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<br /> by this Securiry Inst�ent. If Borrbwe'fail�to pay these sums pdor to the explraUon of thie period, Lender mcy invoke
<br /> ' I any remed(es permittod by thle Socurity Instrument without further naticc or de�nd on Bonower. ��
<br /> � 1 8.B o�r o w a's R I Qh t to Rdnstate. If Borrower meete certaln condltione, Borrower ehall have thc right to have �; ,
<br /> ' � enforcemeat of tbie Securlty Instnuncat discontipued at auy time pr ior to t he ear l ler o f:(a)5 d a y e(o r A u c h o t h e r p e n o d a.9 _
<br /> �, I applicable 1aw may speci�for re[nstatemeat)before e�le of the Property pursuwt w aay power of eale coatained in thie ��_
<br /> Securlty Instniment;or(U entry of a,�udga�ent enforcing tbis Security Instrucrient.Those condltions are that Bonower.(a) ���`
<br /> pays l,ender all suma whicd then would be due under thle Secudty lasuwnent au� tlie Note as if no ac:celeration had _
<br /> ''� occurred; (b) curea any default of aay other covenwts or agramenu; (c) paye all expeusee incurrod in mforcing thle _
<br /> Sectulty Inatrument, including, but not limited to. reasonable attorneys' fees; and (d) takea such action na I.eader may
<br /> •���� reasonably requite to assure that We lien of this Securlry Instnuneat, I.eader's rights in tbe Property and Borrower's _
<br /> � obligatlon to pay the sums secured by thia Securlty Instrurnent shall contlnue unchaaged.U a reinsuuernene bY Borrower.
<br /> � this Securicy Instrumeat and the obligations secured bereby sha11 remaln fully effcetive as f
<br /> ao acceleradon had occumd•
<br /> : However,this right to rclnstate shall not apply in� the case of acceleradon under paragnph 17. __
<br /> 1 19.Sale ot Note;Chan�e of Loan Servioe�'• 'I7ie Note or a putial interest in the Note together with thie Secudty �_
<br /> oe
<br /> � • � Instrument)ma be sold one or morc times aithout prior nodce co Eotrower. A sale may resu t in a change In the eatity
<br /> (known a9 the�Loan Scrvicer")that collecte montWy payments duc under the Note and thie Security lnstrumenc. 7here
<br /> also may be oae or more changes of the Loaa Ser�+icer uurelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Lonn
<br /> �M� Servicer,Boaower will be given written nutice of the change in accordance with paragrnph 14 above and applicable law.
<br /> The aotice will state the name and address of the new Loan Servicer wd the address to which paymente ahould be made.
<br />� �• . The aotice wlll also contaln ury other infom�atlon required by applicabie law.
<br /> 20.Huardous Substances. Horrower shall aot cause or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or n��`�og
<br /> any Hazazdous Substaaces on or in the Property. Horrower shatl not do,nor aUow anyone else w do,aaything _
<br />- '� ��. the Propecty that ie in violadon of any Environmenul I.aw. The preading cwo senteaces shall not apply to the pr�seace,
<br /> ��:;�:°� use,or storage on the Pcoperty of emall quantities of Hazerdoue S�bstences that are generaUy recogaized to be appropriate
<br />- .�:�-' •� !� to nomnal resldendal uses and to tnnintenance af the Property.
<br /> `���''� Borrawer shall pramptly give Lender wrlttcn not ice o f any i nvw t�ga don,e l a i m,d e m a n d. l a w s u i t o r o t h e r a c t i o n b y
<br /> �.1;;:; �
<br /> • ' i.;.:.:;'�! �
<br /> ,:,.,,;! ' any govemmeatal or xegulatory agency or prlvate pany involving tl�e Property and any Haxardous Slibstance ar Environ-
<br /> metttal L.aw of which Borrower hus actuallcnowledge,if Borrower leams.or is aotified by any govemmental or rcgulatory
<br /> authority,ttiat any removal or other remediadan af any Hazardous Substance affxting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> - ahall promptly take all aece.csary reanedlel actiotia in acc.ordauce with Environmentel Law•
<br />-:, As used in this paragr+rh 2U+ "Hazardous S�bstances"aTe those substeaces defined es toxic or hazardous substances
<br /> by Bnvlronmental Law and the following substr:nc.ea: gasoline,kemsene,other flauvnable or wxic petroleum products,
<br /> � toxic pesdcides and herbicides,voladle solvents,matedals containing asbescos or formaldehyde.and radtoacdve maurtals.
