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<br /> of Borrower's covenants an,d agne�'teats under thls Security Insm�ment and the Nou. For this purposr, Boxrower
<br /> lrrevocably grants and conv�ys to the Tiustee,ia avst.wlth power of sale,ths followIns descrlbed property located
<br /> ��y County,Nebraska:
<br /> TJ17C ST)1TEMICNTB BHOIILD 88 S�NT TO s NOAiPSBT MOATG1108 INC., P.0. HOX 5137, D88
<br /> � 80INlS, I!1 503065137 �
<br /> whlch h�,9 the Add[ess of 1608 IPSBT DiVt8S02i, 3RIWA IBL�l11D (s�rea,Cicp�,
<br /> NebrASkx G88o3 [�e��l ('Property Address'):
<br /> TOOBTHBR WITH dl the liupmvewents now or hereafter erectecl oa the property, and aU easaments,
<br /> �ppuctenia:es u�d flatuce,t now or benesfter a part oi the property.All replacemanta smd auldIdoa� sh�ll also be
<br /> ' covered by thie Securlty lnsuument.All of the fongoing Is nfernd to in this Securlty Inctiument as the"Property."
<br /> BORAQWBR COVBNAIVTS thQt Borrowu is lawfully seiud of the esptte henby comeyed and bas the right w
<br /> �raat aud comey the Pmperty�tad tlut the Property is unencumbered,a�cept for eacumbronces of record. Horrower
<br /> waaants and wfll defend geaenlly the dde to the Pmperty agaI�t all claims and deman�ds, subjecc w any
<br /> encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SHCURiTY INSTRUMBNT combines unifoma covenanta for nadonal use and non-uniform covenanta
<br /> wlth limlted varIadons by jutisdicdon oo consdtuu a unifonn securlty iast�ument cove�g nal pmperty.
<br /> Borrower nnd Lender covenaat and agree as follows:
<br /> � 1. Paymeat oi Prindpal, �nterest and I.wte C6ar�e. Bomower a6a11 psy whea dne the princlpsl of, and
<br /> i.nterest on,the debt evldenced by the Note and late c]�arges due underthe Note.
<br /> 2. Mo�l� Pa�mest of Tues. Inturana and Otlxr Chaqes. Borrower sball include la each monthly
<br /> paymeat,Wgether with the pri�ipal wd laterest s�s set forth in tho Note ard�ny Lte chugea.a sum far(�)wces aad
<br /> specfal �ssessments ltvied or W be levied ngaiast the Propertq. (b) lasehold payments or �und nnta on tha
<br /> Property,and(c)pnmiwms for iaguiance required under puagc�ph 4. Yn�ny yar in whlch the L.ender must psy a.
<br /> mort�age insuraace premium to the Secretary of Housiag and Utbaa Development('Secntuy'). or im any yar in
<br /> wl�ich such preminm woold have been requl�ed if I.e�er still held t6� Secutity Inat�ument. e�ch moathlY P�►Y�
<br /> atull aLSO iaclud��ither:(i)a sum for the anmul martgs�e tasurmce pt�emtum to be pt(d by L�ender to the Sxntary,
<br /> pr(ii)a monthly cl�uge iasteAd of a mortgage in4uraucx pnmiimt if this Secudty Instcumeat is held by the Secntary,
<br /> in t reason�ble Anwuni to be detemained bq the Secretxry. Bxccpt for tbe monthly charge by the Secretary.th�se
<br /> iteams are c�lled'Bscmw Items'and the sums paid W Lender are cillsd'8xmw Funds."
<br /> L.ender may, at any time.collect aad l�old amouats for Escrow Ittms in au a�re�aoe�anount not to exceed tbe
<br /> muimum imount thit mxy be required for Bonoa�r's escrow accouot uades tSe Re�l Est�ta SeWanrent P�
<br /> Act of 19T4, 12�J.S.C. Secdoa 2601 et stq. and implementing regnladons� ?A CFR Put 3500, �s they m�y be �
<br /> ' amended fmm dme W time('RBSPA'),excxpt d�t the cushioa or nsave pamitbed by RHSPA for unu�pated
<br /> diaburxments or dlsburseanents befone the Bo:rower's g�aymenta aie av�ilable ia tiu ucaunt may not be bssod on
<br /> �
<br /> atnamts due for the mortgage inrua�e premium.
<br /> �4RINElu�o�i r•p�•�• � � �I '� ,
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