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20i2u7�5� <br />irnerest of the Secured Party to the extent of the principal sum yet owing to Secured Party in respect to the <br />indebtedness d�crihed in Paragraph 2 along with interest and costs aU:ocable thereto, however evidenced. <br />4. So long as any portion of the described obligation to Secured Party ia outstanding and unpaid, the <br />provisions of the Deed of Trust of other instnxmern of security between the Debtor and the Secured Party are <br />controlling as to the Collateral in which Secured Pariy is to have a first security i�erest, including any time there is <br />a conflict between it and the provisions of any lien instn►ment graz►ted to the Subordinating Creditor by the Debtor. <br />5. Ttris Agreement is a continuin�, absolute and uncondirional agreemem of subordination without regard <br />to the validity or enforc,eability of tbe Promissory Nates or other instrume�s of indebtedness between the Debtar <br />and the Secured Party evidencing sums due or documecrts �ranting a security interest in the Collateral, irrespective <br />of the time or order of attachmeirt or perfection of the security interest in the Collateral or the order of filing the <br />Deeds of Trust or other instruments of security with respect to the Collateral. <br />6. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and is binding upon the Subordinating Creditor and <br />upon its successors and assigns, so long as any portion of the sums secwed as described in Paragraph 3 are <br />outstanding and unpaid. <br />7. The Subordinating Creditor agrees that the Pramissory Aiotes or other instruments of indebtedness af the <br />Debtor evidencing the obligation between the Debtor and the Secured Party may from time to time be renewed, <br />elctended, modified, compromised, accelerated, sc�ttlal or released, without notice to or conseut by the Subordinating <br />Creditor. <br />� <br />� �.� "��� <br />r Barry San trom, President and CEO <br />HOME ERAI. SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />A5S0 IATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />�� <br />Barry <br />HOME F <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br />(ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />rom, Presideut and CEO <br />SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />V OF GRAND ISLAND <br />"Secured Part}� <br />Before me, a Notary I'uhlic qualified in said County, personally Barry G. Sandstrom as President and <br />CEO of HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, known to me to be the identical person who <br />signed the foregoing Subordination Agre.ement on behalf of such ernity, and acknowled�ed to eacecution thereof to <br />be tus voluntary act and deed on behalf of such entity. <br />Witness mv hand and Notarial seal on this I��' day of August, 2012. <br />6ENEHrAIN�AN� �N b <br />I�y Comm. ExP• Au9.18, 2016 <br />� <br />Notary ic <br />r <br />r <br />Subhftohf 5/11 <br />
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