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<br /> �� tbAndoned Prop�etty. Bonower shaU also be Ia default !f Borrowe:r, during tt►e lwn �ppllr�adon ptoccas, B+�vo
<br /> � . m�terlaUy filwe �r in�ccun�te Infornudon or sb�tements to Lender(ar failed to pmvlde Lender with nnny m�tocial _
<br /> �uform�tion) ia counecdon wlth the l�an evldenced by the N�te, includlag, but aot llmited to. r�,prcsenpdot�
<br /> •� coacemlp� Borrower's oceupwey of the Pruperty �s � principrl reatdence. 1f tLis Sccuelty Instcument L oa n �
<br />.°��= le�xhold. Bormwer sb�ll compty wlth tbe pmvlalun�of�he la�.If Sorcowec�equlra fa dtle to the Prop�tty,Wa
<br />'� le�sehold�al fea dtic stu�ll not t�e a�er�al unlaa l.�ader�reei to the merRer In wridns.
<br /> i.Condemn�tlon.The proceedA of�ny rward or cl�lm for duna�a,direct or cancequeati�l.ia caupecdoa wjth
<br />� Rny cunkmnKdan or nther t�k1aQ ot KnY Put af the Proporty. or far conveyaace ia pl�ce of caudamn�don, uo
<br /> heceby�asi�nai u�d eh�ll bc p�id tn Leaikr to the exteat uf tbe ti�ll aawunt of the indebteduess ttut rem�ias unP+►id
<br /> rem
<br /> ..~� under the Note�acl thic Secwity lattiucnent. Leader st�U apply such procea{s ta the reduction of the lt►debtedness
<br /> ,��d
<br />;,,� w�r the Note �ud tWe Securlty laatnunent� 6at ta u►y deW�queat amount� aPPUod in tLe order pmvIded
<br />����s� P�C�Ph 3,and then to preMYment of pdncipal.Any appllc�don af tho procads ta thc pilncipil ahaU not extend or
<br />`-'� postpone tho due dnte of the montblY paymente� which ut refetred t°j°p�l�h 2,or chwnge We amouat of such
<br />`'�� P�Y�atA. Aay excess pmceeds over an�mount requ�nd to WY all outaauiding indet�adness undu the Note and thls
<br /> _ SocurIty Iasttumeat s1�U be piid w tLe eadty legally endtled tbereto. Borrower ahaU p�y a11
<br />_-��;� 7. CIMr� to Barowar and Protedloa of La�drr'e Iti� fn the Propat7•
<br />-T"s�1 govermre�l or muaicipil chArges.fines and lmposidoa�that an not includal ia puigdph 2. Borrower eLall 1�Y
<br /> ,' these obliptioag oa�me dirxtly w the endty whiclt is owed the psyment» If fiilare to pry wovld adversely�ect
<br />'W��� L.ender's ituerest in the Property. upcn L.�ader's c+equest Bormwer s�ll promptly fnmish to I.ender meIpts
<br /> �� �����r°�� h 2, or fails to perfoun�ay othet
<br /> --- If Borrower fWs to make these payments or the payments required bY P�B�P
<br /> covenu�ts and agreemonts contdral in this Securlty Instwnea. or tLere�S a legai prooeedlnS that may sign[6c�tnR1Y
<br />----• affect J.ender's d�hts in the Pmpesty(such ac a pmcadtn8 in b�nl�uPtcy, for condemmdon or to enforoe 4wa or
<br /> reguladoag). then L.ender mty do and pAy whatever is�►to Prooxt tt�e value of the Propeccy Rnd 1�ender't
<br />__-.,r.,� rl�hta in tLe Pt+opeity,includ�n8 P�Y�pt of wccs�l�xard insurt�e xnd other items meationed lu p�ragr�p�►2.
<br /> �---'" Any�mounts dlsburned by L.enekr uader this pAngcsph sL�ll become ut�ddidonat deM of Bomnwer�tad be
<br /> sxural bv this Secudt�'IastNmen�T!►ese unounts shwll beu intenest from the date of dis6ursement,nt the Note rate�
<br /> uid pt the option of Le�cr.sh�U.be immedi�tely dae aad pity�bie.
<br /> Borrow�er shill prampdy dischuQe�tnY lien which has pdodty rner this Secudty Instcument unless Bonowet:
<br /> (a) s�reea ia wridng W the psyment of We oblig�tdon secureQ by the lien in a ms�mer�ccYpp�ble to L.enda; (b)
<br /> contacta in good faith tLe lien by, ar defends Ag�tast eafonement of tt►e lien in, legal Procadin�Ss Rfiieh in the
<br /> Leadar's opinian opeiaoe to pnvent the enfom.emeat of the lieu; or (c) socures fmm th�e liolder of the llea �tt
<br /> agroement stt�sfictozy W Lenckr subordInattn�t1u liea to d�is 5xurtty!s�n„+�•±• If Lender detetmines th�t aaY p�ct
<br /> of the PmpectY ia subject w a liw wLich may stt�ia priaity over thia Sa.�urlry Instn�ment.Lender msy�ivti Bormwer
<br /> — a nodix ideatlfying tiie lien. Borrower shW eu,sty ttse lien a n�Oe one or more of�he a�:don��i iu.ut ruc,v:.�it�iu
<br /> 10 daya of the giving of aioda.
<br /> S.Feea.I.ender nuy callect fas and chuges author3ZZa1 by the Secretary.
<br /> 9.Groundr ior Acodeatioa ot D�bt. in the c�se of P+►Y�
<br /> (�)DehWt.I.eacfer m�y.�MK�s limioal by tegubtioa9 issued by the Sceretuy,
<br /> � defiulq�requ�n immodLte P0.Y��in fiill of�il sama saured by th�s Savrlty�n�nnuwt if:
<br /> (i)Borrowa deLutts by f�iliu8�MY ia full any monthlY P�Y��1�bY tbi9 Seourity Instcua�enc
<br /> prior to or on tLe due d�te of the�t monthlY MY���
<br /> (ii)Borrower defaults by feWn��for a pei3od of thiiiy dtys,to perfo:m wy othec obli�atio�oont�i�d
<br /> in t6is Secwit3►Io�cameat.
<br /> N)Sab V9khout Ce+Adit Appro��l.Leflder s�all,if permiued by�ppllcable law�i�lixlia,�Sa�ion 341(�
<br /> of the(�rn,sG C�am�a DepostWry Insdtudoac Act of 1982. 12 U.S.C. 1901j-3(d))aud wlth tLe pria
<br /> �ppmv�l of the S�cret�►.roquire imm�i�te P�Ymea�n full of aU suau oecuc�od by this Savdty Imtnm�t
<br /> if:
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