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<br /> �Bpit1 Abon T�4 L�n• lor R�COrdlnp Dau)
<br /> FH�Cat�No.
<br /> Stete of NebraskA DEED OF TRUST s21-1889946 703 �
<br /> THIS DEEd �F TRUST("Securlty InBtrument")�s made on SC�1 81flbeP 20th ,1997 ._• �
<br /> The trostor h I�.^+°��� .'. oei�u�a aNO .111�Y A pALMER HUSBAND ANO WIFE
<br /> ('Borrower").
<br /> Ths truatee �s UNITED NEBRASKA BANK 700 N WEBB ROAD (iRAND ISLAND NEBRASKA 6 ("Trustee").
<br /> The bene(�iary is 7ED NEBRASKA BANK ,�na whose addrass ta
<br /> whiah Is orp�nized �nd existinp under the laws of �EBRASKA �,���„�
<br /> 0 N. EBB RD. GRA D ISLAND NE 6880
<br /> Bortower owos Lender the pHncipal sum ot E h Ef t Ttx�ue�nd �taht Hund�ed Ftftv and 001700 —
<br /> poi�ars(U.B,i �8��60 00 1.Th�s debt Fs evld�ncad by Borrower'a noto
<br /> dated the sem� dato aa thts SecurRy Instrumw►t ('Not�'), whbh provldas tor monthy paymonts, wkh th�tuN dWt M not paid
<br /> earller,dus�nd pay�bla on QC'^~�1?��7 . This 8aaurky Instrumant ssauras to Undw: (�)th�np�ymont
<br /> of th�d�bt wid�nao0 by Ihe Not�,with ini�at, w�d ::r".rss^=�•^"le�=��n`- �"'!mndHbatbns of th�NOti; (b)th�paym�nt of
<br /> aN othsr sums, with intarest, advancad under pen�reph 8 to protect the SeCUrky of this SeCUrity Instrumant; tnd (C) th�
<br /> performanca of Borroww's oovenants snd ayreements under this Security Instrument end the Nota.For this purpos�, Bortoww
<br /> irrevocaby qrents md conveys to Trustee, in trus6 wNh power of sele, the followlny desar�bad proPertY bcat�d in
<br /> County; Nebnsko:
<br /> whlCh has tho addrKS 012721-2723 W 1ST ST GRANq !-�J�1ND
<br /> �su..q lcwrl,
<br /> �IEBFIASKA 68803_ ("Prop.rtr�dd�rK�•);
<br /> �a��s.l Iz�n coa.i
<br /> TOGETHEA WITN �N tAe knpravNnsnts now��r�iments u+d addRbns 6htN b� cov�nd by�th�n�u�lly�, '�'N
<br /> iMurN now or h�hw�p�rt ot th�prop�rty. +P
<br /> ot tM toroyofnq is n�amd to h this Securky InsWmant as the "Property'.
<br /> 80FlRC1WER COVENANTS thnt Borrowsr (s �wNy EeWd ol th� ast4ta h�nby ConvsyW�nd has th� ripht t0 qant tnd
<br /> conwy tfw P+opaty �nd that the Praperty fs unencumber�d, uxcept tor enaumbnncas of ncord. BorrovrK w�rtu►ts �nd wNl
<br /> d�hnd penernly the tkl�to tha Propaty a4alnst�s cbYns �nd dem�nds, subJaot to�ny ancumbr�ncas of r�cord.
<br /> THIS SECUFIITY INSTRUMENT combin�s uniform aovenants for natbnal uso and non•unKortn cowmnts wRh �Unbd
<br /> reristfons by Jurisdfctbn to constftuto e unNorm skurily Instrume�t Coverinp real propertY•
<br /> Bonower and lender aovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 1. Peymtnt af Pr�nalpal, Interest and L�te Charye.Borcower shaN pay when dus the prinafpal ot,and ht�t�st
<br /> on,the d6bt evldeaced by thv Note nnd late aherpds dua under th�Note.
<br /> _. �r._� a.....�.....� ....1 nlh.r Charaes. enrrawe shatl hCiud� k� N�Ch monthly
<br /> Z. IYionmiy rsymeni w .v�a., .••.••••••--, -.__ __._. _. _
<br /> paym�nt, topether with the principal nnd interest ns set tarth h ths Note and any late charqos,a sum tor(n)tsx�a �nd sprclul
<br /> essesamenls levted or to be levfed aqalnst tha Proporty, (b) kasohold paymanls or pround r�nta on ths Prop�cty, �nd (c)
<br /> premiums for fnsu�anCe requked under Paraqraph 4. In any year In whfch the Lender muGt pay a mortqap�Insutsnc� prMnfum to
<br /> the Sacretary of Housinp and Urban Devebprr�enl("Secretery"), a h�ny yeer In wh�h aucli premium would h�w bNn rWufnd
<br /> It Le�der Stfll neld the Security Instrument, each monlhly payment shalt also hciuda afther. (I)a sum lor the snnual morty�
<br /> hsurence premlum to be pald by Lender to the Secretary,or (ii1 a monthty charpe insb�d o1 a mortys9s fnsunnc� pnmbro H
<br /> this Securdy Instrument is held by the Secretary, in a reasonebb emount to be dele�mined by tho S�Crstory. ExC�pt for tM
<br /> monthiy charqe by the Secretary, these Rems Qre ciibd 'Escrow Items" u�d the sums pald to Londer aro caM�d "Escrow
<br /> FUPd9."
<br /> F6St0.LM3(tl107) P�g�t ol S
<br /> ..�
<br /> . �"�v�, 685
<br /> .
<br />