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<br /> � 14. AEFAULT.Trustor�vill ba in default if nny pnny obliguted on thc Sccured Debt fall9 to make paytnent when ue. rustor �-:::-:
<br /> iwill be in default if a breach occurs us►der the terms of thi9 Security Instn�ment or uny other document executed for the
<br /> � purpose of creatiag, c,ecurlag or guarantying the Secured Uebt. A good faltt�belief by Beneficiary th�t &neflctary+�t ury .�°-
<br /> , i dme is lasesure with respect to any person or entiry obUgAtcd on the Secured Debt or that the prospect of any payment or -_
<br /> the value of the Properry fs impaired shall also constlwte an event of default.
<br /> j 15. RENIEDIES ON DETALJLT. in somc G�stauces, federal and state law vrtll rr.quire Benefici�ry to provide Trustoc with �':_
<br /> �;� � nodec of the right to cure or other not3ces und may cst�+blish time schedules for forecloaun �ctions. Subject to thesc
<br /> � liuiitations, if any, &neficiary may accelerate the Secured Oebt and fareclose this Security instcument in a manner
<br /> .,�r�r++�'' provtded by law lf Trustar is in default.
<br /> �...i���� At the option of Beneficiary, all or any part of the�grced fees and charges,accrued interest nnd principal sha11 become
<br /> t i�amed�ately clue and payable, after giving notice if requlred by law, upon the occurrence of a default or anyttme
<br /> - i thercafter. In addttion, Beneficiary shall be entitled to all the remedfes provided by law, thc torms of the Saured Debt.
<br /> k ' this Security Insuument and any related documcnts,including without limttation.[he power to sell the Property. -
<br /> ti
<br /> f . If there is a default, Tmstee shall, in addition to any other pera►icted remedy, at�he reque�t of the&neficiuy, adverttse
<br /> � �- and seU the Property as a whole or in separate parcels at public auctton to the highest bidder for cash twd convey�bsolute
<br /> title free and clear of all right.tlde and iaterest of Trustor at such time and placr as Trusea designetes. 7tusta sh�ll give
<br /> notice of sale includinq the time, terms and place of sale and a descdption oP the property to be sold as required by tbe
<br />_;;.' ' � � appltcable law ia effect at the time of the proposod sale.
<br /> . � Upon sale of the property and to the extent ttot prohibited by law Trustee shall make and deliver a deai to the PropertY _
<br /> sold which wnveys absolute tide to the purcFiaser� and after �'ust paying all fees, chazges aad costs, ahall pay to
<br /> � � � Beneficiary all moneys advanced for npairs, caxes. insurana, liens, assessmeats nnd prior encumbrauces�nd interest
<br /> �iuchas'c t�he P�ro�P�cTde recjdtal�stin�an�d d�of con�e ance�shallybeg rima fac e e'videaceyof the f a�cts set f�orth thC�re'in. y
<br /> - p perty Y Y P
<br /> ..' All remedies are dtstinct,cumulative and not exclusive, aad the Beneficiary is entitled to all remedies provided at law or
<br />-. �'� �"�'.•�� equity,whether or not expressly set forth.The acceptance by Beneficiary of any sum In payment or partI�l payaient oa the
<br /> �4�-„�.'.�.'� Secural Debt atter the b�lancc is due or is accelerated or after foreclosun proceedings are filod ahaU not constltute a
<br />_'� � .;:; waiver of&neficiary's right to require complete cure of aay existing default. By not exerclsing any remedy on Ttustor's
<br /> 'L.��:,�•`' default,Beneficiary daes not waive Beneficiary's right to larer cons i der t he event a default if it continues or happeas agatn.
<br />#:.::•:: .�.r°
<br />-�°`���'r��"° prohibited bv law. Trustor uR�s to pay all of&neficiary's expenses if Trustor breaches any covenant in this Securiry
<br />=^-:�'��'�''�� Insuument.Trustor will also pay on demand any amount mcurred by�&neficiary ivr i,;nu��g,inspr..':ia8. :�esi'fa°ar
<br /> -�=-���•'��r> othorwiae protceting the Pcoperty and Beneficiary's security interest.Thae eapenses will bear iaureat from�date o�the
<br />�:�,��;� payment undl paid in full at the hIghest incarest rate in�ffxt as provided in chc terms of the Secund Debt. Trustor agrees
<br />- .:���� to pay all costs aad exlxnses incurred by Beneficiary ia collecting. enforcing or protecting Beneficiary'a rlgbts and
<br /> remedtes under this Sxuriry Instrument.This amount may fnclude,but Is not 19mlted to.attoraeys'fees,co�ut coats,aad
<br />_:�'LA��� othor legal expenses. Thie Security Instrument shall remaiu in effect unti! releascd. 7Yustar agre� to pay for any
<br />�__,1,3��� rccordaUon costs of such releasc.
<br /> � 19. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SLJBSTANCFS. As usod in this sxtion. (1) Eaviroamental Law
<br />_���,,,;v meana,without limitatioa, the Coraprehensive Environmeatal Response, Compensadoa and Liabiliry Act (CERCLA.42
<br /> s_�__�-,;� U.S.C. 9601 et seq.), end all other fedoral, state and local lawa� regulations. ordinaacss, court orders,attomey general
<br /> -- --- opWons or iaurprettve letters wnarning[he public health,safery,welfare.envimament or a hazardoua subsuace•end(?)
