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2012073�� <br />e. storing for hire or on gratuitous bailment; and <br />f. using, altering, and making repairs or alterations. <br />C. Power relating to stock and bond transactions. I empower my <br />attorney-in-fact to buy, sell, and exchange stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and all other <br />types of securities and financial instruments except commodity futures contracts; call and <br />put options on stocks and stock indexes; receive certificates and other evidences of <br />awnership with respect to securities; exercise voting rights with respect to securities in <br />person or by proxy; enter into voting trusts; and consent to limitations on the right to <br />vote. <br />D. Power relating to commodity and option transactions. I empower my <br />attorney-in-fact to buy, sell, exchange, assiga, settle, and exercise commodity futures <br />contracts; call and put options on stocks and stock indexes traded on a regulated option <br />exchange; and esta.blish, continue, modify, aad terminate option accounts with a broker. <br />E. Power relating to banking and other financial institation transactions. <br />I empower my attomey-in-fact to: <br />1. continue, modify, and terminate an account or other banking <br />arrangement made by or on behalf of the principal; <br />2. establish, modify, and terminate an account or other banking <br />azrangement with a bank, t�vst company, savings and loan <br />association, credit union, thrift company, brokerage firm, or other <br />financial institution selected by the agent; <br />3. hire a safe deposit box or space in a vault; <br />4. contract to procure other services available from a financial <br />institution as the agent considers desirable; <br />5. witlidraw by check, order, or otherwise money or property of the <br />principal deposited with or left in the custody of a financial <br />institution; <br />6. receive bank statements, vouchers, notices, and similar documents <br />from a financial institution and to act with respect to them; <br />7. enter a safe deposit box or vault and withdraw or add to the <br />contents; <br />8. borrow money at an interest rate agreeable to the agent and pledge <br />as security personal property of the principal necessary in order to <br />DPOAF of Bill D. Schultz Page 4 of 17 Initials: �� Date: � j�� ��� <br />