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<br /> ` TOCiETHBR WI'TH all thc trnprovcrriente now an c�re�tter crectcd on the praperty, rnd �ll ea.�tnx:nte, —
<br /> �'� aPpurcenances,�nd flxtuce�aow on c�re�itcr �put af the pro�rt . AU repl�cementr ond�ddltlon9 eh�ll deo bc wvercd
<br /> n
<br /> ��� by thie Securiry Instntment.All of the focegoing ie refarrcd to in th e Secudty Inctrwneat as the"Property."
<br /> �� BoweowsR Cov�+�N�s that Borrower le lawtully s�ised of thc eatate hereby ooaveyed And hae t he dght to grent aad
<br /> � � convey the Properry and tliat the Property ie unencumbend� except for eneumbr�ncea of record. Botrower wurante �nd
<br /> in
<br /> ���.�+ will defend gcaerally the tide to the Property agaiast all claims and dtmu►ds.aubject to Aay encumbrances of recard.
<br /> Tttis SECUwr�r GtstkuMEnr combines unifoim covea�nts for nAdoual use aud non-uniforin covenautr with limtted �-
<br /> b'�?� verlations by jurisdtcdoa to conatitute a uaiform secudty instcument covering r e a l property.
<br /> , " `�`� UN�FOxn�+Cov�ruH�rs.Borrower and I.eader coveaaat and agtee as followe:
<br /> k d Late Ch P �P Y P
<br /> 1.P�y�a o�t o t P r i n c[p�l a n d I n t e rest; Pre�y m e at an ar�es• Borrower shall ro tl ay when due
<br />_ _�.-,�- the principal of aaA interest on the debt evidrnced by the Note and any pnpayinont aad late charges due u a der t he Note.
<br /> 2.�+ds for 'lhxas xnd Iasunace.Stibject to app1{cable law or to a wdttea waiver by Leader.Borrower sh�ll pay
<br /> �� to Lender om the dny mm�nthl�payu�ents are due under the Note,untU the Note is paid in full,a svm("Funds")for:(x)
<br /> � benrly texes and acsessments which way xttain prlor�ty over this Se�urity Instaumeai ag a lien on the Property:fi?yearly _
<br /> � '� leasohold paymeau or ground rents oa the Property.if any� (e)YeArly l��zard or property insurance prem[ucn9; (d)YearlY
<br /> flood insurance pnmiwns,if s�ny;(e)yearly mortgage iasuruice premiwns. if any;and( any sum9 payable by Borrawer
<br /> _� to Lender. in accordance with ihe provlsions of par�graph 8, In la�.0 of the payment o�mortgage insuru►ce ptemiutas.
<br /> . These itcros are called"ESCrow Items." I�ender muy,sit any time,on9Cucz and 6old Funds la an amount not to eaceed the
<br /> • ; :x, � max;mum amount a lender for a federally related mortgage loaa inay require for Borrower's escrow account under the
<br /> ' ' f�etleral Real Estata Satlement Procatures Act of 1974 a9 amended from tlme to tlme, 12 U.S.C. $ 2b01 tt stq.
<br /> ' ' ("1KPSPA"),unless amther law that ap lies to the Funds sets a leaser au�ount.If so, I,eader may, at any time,coUect aud
<br /> dold Funda in an auwunt not to ex�Q►�lesser amaunt. Lcndcr raay rstimate!he amoewt of�F!ands duc on the basIe of
<br />.��'`;; : s current data and nasoaable estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or othenvise in acccudanco with applicable
<br />:`:?,1�': : •.. lasw.
