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<br /> COVENANTS � ��r+�����
<br /> I 1. Paym�nt�. 6orrawer agroea to maka ell paymenta on the aecured debt when due. Unlese Borrower�and e�der epree ot srwse, any
<br /> t��v���snt�I.ender recntvos from Borrower or for Borrower's benefit wfil be applled flrat to any amounte Borrower owes on the secured debt
<br /> � noi reduce prnexcus6e�enyr�echeduled paymonttuntll the aecueed de6tiRipa'id In fulla1 Propoyment af the secured Aebtoocun fo�any res�on,it wlll
<br /> i Z.CINm1 Ap�ln�t TI�.•ioaower will•pey all t�xes,�asaeasmente,and other cherges attributabie to the property whe�duo end wlll detand tltlo
<br /> to th�prop�rtY apaln t any alNma Nhloh would Imp�+ir tho Iien of this deed of trust.Lender may requlre Borrower to aeelpn any rlphte,clefine or
<br /> ' dofen�e�which 9orrower may have ageinst parties�+ho supply labor or materfals to improve or melntaln the property.
<br /> � 3, IMw�no�. Borrower wfll keep the propetty ineuied under terms acceptabie to Lender at Borrower's expense�nd for Lender'• benefit. All
<br /> � Inturence polloles thell InCludo a stenderd mort age clause In favor of Londer.Lender will 6e nemed as loas payee or ee the Insured on any�uch
<br /> or to the Qscured debt�It Lenderiequlressmorigago P elurence�t B�arowerragre�es�to�melntainteuchhnaurancettor as lonpjaa Lende�eque81property
<br /> �`
<br /> �„ 4.Prop�rty.Borrower wlll keep the prop9►ty In good conditio� and make eli repeira reatonabiy necessery. -
<br /> ���� of tFruat o��ln iny obllpstlon aecured by this deed of tnrust Borr�wer�wile p y these amount to Lender�as prov d d kn Covenent 9 of thlel�deed of -
<br /> tru�t.
<br /> 0.P►la i�audty Imeuta.Uniess Borrower flret obtains Lender'a written conaent, Dorrower wiil not make or permit my chenpes to any prlor '�'
<br /> l securlty Int�reot�. Borrower will perform all oi Borrowar's oUlipatione undor any prior mortgepe, deed of truat or mher security agrbemant, p1__
<br /> � I�ciudlnp Borcowar'�covenents to meke paymenta when due.
<br /> � � 7.Md t of R�nts�nd Profits.Borrower asslgna to Lender the rente and profits of the property.Unlese Borrower end Lender hsve apreed _
<br /> jotharw�� fn wrltinp, Borrower may coilect and reteln the renta as bng ae Borrower is not in defeult. if Borrower defaults, Londer, Lendsr's
<br /> � �p�nt, or� court�ppalnted teceiver may take possesafon and ma�age tho property and coilect the rentt. Any rents Lender coileot� shill be
<br /> nece�soary rslitid axpsnleif The r malning amouni of renta will then apply to paymenta on the secured debt as provided In�Covenant 1�ny othet
<br /> � � !.L�a�haid�t Condominiums:Pla�rnd Unit Qewlopm�nU,Borrower egrees to compIy with the provlelom of any lease If thi�deed of trust fs on L
<br /> � under thelcovenanti by laws�uor rep lu etto s�of the condom n um or pla,A ed mit deveV pmentnt,Borrower wiil perform ali of Burrowsr's dutle�
<br /> �� 9.Authaity of L�nd�� to P�rform for Borrow�r. If Borrowe� fails to�perform any of Borrower's duuaa undn� this deed of truft, Lender may
<br /> r pertorm th�dutl�s or aause them to be performad. Lender may 81gn 9orrower's name or pey any amount it necacary far performance. If any
<br /> constructlon on ths property I�discontinued or not carried on in e reasonable menner,Lender mny do whatever ie neceasery to proteat Lende►'�
<br /> `� t�curlty Int�nat In ths propsrtyr.Thl�msy Inalude campleting the conatruttlon.
<br /> Ler►��r'�fNlun to parfarm will not prectude Lender from exercisMig any of ke other rights under thn law or thfs deed of tru�t.
