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20 �20�27� <br />Exhibit "A" <br />All ai' Lats Two (2) and Three t3), � i�Yrst Sabdii�islon to the City ot Grsnd IsLand, Hall Connty, <br />Ne�aska and the part of Lot One (1), Ross FYtrst Subdi�tsfion to the C�ty of Gr�nd Island, Hall CouatT, <br />Nebraska mor� psrttctelarly de.scrlbed as [ollows: Commenc3ng at tiae Northwst corner of sald Lot O�e <br />(�j� Wence westerly an the Nort6 tine of said Lot One (Z). a dfstance of 6935 feet to the point of <br />6eginnft� t�ence Southerty a di�anee of 629,4 teet to the South lit�e of eaid Lot One (1}; �ence weste�rly <br />an the South line of sa3d Lot One (1) a dlstauce of 1.9 feet to the sQnthwest carner of said I.flt 4ne (1}; <br />thence Not�erly on the Wegt line af s� Lot Qne (1) a distaace oC 629.d feet to the NorthweBE cox�er <br />of said Lot One (ij; thence Easterly on the North llae of said Lot One (1) a distance of O.S5 6eet to the <br />point af beglnning. <br />