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<br /> - 9. Inspectton. I.cadcr or its agent may make reasonahle catrles upon and inspections of the Property.Leader�hall —
<br /> give 8orrower notice at the tlme of or pdor to an iaspectlon specIfy ing reasoaablE cause for the inspection.
<br /> 10.CondemnAtion. The prncee.�ds of any awatd or claim for damage�, direct or consequenNal,ia corwection wtth
<br /> any condemnation or ather taking of nny part of thr Property, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnatiou, are hercby
<br /> g essigned and ahall be pald to L.eader.
<br /> � In the event of a total taking of the PropeKy. ►he proceede shall be applied to the sumg secured by this S�cudty —
<br /> ' Instrument,whcther or not thcn due.wlth any excess paid to Rotrower. In the event of a partial taklug of We Propeng in _
<br /> . „ .:f,� which thc fair market valuc of the Property i��lately befan the taking is cqual to or greater then the iunouat ot the —
<br /> � . sums secuted by thia Security Instrumeat immedlately before the taking, unless Bonower and I.ender otherwlse agra in
<br /> writing, the stuns secured by this Secudty Iastrumr.at adall be reduced by the apwunt of the prooeeds multiplied by the -
<br /> ,����', following traction: (a)the total anount of thc sums secuted immediarely before the taking,divided by(b)the fair rnuket
<br /> � � value of the Property immaliately befon the taking.Any balancc sh�ll be paid to Bortower.In the event of a partiat ta�ing
<br /> . � of the Property ln which the fair market valuc of the Property im�nedietely befora the taklng is less than the amount of the __
<br /> . s sums secured Lnn�edlately befon the taking,unless Bonower aad Lender othetwtse agree in writing or ualess epplicable
<br /> law otherwlse provldes, thc procoeds shall be appli e d to che sums secured by tbie Securt t y Insuvment wherher or not the
<br /> sums ate then due. '
<br /> i If the Property is abaadoaed by Borrower,or If, after aotice by Lender to Bvrrower that the coademnor offere w
<br /> i; I make an award or setde a claim for damages,Bonower fails to respoad to Leader wlthia 30 days after the date the notice
<br /> ��,� r Is givea. Leader is authorized ta collect and apply the proceeds,at ite opdon,elther to testoration or repair of the Praperty
<br /> : i or to the sums secured by this Socuriry Iasuument,wuether or not then due.
<br />- ",��w I Unless Lxnder and Borrower othenvise agree ia wrlting,nny applicaaon of proceeds to principal shall not extead or
<br /> . �•�: postpone the due date of the monthly paytpeata refcmed to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the acnount of such pay�aeds. f
<br /> � ���� ' 11. Borrower Not ReleASed; Forbearance BY 1Rnder Not a W�Iver. Extension of the time for paynzent ot
<br /> � modificatioa of ra�ortization of the aums secured by thls Securlty Insuument granted by Lender to any succ.essor in interest
<br /> of Borrower shaU not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender
<br /> '� ''��� shall not be requiced ro commenee proceedings against any suscessor in interest or mfuse to extend time for pa or
<br /> otherwise modlfY amortlzadon of the suu�securod by thie Securiry Insmuaent by reason of any dernaad by the
<br /> ",� or�ginal Borrower or Borrower's successors In incerest.Any fotfiearance by Lender in exerclsing aay rlght or remodY shall
<br /> � • not be a weiver of or preclude the exercise of any r�ght or remedy.
