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201207370 <br /> for the repairs as�d restoration in a suigle payment or in a seri,es af progress payn�ents as Hic work is <br /> completed. If the iustuance or condemnation procceds are not suflioient to repair or restar e the Property, <br /> 13orrower is not relicvcd o�P Borrower's obligation for the oompletion of such repair or reetoration. <br /> Lender or its age��Y may mako reasonable en6riee upon nnd inspections of the Property. If'it has reasonable <br /> causc, Lende�-may inspect the interior oF the in�rovemenfs on the Property. Lender shall give lion�owar <br /> nofice at fhe tui�e of or prior to such an interior inspeetion specifying such roasonatblo cause. <br /> 8. Borrbwer's Loan Applieatiori. Borrower shall be in deiaaxlt iP, during the I,oan applicatirn�pr000ss, <br /> Borrower o4 nny persons oc entiYies ac4�ng at tlie direction of Rorrowcr or wiG�Borrower's laiowledge or <br /> ooneent gave m�tarially f�Fse, misleading, or inaccurete inPormnlioi�i or stiflteinents to Lender (or failed Yo <br /> provide Lender with matexi�tl information) in connection with the Loan. MaCcrial represe��taCions include, but <br /> are not limited to, repraeental.ious concerninb'Sorrower's 000upnnoy of the Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Right� Under this Security Instrwnent. If(a) <br /> Borrowor F�ils to perforn2 the ooven�nts ttnd �greemaiite contained 3n this Securily instr�im�siC, (I�) fhexe is a <br /> legal prooeeding that mi�ht signi�icantly aft'ecY Lender's interest in Yhe ProperCy nnd/or ri�Ca under this <br /> Security Iustrunient(aucli as a proaeeding in bankruptcy, �robafe, for condeiruiation or forfeiture, f'or <br /> enforcemont of a lien which�nay att�iin priority ovex Chis Secuxity Instrvment or to enforce laws or <br /> ragulations), or (c) I3orrc�wer hae nb�mdoned the Property, Uien Lender mny do nnd pay far whatevcn'is <br /> rcasrn�ablo or appropriate to p�rotect Leuder's interest in tlia Propcety and righfs uticier this Security <br /> Inetrumeut, including protectiing and/or ashessinb thc value of Ehe Property, and sectuing aud/or rep�irin{; <br /> tlie Property. Lende�''s actions can incl�uie, but ere not limited to: (t�)paytng�ng sums secw'cd by a iien <br /> �v7�ich hae priority over this �ecurity Instrumenf; (b) aype��iug in court; and (c)payi��ig reneonn6le attorneys' <br /> fees to protect ita interest in Che Pioperty a�id/or rigl�ts imder Ihis Sernirity Inahument, ineluding iYs secived <br /> poeition in a bai�lcruptcy proceeding. Sccaring the Properdy includes, but is not limited to, enter9ng tho <br /> Propexty to make repairs, charlge locks, re�l�ce or board up doors uid windows, cirain water Proui��ipes, <br /> eliminate building or oLher code violariona or dnngeraus conditions, and havc utilities turuecl on ar off. <br /> Although Le�ider mny take action under tMs Seetion 9, ,Lendar does nol h�ve to do so and is noC cuider any <br /> duLy or obli�fltton tio do str, It is a�'eed that Lcntidcr incurs na liability for not tialting tuiy or all aetions <br /> authorized under Chis Sectioii 9. <br /> Any amounta diebureed by Lender timder fhis Scction 9 sha11 become additional debti o�P Ron�owe�� s�c�v�.-d by <br /> this Sectiu'ity Instr��»ne�it. 'Chc;se unoui�iCs sh211 bear interest at the Nnte rate froin th�date oP disbm�sementi <br /> �nd shall bc�ayable, with such interest, upon notice from Le�rder eo Borrower requesting payuient. <br /> 7f this Secnrity InaCivment ia on a loaeahold, Borrower shall cmn�ly wiCh nll the provialons of Yha lease. If <br /> Borrower aequires fee title tio Che Property, the leaschold and the fee ktle she11 noC tnerge miless'l.ender <br /> agrees to the mer�er in writing. <br /> 10. M ortgac�e InsUrance. If Lender required Mortgage Lisurance as a condition oP malciug [he Loau, Barrowar <br /> shall pay the pcenumne required tio mainCain the Mnrtgugc Ina�irance in effect. Zf, for any repson, the <br /> Mort�age Ineurance eoverage required by Lcnder censes to be nvailabla from the mortgage insuror tliat <br /> praviously providecl sLtch itieurtuice and Iiorrower was required to ma1te scpar7tely desig�ated payments <br /> toward thn prerziituns fox Mortgage Insurance, T3orrowor sUall pay fhe premiums z•equired to obtain covezage <br /> substianfially equivalent to llie Mort�age Ii�isurance previonsly in effeet, at a eost snbstantially equivalcnC ko <br /> the cost to Barrower of thc MorCg�ge Insurauoe previottsly in effect�, fi�om ar� alCes�nate morCgage insurer <br /> salected Up l.endcr. If ei[batan6ifllly equivalent Mortga�;e Insurancc coverage is not availnble, Borrower shall <br /> —J J—�---- -- — � saoozota <br /> N C-0RASKA-Singla f-am lly-FannieM aelFretltlle M ec UN lf-DRM INSTI�UM[NT Fofm'3020 1)0'I <br /> VM P(ry VfdP6�NE)(11051 <br /> W ollets Kluwei'Flnnnciol5crviccs Pat�e 6 of 1! <br />
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