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<br /> �(4.8 iG v���—____.
<br /> ; �T- �,C►'�3�
<br /> p.m. at the premiB�s, or ax the Hall County Courthouee, end
<br /> parbiaularly d�garibinq t�a pr.opax�ty ta be sold, eaid Notico to be
<br /> publiehed in A neWapapar of n qanera� circulation ia Hnll County,
<br /> Nob�xaeka, once a week for fiva (5) aonsaautive weeka, tbe laet �
<br /> publicatioa to be at least ten (l0) days but not more than thir�y
<br /> (30) days prior to the� sale; and the Trustee shall thea eell eaid
<br /> praperty at the time and place deaiguated ia this Nc�tiaa, ia thQ
<br /> manner provided by law in effect a�t the tinne of filiuq eaid notice,
<br /> at public a�uction to the highest bidder for cash, and ehall deliner
<br /> to such purahaser a deed to the property sold caneietent alith the
<br /> law in effect �t that time. xdditionally, Trustora hereby request
<br /> that Trustee ehall mail Truetors a copy of any Notice of Default
<br /> end Notice► of Sale hereunder upon default addressed to them at
<br /> thAir addrssaes as listed below. Out of the proaosds of eaid sale,
<br /> the Trustee shall retain and pay first all fees, charges, and coats
<br /> of sale, and all moniea adva�aced in the ezercise of the po�er of
<br /> sale, includinq the payment oE the Trustee�s feea aatually
<br /> i.acurred, and pay second the obligations seaured by this Deed o�
<br /> Trust; and the balance, if any, shall be paid to the peraon os
<br /> persons �.egally entitled thereta. l�ay pereon, inaludinq the
<br /> Seneficiaz�r, maty purchase said property at euah sal�.
<br /> The Truators coveaant that at the time of dslivery o� these
<br /> preseats, they are seiz�d of eaid property ia fea ei�pl�, and that
<br /> said propexty i.s free of encumbreincas, ezcept encuabraaaea,
<br /> easemeats, riqhts-of-way, reatrictions and reeervations of reaord,
<br /> and they will properly maintain the property, kes� all buildinga
<br /> 2 �
<br />-__ -��.�.-�i'3�s:r:i�'��-;,;-.�k�, �•,=°v�'A'�'!a-.�:zE-�:,-_.
<br /> - - 't" .].:?Ga�.'E=�;rua.
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