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f!± ; <br />241207297 <br />err. being a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska, and that . <br />he died testate and left survivingghim as his sole and`only heirs <br />at'law;his:widow, Elsie E. Moss, a son, Wayne R. Moss,.and;a daughter,, <br />Jerrilyn:Moss:.Anderson. <br />IT IS THE.FURTHER ORDER OF THE COURT that the Executrix pay <br />f the attorney's fees in accordance with the findings above. <br />IT IS'THE FURTHER ORDER OF THE COURT that the following de- <br />?j scribed real estate: <br />Southeast Quarter (SEA) of Section Twenty-nine (29), <br />Township,Eleven,(11) North, Range Twelve (12) West <br />of the 6th P.M.,,Hall'County, Nebraska; <br />South:Half of the Northeast Quarter'(S~NEk) of Section <br />Twenty-nine (29), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Twelve X12)'-West of the, 6th P.44, Hall County, Nebraska; <br />South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S'SW'k) and the`South <br />Twenty (20) Acres of the North Half of the Southwest <br />;Quarter,(N~SWk) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Twelve <br />(12),.North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br />County,.,Nebraska; <br />passed and.-descended to Elsie E. Moss'for and during her natural <br />life, she to have the use and income therefrom so long as she shall <br />-'live,'and that the life estate <br />in Elsie E. Moss, the fee <br />ar14~ title-,to.,such premises passed and descended to WayneR..;Moss and. <br />Jerrilyn Moss.Anderson'in equal shares, the same to be'theirs <br />absolutely"and forever,.and that such real estate be,':and hereby; <br />is, assigned in :'such fashion.,, IT IS THE.FURTHER ORDER OF THE COURT that,all personal_ <br />ru"z property of every kind and nature, both tangible and,intangible, <br />passed and descended to Elsie E. Moss, the same,to be hers abso <br />s „lutely and•forever'=and that such property be, and hereby is, <br />assigned in such fashion. <br />IVIS;THE FURTHER ORDER OF THE COURT that upon the payment <br />of the"attorney's fees and the distribution of all the personal <br />:property of every. kind and nature, both tangible and intangible, <br />;to;Elsie Ee;Moss and obtaininga receipt for same, and upon; the <br />filing'of.the'Estate Tax Closing Letter, that the Executrix herein <br />be discharged as,Executrix and her bond'released and discharged. <br />BY THE _COURT. <br />a n01 <br />J Jr, ..iy d~ :f1 f <br />-3- <br /> <br />