<br /> '• 'Ihc Fuads ah�l be he1 d!n an institudoa whose deposlts are insuted by a fecl�:r<�l sgeacy,insuumeataltty,or endty
<br /> ���`�;�j•�;: �n�acluding Lender, if Le.nder�is such an institutiaa) or in any Federal Home Loan B�nlc. 1.ender shallapp!y We Funds to
<br /> ';°� •;�" pay the Fscrow Item�. Lender may not cherge Bonower for holdiag aad applyin� tha Fuade. annuali anai;r�ng the
<br />-;:1�'�,�,
<br />-e�,�„�� �w accomnx,or vedfying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Bomower �nterest on the Fuads an applicable law
<br />_`���»�s�: p ts Lenfler �a m�ke such a eharge. However, Lender may cec��ice Borrower to pay a anatime ehuge for nn
<br /> _- i�xkp ndent r�ea7 rstau ta�c reportIag servlce used by L�der ia contrec�ion with tlus loan.unless appllcable law provtdes
<br />.'?� ottienvise.Ua�ess an�grament ia made or applicable Dn�.v sequires tmterest to be pdd,I.ender shall not be requinfl to pay
<br /> '% �tomower any.interest or on the Funda.Borrmwcr�d Lender may agroe in wdtIng,however,thac inurest stiall be
<br />_=;�—�j ;��id on the Paad�.I�ende�8ive to Borrower,wltl�out charge,an annual axounting of the F�nds,showing credita aad
<br />- dlebits to the Famds uid the se for which each doblt to the�wds was made. 7Le Ft�nds�ae plodged as additional
<br /> --�—_�.' �ity.�r a::�,:�xcsi.�S y�s�:.•�?;iQStn+_*►„!�r, �
<br /> ..,;�5,� If the Fuads hdd by L�eader excud the amounts perniitted to be hdd by�pplicable ltw, I.ender shall xoaunt to
<br /> Ba�rower fot the ea�aas Funds in aecorduice with the ro4►urements of�pplic�able law.If the amouat of the Fws�s held by
<br /> -- --= Lenda at any time is nut suf�iciatt to pay the Fscnow ItcKns when duo,Leuder noay so notIfy Bornower ta writIng,and,in
<br /> _� such cau Hornnwtr shall pay to Leada tLe amount necesssry to make up the deficieacy. Borrower eholl malce up the
<br /> deficiency in no mrsn than twelve montlilY piymenta.ac Leader'a eole diacretion.
<br /> Upon pa in tWl of all aum�secured by thia Secur� Instiumeat�Leader sh�ll pmtnpdy nfi�nd to Bormwer
<br /> ymeat m
<br /> aay Fuade held by Lender. If� under par+Brapt► 21� L,ender acquire or �ell tLe Pc�opaty� IraWer� Pdor to the
<br /> acquiaition or a�le ot the . �h�ll �pply my Fuada held by Leader ac tbe time of acqui�[tion or a�le as a cxodlt
<br /> �g�inat the wag�ecurod by�Sacurlty lauiutneat.
<br /> 3. Aqp1ip�t�of P��m�enb. Uda� appliqble law provldeo otdawite��ll paymente roceived by ixnder under
<br /> p�rngr�he I ind 2�hall be �pplled: flrst.to anY PKWY���a due oada tLe Note: �econd. W amounU pay�bie
<br /> under 2: thlyd.w intereu due:fourth,to ptincipd due: la�t.to my I�te char�es due under the Note.
<br /> �1�a;Lien. Botmwa shallpay tll uucea� ��cbar�a.Mei a�irnposiHoa��ttrlbutable W the
<br /> peopaty which may atuin priociRy ova this Secudty Imuvmeat. �nd le�d�old paymeau or around renb. if�ny.
<br /> Borrower eh�ll p�Y these obli��tioaa in the m�aner provlded in pu�r�ph 2.or It mot in thu m�aaar.Bormwer th�ll
<br /> WY�oa time dira:t]y to the pecwn owed piya�eot.Borrower sLaU promptly furn�to LRade,�r all notkee of�mo�wu
<br /> w be paid nnder ttiis par�graph. If Bonowa m�ka thex prymenta directly.Botnower�hall pron�tly t�tmleh to Laider
<br /> receiPa evideoclnA the Prymenta.
<br /> Bormaa s�U Pmm�t1Y dL�arBe wy lim wWch tw pdority over this Socur[ty inst�umrnt unlat Borcowet:W
<br /> •gt�ee�t in wiit�t,o the ptymeat of the obligatioa eecured by the lien in a m�oer�ocxptable to I.eadet; (b)oonte�ia
<br /> good faith the liea by. a defeads ngainat enfoccxmeat of tLe►iea in�l�1 pr000eding�which in the L�da't opiaion
<br /> oQec�te w prevent the eaforameat of the IIar:or(c) axures frum the fiolder of the liea�n a�+oemeat atist�ctory to
<br /> L,eader the liea w thia Sxurlty Instmment.If Leader detainina dut aay p�t of the i��uMect to a
<br /> lica whidi� �o nty over Wit Sxuriry Inauumeat, Le�ferm�y give Bort�owa a nodoep��l�i ins tbe ikn.
<br /> Borro�er aE�ll wiafy tfie liea or t�e one a more of tlx acxioos�a focth above wlthin 10 da of the giving of nohce.
<br /> S.Barard oc Ptopat�I�u�a�oe. Borrower ahall ke�tLe imgmv�mt�n�ow e�g or haaRa a�ed on We
<br /> pmpetty insured a�+inst tos�by fue. h�unls i�ludod within t�e tmn "extmdcd oove:age" md my otLa haz�td�.
<br /> Fon+i�02�j�1�0�
<br /> pAN�Cp1g SYSTBdS,INC.,iT.CLOUD.MN 6070211-lOa9l1d3111�OM�M�-t�HE L011t ��
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