<br /> . ind wl I bi,r�intitiit from the dats�of the peyment untlli paid i�fdi at�the�lntereet�rate In ieffect on the iecured debi u�t�wiil be due on dem��d
<br /> 10. D�twh�nd Aaadnation. If Borro�nrer falls to make any payment when due or breeks any covenents under thle deed of uust or any
<br /> � obllpatlon a�cund by thl�de�d of trust a any prtor mortgaee or deed of truat, 4ender may accelerate the metwity of the aecured debt and
<br /> d�mand Imm�dlat�p�ym�nt�nd may Invoka the power of eale and any ather remedlet permitted by applio�ble law,
<br /> _�� 11.R�qwst ta Notle�of O�iwtt.It Is hereby requested that copiee of the notices of defauft and sele be aent to each persan who Is a p�rty
<br /> --__ �....t�,.r e1u�.ddrw of eech wch peraon,as set forth herain.
<br /> 12.Iow�r of BM�.If th�L�nd�r Invok�s th� power of eaie, the T�uetee thali flrst record in the office of the rsptt�r of dsedt of eaah county
<br />- � wh�r�in th�trust proputy ar�om�p�rt or patal thereof Is aituated a notice of default containln th�Intorm�tion requlred by I�w.Ths Trusts�
<br /> • �hdl�Uo m�tl copl�s ot th�notic�of dd�ult to the Borrower,ta each peraon who is a party�ereto, and to other persont u prs�aribsd by
<br /> �ppllosbN law. Not le��th�n ons month�ttsr the Trustee records the notice of defauR or two months if th�trutt prop�rty is not In�ny
<br /> � Incorpont�d ctty or vllla ��nd Is ut�d In Urml operatlons aettled on by the truator,the frustes�h�ll plvs pubilo notics of ub to tFw per�on�
<br /> md in th�m�nn�r pn�crib�d bV��ppplicabk I�w 7ruetee,witfaut demand on Borrower,thall aeli the property at pubila auotlon to th�hiyh�st
<br /> bldder.If nqulnd by th�F�rm Homnt�ad P►oteation Aot,Truetee ehall oNer the property In two sepsrats aalss n requlnd by appllc�bl�law,
<br /> '" Tru�ts�m�y postporu wl�o}dl or my pacel of the property by publio announcement et the tims and plece of�ny pnvioutly�ohedut�d sN�.
<br /> ' Lmd�r or itr d�slpn��may purch�u ths property et any sala.
<br />= . ,,,��,i�•� Upon ncdpt of pavm�nt of tM pric�bfd,Trustee sheli dellver totne purchaaer iruatae'n�lnn�3 wnvtlyi� ihe pr3p;�rty.Ttsc rccmala eontslcrd!n --
<br />- L Truste�'�d��d�h�ll b�prlm�f�ul�wldi�na of the truth of the 4tatemente conteined thereln.Trustse s�iell eppty ths procssds of th���b In th�
<br />=��`� followirp ord�i: (�) to afl �xp�ns�� of ths ale, includlny, but not Iimited to, reason�ble Trustss'� taes, rauornble �ttorr►�y's feu �nd
<br />�;,1�; ��:�;r rNnstat�m�nt fe�s;lb)to�II wms��cur�d by thls deed of trust,end Ic)the balanco,if sny,to the per�om lepalty mtitled to roctiv�it.
<br />�'""'���� 13.Fa�dotw�.At Lend�r'�optlon,thfs deed of trust may be forecloaed In tho manner provlde by appliceble law for forecloture of mortp�pet
<br /> "���' on reN propaty.
<br /> .—.�:�•+s�n�
<br /> -=�'���L=� 14.Nup�atlon. Lmdv m�y�nt�t th�p�operty to inapect It if lender gives Borrower notice beforohand.The notks must state the roatombl�
<br />��ai�'7}�[:'"�_?� c�ute for Lendu's Inip�otlon.
<br />�;;=��'�� 16.Cond�n�n�tion.Borrowu�ulQnt to lmd�r the roceeda of eny eward ar cleim for damag ea connected whh�condsmnation or othar t�kinp
<br /> r of�II a�ny part of th�prop�rty.&uoh proce�d�wiP be epplied�� provided in Covenant 1.7his easipnmmt ta sub�eat to the terms of�ny prior
<br /> p"`�'.;;,.,� acurfty apnem�nt,
<br /> � .�.,:s.�.ct:-
<br /> �,. ��
<br /> ° `=`�`��� 1d.wr�...By�x�rclNnp anY nm�dY aviilsbl�to Lender,Londar does not give u�eny rights to Ister uae any other nmedy.By r�ot�xecialnp
<br />—r-ID;);�P�'y�p--� any nrtNdy upon Borrow�t'�d�f�uit,L�od�r do�s not walve any right to Iater cona der the event a default If It heppero�y�in.