<br />_" - ': ps used in this paragaph 20� "Envkonmeatal Law'means fedcral lows aad lawa of tbe jurisdiction where the Property ie
<br />:�,r��.;a;.�, located thu niate to heatih,s�iciy i,�cav3ra�.^aid proixtloa.
<br /> NoN-UNIFORM COVENAN'fS.B�I[�OWOf�111d LCnder further covenent and agroe as followa:
<br /> :�^`4':���;�� Z3.AccdernUon;Reroada. Lender ehAll dve nattc�e to Borrower pdor to accdaallon followtn�Borrower's
<br />:;�,s•�r�•:,;: bewch ot�ny oovenant or�reemant!A thb 6ecurky'�octrumeat(but aot�t or to�ceda�tlon unda�puw�rgph 17
<br />�. �-�._:��i�,• un1eM� able law provida atherwLe).�T6e ndlce dull specit�a(o the�iet��lti N�the acdon requind to cure the
<br /> _ p�=.....;— dei�uit; c)�d�te,not la�th�n 30 d�yr trom the date the aodoe h�vea to Borrower�br whlch t6e default murt be
<br /> - 1�`=4� cwrodi�nd(d)tlut[aUon to cun the dd�ult on x be[ore tbe date specit[ed tn the naNce a�ay e+e�ult ia�ccda�Hon
<br />��=�� ot the wm��ecur�d by thl�S e c u r lty I n[d rumea t�n d a i le o t t h e p r o p a t y.T h e n o t t a�l l f r u t h e r i n f a m B o r r ower
<br />-- —�-�r� o[t6e d�6t to reintd�te�er Acoderadon �nd lhe rl�ht to brin{ s►oourt action to �wert We non�e°c�o[ a
<br />�--- de�iult or any uther defeiue o[Borrowa'to�cederation ond sak.It the dehult b aot ciu�ed oa or 6eion the date
<br />--- �� �ed[n t6e nottoe� Leada'Rt its optlon may re�dee immedfate WYin�at fn tWll of WI� �ecured by thts
<br /> Indrumeat without furt6a danAnd�nd may lnvoke the powa'oi e�le�nd any otha em�nlia pes'mitted bY
<br /> �._ apP�ca�le bw. Lander ehall be eariUal to oollat all expenees incurred ia puc�win8 tLe remalie provided in thfe
<br /> p�21,{ncludin=,but not limited to,rwsonable attorneya'[oes and coeta ot title cvtdenoe.
<br /> ---- �V the power ot eale 1s invoked,'I1r�et4e,sh�ll recoM a notia of det�ult ln each ooewty 1n wLkh any p�rt ot the
<br /> -- PropnrtY Is lo¢Ated�nd rtulU n�fl coptee of siicb aotia in the m�onar preocribed by appUcabk law to Barrower and
<br /> to tbC other penons prekribed by applla�ble l�w. Alta tLe time rait�ired by applicable bw,Tnatee s6all�!ve
<br /> -- p�bllc notla of eale to the pereom and in the manner pcescrlbed bY pPP��ble law. '�n�ta, without dan�nd on
<br /> _ Bocrov�r� dwll�e11 tUe Propaty at pnblic�ucdon to the W�hest bidda�At the tlme And pUia ond unckr the ttnm�
<br /> _ ded�nated in tLe notia oi sale In one or more p�roels and in anr order Tnnta dder..i1�•Tn�tee mq!��
<br /> __--�= sale of all or any Parcd o(t�e Prop�Y bY�►ublie announammt at the time w�d plaa oi an pnviauiy
<br /> eale.Leader or its ddd�nee N�►f 'ho at Any sdc,
<br /> -� Upon t�ea�ipt oi payment o tf�e�ria bid,�imta shrll ddlver to the purclu�''fruetee'�deed ooa��yt��
<br /> — -- Prop�ty. '1Ue redtale in the Zln�ata a dad slull be Prlmn lade cvldence ot the tnnh ot the atatemeats roRde
<br /> _ --. therdn.11n�sta shall apply the prooeeds of the sde in the foUowln�order:(a)to wll costs and r,xpensa oi eacadain�
<br /> — -� ' F«m aose rv.oR 6
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