<br /> 12.Successors and Assigns�Bowndi Joint and Several Ll�btUty; Co-signere. The covenants and pgroements of
<br /> .�, . this Secur�ry Instrumeat shell bind and beaefit the successors and assf of Lender and Borrower, subi xt to the
<br /> provistons of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenanta end agrccments shall be�oint nnd aeveral.My Borrower wf�o co•algns
<br /> .�� this Sec�uiry Insuument but das not execute the Note: (a)is casigning thia Securlty Insuumeat only to mortg�ge,grant
<br /> "' ��•, and convey that Borrowec's interest in the Property uader the terms of this Security Insteumeut: (b) is not persoaally
<br /> �����°��^ obligated to pay the suins securod by this Securlry Instniment;and(c)�that Leader and any other Borrower may
<br /> -:e'L'�;-;:',:,;i a�gree i0 cxibAd,mo�ify. far�u ar m:�aa;�ccomss�datioas�ih reg !���hs�prm.a of this Security Insuument or tbe
<br />.-R.,,,' �.,'� Nou wttho t that Bonowcr s consent.
<br />'.-�'�:';;;tt :•� 13.�Chorges. If the loan socund by thts Securlty Inst�ument is subJect to a law which sets maairau:a loaa
<br /> �""'�z.'��` c h a r g e s. and that law is fiaall y inte c preted so that the interest or oWer loan charges wllectod or to be coqectad in
<br /> ;:r�,:��L^s�i`;- connectioa wiW the loaa exceed the permitted licnits, then: (a) any such lonn charge shali be reduced by t he amount
<br /> `��_;�1��' ne�sary W reduce the charge to thepenaitted limtr,and(b)aay a�nns alread collected fmm Borrower ahich excood.�
<br /> n
<br /> -,,;��;'• ` '�'� permitted limits will be refi►nded to Boaower. 1.endcr may choose to make s refund by reducing tt�e principax owed
<br /> _ , uader the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a ceti�ad reduces principal,thc ruduction will be treated as x
<br />--=��,4�;;�;� partial prepayment without aay prepayment charge under the Notc.
<br />°°" ', 14,Notloes. Any notiee w Borrower provided for in thts Saurlty Insuumenc shail i,e gIvea by dclivcr}ng:t or by
<br /> ---�=���'`'-•� rnailing it by fuat class mail unless applicable law requices ase of another�thod.'t7ze notice shall be di:+ected to the
<br /> - — -- Praperty Adiress or any other�dresa Bortower designates by aodce ro Lender.Any nodce to Lender shall be g�ven by
<br /> —_==— first class u�sil to Lender's addcess stated henln or any oWer address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Aay mtice
<br /> - providod for in tl�iis Securlty Insqvment sheU be damod to have been given to Borrowa or Lender when given as provide�
<br /> in tbis garagraph.
<br /> � 15.Governin�Law; SevaabWty. 'Ihis Security Insuument shall be governed by foderal law and the liw of ihe
<br /> 3urisdiction in wluch the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of thie Security Instrument or tLe
<br /> --- - — Note contlicts with applicable 14w, such coaflict shall aot affat other pmvisions of this Security Instcuroent or the Note
<br /> which can be given effoct without the contllcting pmviaion.To this end the pmvisions nf thta Securlty Instrument and the
<br /> Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> ----�� 16.Borrower'e Copy. Borrower shall be gl�vea one conformed oopy of the Not�and of this Sxurity Insuument.
<br /> ° 17.1Yxnsfer of the Property or a Bmefidal Inta�st In Borrower. If all or any paict of thc Propecty or any
<br /> --_—= intenst ia it is sold or uensferred(or if a beneficial interest ia Borrower is sold or transfernd and Borrower ia not a
<br /> -- naturai person)without I.encler's prIor written coasent,I.ender caay,at its oprion,require irnmedtau payment in full of alt
<br /> sums secured by this Securlty Insavment.However.thia opdon shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is proLibfted
<br />----- -- by federal law a9 of the date of this Securlty Instcument.
<br /> _.-- If Lender exercises this option.Le.ader sLall give Borrower notice of aoceleration.'Ihe notice shall provide a peraod
<br /> _ __ � � of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is dellvered or mailed within which Borrower must pay aU sums sau:+ed
<br /> -=-- w�sosa sieo�a+ve 4 os s�
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