<br /> Hazardous Substaace means aay toxic, rsdIoactive or bazardous matedal, waste. po llutaat or wntamiaant wfitch has
<br /> -° - characterledcs which rtnder We substance dangerous or pottutially daagerous to the public h�alth. safety, welfare or
<br /> �nvironment. The ter�a includes� without IimltaHon, aay substances defined as 'hazardous matenal." 'to�ic substanaa.'
<br /> ---� "hazardous waste"or'hazardous substence"under any Envlronmental Law.
<br /> - Ttustor represents.warranu and agrees that:
<br /> A.Except as previously d�sclosed and acknowledged in writing to &aeficiary. no Hazardous Substancc is or will be
<br /> located. srored or released oa or in tho Property. 7'bls restrlctinn daes aot apply to amell quandtles of Hazardoua
<br /> Subatances that are gencrally recognizod to be ap roprIate for the normal use and maintenance of the Property.
<br /> B.Ex t as prevIously disclosed and acknowledg�in wclting to�eneficiary,Tnuror und every tenant l�ave boen,u�e�
<br /> -_-- and�all nwaiu ia full compliance with any ap licablc Environmental Law.
<br /> n
<br /> C.Trusror shall immediately nodfy Beneficlary� a release or threauaed r�lease of a Hazardotu Substance occurs on.
<br /> uader or ebout the Pro p erty or there is a violatioa of aay Environmontal Iaw conceraiag the Pmp�rtY. In such�n
<br /> —__-- ev�nt,Trustor shall take all necessary cemedial action in accordana wlth any Enviroam�ental Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shall immediately nodfy&neficiury in writing as goon as Trustor hes reason to believe there ieyany��
<br /> - or threatened inveatigation. claim, or proceeding nlattn to the nlea4e or threatened release of an H
<br /> _�= Substpnce or tLe violattoa of any Bnvironmental Law.
<br /> _�� 18. CONDEMNATION.T'rustor wUl give&net'iciary pmmpt nottce of any peading or threatened actioa, by private or public
<br /> .4;�-•�-� endtIes to urchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation,eminent domaiu,or any other uxaiu.Tnistor
<br /> � authorize��eaeRciary to iaterveae in Trustor's name in any of the above described acdons or claims.Truator auigas to
<br /> - ��r Beneficiary the proceeds of any award or claim for da�nages connected with a coademnation or other talcin$of all or any
<br /> ��;;�'z'_�� part of the Pmperty. Such proceeds shall be con�idered payments aad wlll be appliod as pmvided in this Securlty
<br /> _ -�;,,,�_ti Instrument.This asslgnment of procads is aubject to the terms of any pdor mortgage,dad of uust,aecurity agrament or
<br /> -:"�d���w}• other lien doeument.
<br /> — �.�;,,,,,�.
<br /> ���'��~`'"`���'••= 19. IIVSURANCE.Trustor shall keep Property insured agninst toss by flre,flood.thoft and other hazArds and risks reasonably
<br /> :'.i:':. ::y�,. ._
<br /> .�..�' •.i.�F- ussoctated with the Pmperty due to ita rype and locac[on.'i'his insurance ahall be m�intained in the amounts and for the
<br /> '"" periods Wat Beneficiarycequires. The insurance carrkr providing the insurance shall be chosen by Tcuswr subject to
<br /> �`_��- .. ,
<br /> Beneficiary s aFproval, wl�ch shall not be unreasoaably withheld. If Trustor fails to maintain the cover�ge dacribed
<br /> -+-��r_e•� _ aY__ .n�r._t�.�. �.s..� ..L..2.. ..... ..��.....nt�nr AwnwPi�ianr�e riohtn Iff tlfE PM1]l1LY BCGOIlIIl1II
<br /> _� uuVVO.oWrctta:t�t umj�ati acnca�was�o v�r�avu�w.ww w..'�.:a.....�.....�+.��....�_� -'-o-" —---- � �
<br /> S'��C!°`1�
<br /> •--.�1' - ; to the tesms of th�s Securtty Instrument.
<br /> � .`�Y�� " f � All insurancepolicios and renewals shall be acceptable to BeneSciary and shall iaclude a stenderd'mongage clause' t�ud.
<br /> _ ;k �� when upplicable, "loss payee clausa"Trustor shall immediately notit� Benetictary of cancellatIon or termtnatton of the
<br /> " � " f insurance. Benerciary shall have the right to hold the policies and reaewals. If Beaeficiary requites. Truator ah�ll
<br /> -�:'��r� ` , immediately gtve to Beneficlary all receipts of paid premiums and renew a l not ices. Upon loss, Truator shal! g tve
<br /> � immediate not[ce to the insurance earcier and Beneficiary.Benefieiary may make proof of lasa if aot mide immediately by
<br /> 'c Trusror.
<br /> - - ::.�: .�
<br /> ' • � � rPs9,C'ta�'_
<br /> �a.
<br /> �` 0198�E�nkw�SYttKnf,Inc•.St.Cbud,MN Il•!00•387•23�t1 Porm NE•OT�NE 8�13780
<br />