<br /> -'°"=—— 17. Jdnt �nd iw�rN ll��y 3 Ca�IpMni S�+ce�aot��nd Atslyn� Bound. Atl dutlee under this deed of truit aro jolnt and ssveral. Any
<br /> `°°o""`�F$ Borrower who co•tlnrn thl� d�ed of tro�t but dai not co•dpn the underlying debt Inatrumentla) doee so orJy to qrant and convsy th�t
<br /> y���;� Barow�Ys Int�rut In tM prop�►ty to tM Trustu undor the terms of thia deed oi truat.In edditlon �uch a Borrower apres�th�t ths Lender��d
<br /> __F. my oth�r Borrown und�t thlt d��d of tru�t may extmd,mo�fy or meke Any other chengee In t�e tstmt of thls deed of tru�t or ths sacurad _
<br /> - - debt wlthout that Borrow�r'�conpnt�nd wfthout nl��sinp th�tBorrower trom the terms af thia d�ed of trust.
<br /> — ^ -T�..�
<br />�=y4.-:��„ � The dutles�nd b�rnflt�ot tht�d��d o}tru�t sh�il bind snd benelit tM succesaors and asaigns of Lender end Borro�ver.
<br /> -r,' wy�'µ.
<br />_ _ �.::,.� �.. ' 18.Nmtae.Unlsn othuwl�e nqulnd by I�w,my notics to Barower shell be giveo by deliverinp It or by malling It by certified meit eddros�ed to
<br />�'�• Borrowa at th�prop�rty eddns�m mV oth�r�ddru�th�t Barower has gfven to Lender.Borrowcr will give any notice to Lenda by certlfied
<br />�° ' � msll to Lend�r'��ddr�s�on pep� 1 of tFd�de�d of tru�t,or ta iny other eddnaa which Lender has deaipneted.Any other notice to Lender fha�
<br />�'�= ^ he sent to Unde'��ddna a atat�d on D�O�1 of thlt d�ed of uwt.
<br /> . � Any notice thall ba deem�d to hw�b��n plwn to Borrower or lender when plven in the manner stated above.
<br />- t : 18.Tun�irr of tM��op�rty a�a�fkW Int�n�t In tM Bortow�r.If ell or any pen of the ptope�ty or any intaest in it is cold or tramfarred
<br /> A � � without Lendtr'� Drlor wrlttsn coment,lende► mty dsmond immediate pnymont of the �ecured debt. londer mey elso demar�d immediate
<br />-_ � „ 0.: paymsnt If the Borrow�r I� not �mturN pu�on �nd �ben�ticial Intereot in the Borrower Ia aotd or trans(erred. However, Lender may not
<br />_ � demand paym�nt In tht abow tltuulom II It I�prohlbit�d by fed�rai I�w aa of the date ot thia deed of trust.
<br /> A. 10.R�eonwy�ne�.Whan th�obtip�tlon��cund by tht�deed of trust haa been paid, end Lender has no further obllgatlon to mske advance�
<br /> under the I��trum�nts or�pn�m�nt� s�cur�d by thl�de�d o}truat,the Truatee shell, upon wrttten requeat by the Lender,reconvey the trun
<br /> - ��,-i��"� � property. Th�L�ndsr sh�il ddiv�►fo thr Borrow�r,or to Bo��ow�r'i euccesaor in Intereet,the truat deed and the note or other evidanee of the
<br /> � . obllyatbn so s�titfl�d.Botrowe►shUl pay eny record�tlon costt.
<br /> �-� -' " Zl. 84CC�ttO► TN�tN. �enner, nt�ena�r� opiiOn, m�y remove trustee anp a pvini n nuconoao� iiuui8n `vi ���oi, n�uiiiiry u wMT �� � —
<br /> eubstitutlun of tru�t����requlr�d by�pDlk�bl�liw,�nd thsn,by tillng the substitu�lon of trustee for rocord in the office of the rogister of deedi
<br /> of eaCh County In which the tru�t prope�ty, ur�om�p�+t therwf, U�itueted.The euccesaor truatee,without comreyance of the proparty,shap �
<br /> ' succeed t�tll the power,dutle�,�utliorlty and tftte at the T�u�u� ��med In the deed of trust and ot eny euaceeaor t►uatoe.
<br /> t 4
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