,encumbrences and charges{evled,imposed or accessed eBainst the Property or eny
<br /> pert ttiereo(.
<br /> 7.Emin�nt Domain.Lender Is hereby easlpned all oompensatlon,ewaMs,demeges end other paymenb or reltof(herelnaRer
<br /> .- �acxarario�yo.�a�a..e�e A °".:"1�p��
<br /> e�see e+wu�+ewa ea wu.r�.na c«ro�u�ourm.�rcat�xa.r.
<br />