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201207370 <br /> (C� "Lender" is EQUITABLE QANK <br /> Le�ideri� a SaVi ngs f3dnk <br /> orgauizedandcxistingundcrtiholawxofTHE STATE D� NEE3RASKA <br /> Lender'sndcl��essis 113-115 N LOCUST ST PO BOX 16b GRAN� ISLAND NL 68802-0160 <br /> Lender is tihe Uenefioiary uuder ilris Securitiy Instrnuient. <br /> (D) "1'rustee" is EQUITABLE BANK <br /> (E) "Note" ineans the promissory notc signed by Borrower and dated AUgust 28, 2012 'Che Note <br /> stnCesthatBon�o�verowesLendet NINETY SIX THOUSAND AND 00I100 <br /> Dollars (U.S. $96,000.00 )plud interest. Borrow�r has prort�iscd to pay t1�is dcht in ragn}ar <br /> Periodic Pa}�mcnts and W pay Uie debt in full noL laler than J a n u a Y'y 1, 2 02 6 . <br /> (F) "Properfiy" meeuis the property fhat is dcecribed l�clow undcr t11c hcading "Trausfcr of Rightc in lhe <br /> Proper�y." <br /> (Gj "Lnan" means the dcbt ovidcnced bq tbc Nz�tq ph�a inheresl, auay prepayinent chaxges and late chnrgea due <br /> under the NoCe, and all sums due under this Security Insfirumeut, plus interest, <br /> (H) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Instrument that ase execnted by$orrower. The following Rlders <br /> are to be execuYed by Borrower �check box as applicableJ: <br /> �Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Ride�' �Secoud I Iome ltidcr <br /> 0 Balloon Rider � Ylanncc�U�ml llcvelopinenC Rider � 1-4 Funily Rider <br /> ❑ VA Ridac � Biweeldy P�yn�ent Ttider ❑ OHier(s) [specify] <br /> (I) "AppliCable LaW" ine�ns a1L canh'olling a�plicable federal, state at�d 1ocal statutes, rcgulalions, ordinanecs <br /> uid tidmiiuetrtttive rules and orders(tl�at have the effecl oPlaw)tie well �s aLl applicabla final, non-appe��lable <br /> jtiidicial opinions. <br /> (J) "Gommunify Associ�tion Dues, Fees, and Assessments" ,,neAns e�ll dnes, fees, as�c�smcnt� and oCl,er <br /> che�rges that are imposed on 13orxower or H�c R'operty by a condoininiiii�i�aseocialion, homeowners <br /> associnCioi7 or simil�r orgauization. <br /> (K) "Electronir. Funds TrarYsfer" ineazis any h�ansfer of funds, other than� h•ensaction originated by check, <br /> drnfl, or similar papec insriument, which ie initiated tln�ough an electronic ferminal, telephonic insh�mnent, <br /> computer, or m�gne¢ie tapa so as Co order, instruct, or �u4hari�e a finanoial insCitutron h�dcl�it or crcclit an <br /> accontrt. 5uch temi inclt�des, but is not 1iinited tE>, poiuL-of-sale lranefers, auComated Ieller mnchine <br /> ti aveactions, transfers inilia�ted by felepl�ione, wire trnna£ere, end antometed clenringhonse tr�ansfars. <br /> CL) "Escrow Items" means �hose itenzs that nre described in SecCion 3. <br /> (NI) "M iseellaneou2 Proceeds" ineans any compensation, settlemenC, awaa•d of dTm�ges, or proceeds paid by <br /> auy fliircl pnrty(othcr tl�an insucance proceeds pead under Ehe ooverages desoribed 'm Sectiiou 5) for: (i) <br /> damage to, or dcst��uclion of, Lhe Property; (ii) condetnnfltion or oElier taking of all or any p�ut of the <br /> Property; (iii) convey�tnce iti lieu of oondcrimation; or (iv} misrepresenlafions of oi on�issions as lo, fhe <br /> value and/or oondition of'tha Pro��rt� _ <br /> znoosoin <br /> NEBfL19KASingle Fem lly-Fannle M eelFretldle M nc UNIFORM INBiRU M ENi Porm 3020 7101 <br /> VM P f�J V M PB(NE�(1'1051 <br /> W olCers Kluw er Finanolol Servioes Pege 2 0117 <br />