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201207373 <br /> setiaf�otion, proviclecl that siich inspectiari shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may pay Por the repairs <br /> and restioratiion in a sm�le clisbursement or in a series of progress payinents:�s Uie work is coinpleted. <br /> Un1css an agrcomcnt is�xwde in writing or Applicable La.w requires interost to bo paid on such <br /> Miscelluieoua Proceeds, Lender shall not be requixed to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on such <br /> Misoellaueoua Proceeds. If the restoration or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's aecmiYy would <br /> be lessened, Uie Miscellanaous Proceeds sliall be applied to YUe awns secured by Gl�is Securlty Instrmnent, <br /> wlietlier or not thcn duc, with tl�c excoss, if any, paid to Sorrower. Such Misccllancous Yroce�ds shall be <br /> �tpp7icd in il�e order�rovided for in Seotion 2. <br /> ]n tl�e e�ent of a total talciitg, deshuction, or losF in value of ttic Property, the Misccllai�cous Proccuis s1�a71 <br /> be applied Co the sun�s secured by this Seourity I�istniinent, tivhether or not then due, wifh[he excess, if any, <br /> paid to Bortower. <br /> In tha event o4'a partial talcing, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in wbich the fair marlcet valne oP <br /> the Property immediatcly bofore Ch�parLia] t�Aking, destniction, or loss in v21ue is equal io or greaCer Chan tfie <br /> aunount of the siuns secured by this 9ecurity Instriiuient ixnmediately before the partiat teking, desh•uotion, or <br /> loae in value, nnlese Borrower aucl Lender otherwise agree iu writing, the swns secwed Uy this Secwity <br /> Inshument sl�all be reduced by the awount of flie Miscellaneous Proceeds mtilti�lied by the follo�ving <br /> li'action: (a)Uie total ainoiuit of the amns 5ecured immcdiaColy bcfore tl�c partial talcing, dcstruction, or]oss <br /> in value dividcd by(l>) the fair marlcct value of Che Propexty i�ntnediately before the pnrtial talting, <br /> dest�uction, or loss in vnlue, Atry b�lnnce ahaII be p�id to k3orrower. <br /> I�i thc cveniC of a pa��tial Caking, destruclion, ar loss in valne af the Property in whioh the fflir mnrlcet value of <br /> the Pxoperty immediately before Yhe paa'tial taking, deslructiov, or loss in valua is lesa tl�an tha amomit of the <br /> sums secm�ed immediately before the parfial ta1cing, dcsb'uotion, or Iose in valuc, unlcse 73orrower and <br /> Lencler othorwisc agcce in wrihing, fl�e Misoellaneous Proceed5 ahall be applied to the snms secw•ed by tl�is <br /> Securily Tnstrnment whether or not the swns a��e�Ehen clue. <br /> If Che Proyerty is 2b�ndonecl Uy Borrower, or if, lfter notice by Lender to Borrower that the Opposing Party <br /> (as definecl in Yhenext sautenea) offers tio inalce an a�ward fo settle a claim for damages, Iiottower faila to <br /> respond to Lender within 30 days aftc;r the datc tl�c notiee is given, Let�cier is�u�hori�ed Cu wllect uicl apply <br /> the Miscollnnc��us Proceecis eiCker Co resCotation or repnir of the Property or to the suma secured by this <br /> SecuriEy Histrwnent, whet�her or not tl�en due. "Opposing Party" mcans flia tl�ird p�u�ty that owcs Borrowcr <br /> Miscellanoous Yrococds or tlie ptuGy againsf whoin Borrowex has a right of aotion iu xegacd Eo Miecell�eous <br /> Prooeeds. <br /> Borrower ahell be in default if Any action or proceeding, wheYher civil or oriininal, is begtm thaC, in Lznder's <br /> judgn7ent, could resulti in forfeiduee of the Property or other maYcrial ii��ainncnt of l.e nder's intorost in the <br /> Property or ribhts undcr}��9ti gco�n'ity inetrumenf. Borrower can cure such a default and, i�Lacoeleration has <br /> oecurrcd, reinstaCe as provided in Section 19, by caxiein�the nction or proceeding to be diemissed with e <br /> ruling that, in Lendex'a judgmenC, precludes forFeiture oP Ehe Property or other inatcrial impairment of <br /> Lender's interesC in tha Property or riglits nuder tl�is SecLu�iky 6�s[ruinent The proceeds of any award or <br /> claim for damages fl�at are attributt�ble io the impairn�esit pf Lender's inCeresC in Ihe ProperCy�re hetel�y <br /> aesigned ancl shall be paid Co Lender. <br /> All Miseellancous Proceeds lh�C are noC npplied Co restoration or repair of the Pi operty shRll be appliecl in the <br /> orde�•provided for in Sect�on 2. <br /> zaoozaea <br /> NG6RA51(A-SlnyleGamily-GannieN�aelPretltlleMacUWFOWoi INSTRUP.4ENT Form3a281/07 <br /> VA7 P(ry VM P6(NE)(1106) <br /> lNolters Kluwer Financlsl Servlces Page 10 of 17 <br />