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20�2072 <br />Mortgagor further understands and agrees that at each 3 year anniversary date of the Note, the Martgages shal! <br />have the option and right, at Its sole dlscretlon, to adJust and modify the rate of interest per annum charged on <br />the fndebtedness as sef forth �n the Note; sald new rate of interest, if any, shall apply #o the unpaid balance of <br />principal existing at and shall be effective on the first day of the month that begins not less than 15 days afterthe <br />safd appllcable anniversary date and thereafter. I�rterest rate variability is limited to 3% peradjustrnerrt period or <br />a maximum of 6% overthe life of the loan. In the event of such adjustment in interest rat�, the month{y payment <br />will be also adjusted accordingly. Any and all documents, i# any, reasonabiy deemed necessary to effectuate <br />saEd Interest rate adjustment, upon execu�on, shall be considered a part of and Incorporated into this Mortgage <br />or Deed of Trust that may have been given to secure fihe Nofie. <br />The Mortgagor expressly agre�s to pay the Inde6tedness above secured, without relief from valuation or <br />appraisemenf laws, and with attomeys' fees and upon failure to pay any part of the principal or interest, then all <br />of the mortgage debt is at the option of fihe Mortgagee to become due and coliectible and thls mortgage may be <br />foreclosed accordingly. It is further agreed that on the fallure of the Martgagor to pay any or all of the <br />Indebtedness as if becomes due and should suit by insfi#u#ed to foreclose said mortgage, then the MorEgagee <br />wil! be erititled to the possession, Fents and proflts of said Real �state from the �me of such default Said rents <br />t� be applied upon said Indebtedness, less costs and expenses, if any. It is further expressly agreed that, until <br />alI of said Indebfiedness shall be paid, said Mortgagor shall keep all legal taxes, assessments and charges <br />agalnsf sald premises pafd as the same become due, and shaA keep the building thereon insured by such <br />insurance company or companies as shall be approved by the Mortgagee, for the beneflt of fhe Mortgagee, as <br />fts interest may appear, to tha amount of its fuli insurable value but not less than $40,000.00 and failing to do so, <br />said Mo�gagee may pay said taxes or insurance, and the amownt so pa�d, wlth twelve per esnt interesf thereon, <br />shall be a part of the Indebtedness secured by this mortgage. <br />7he Mortgagor agrees not fo Incur further Indebtedness, direct or indfrect, except upon the express writfen <br />consent of the Mo�tgagee and further agrees not to sell, transfer or encumber any realty now owned by the <br />Mortgegor including the above described property during the llfe of this instrument withoutwritten consent of the <br />Mortgagee. <br />I WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagor has hereunto set fts hand and seal this �, day of <br />�4^ 20�_. <br />First Christian Church, <br />Grand Island, Neb� , <br />By: � <br />S ja Pearson, Board Presiclent. <br />f ��.' <br />_� <br />Kathy Idotto, T'reasurer <br />��.,1',�.� S / >. ��� � /��°-f��� <br />Printed n me a d Title <br />