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201207200 <br /> (r) "Peti-fladic Paym�t" means the zegularly acheduled emo�mt dne gor(i)principel and i�erest�der Uu <br /> Nobe,pins(ii)azry amo�mts�mder Section 3 of fids 5eciulty 7nsUn�e� <br /> (Q) "ItFSPA" means d�e Real Es1aUe Seffieme�Procedmes Act(12 U.SC. Section 2601 et seq.)end i1s <br /> implementing regulaHon, RegoleHon X (24 C.F.R Put 3500), as �ey udght be amended irom time to <br /> 1ime, or erry ad�tional or snccessor legisleHon or tegulaHon H�t governs the same snbject matber. As ased <br /> in Hds Secmity 7nsfawnenL, "RFSPA"refeis to all reqmtreme�s and reshicHo�tliat eie impoaed in iega�d <br /> tn a"fedeially �lebed moi7gage losn" even if the Losn doea not qoalify as a '"fede�lly aelated morlgege <br /> loan"under R�SPA. <br /> (R) "Sa�or in Int�est of Borrow�" meaas a�ry pa�iy thet hav taken tilfle to ffie ProPeii.Y, wheffier or <br /> not that p�ty has assmmed Borrowei's obligationg�der the Nobe and/or this Security Insh�ent <br /> TRANSFER OF RIGH75 IN THE PROPERTY <br /> The beneficiary of this Secmfly Inq�tr�e� is �'� (aolely as nominee for Lender and <br /> L.endei's sncc�sozs and assig�) and the snccessois and assigne oF MIILS. This Secmity <br /> �trrmte� aec�mes to I.ender. (i) fhe repayme� of tl�e Loan, and ell �enewels, e8tengio� <br /> and modtBceHons of the Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrowei's covena� and agcee��s mder <br /> this Secmity �tr�eat and the Note. For �is piupose, Bor�ower irrevoc�bly granfs and <br /> com�eys to Trnstee, in hvst, wiH� ppwer of sale, fhe following described properly locabed fn the <br /> County of Hall . <br /> �1ype of Recortll�Jodsdicdon] [Ne�of Reco�ng dmiadicHon] <br /> SEE LEGAL DESCRIFTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF <br /> Parcel ID N�ber. 4 0 014 2 9 2 9 wLich cmie�ly has the sdd�eas of <br /> 2203 W Division St [Street] <br /> Grand Island [G9ty], Neb�slra 68803 [7dpCode] <br /> ("Properiy Addtess'7: <br /> TOGL"THER Wll"H ell the improveme� now or he�eafber e�ected on the properiy, and all <br /> easeme�, appmtenancea, and Rxtnres now or here�fter a put of tl�e piope�ty. All replacemeatv and <br /> �lditions shall also be covered by this Secmity Inchwne�rt All of t�e fo�egoi� is ieferced to in tLis <br /> Secmity Ins�a�nt as f�e �•property.••Borrower mide�stsnds and agiees that MERS holds oniy ��t�ne <br /> to the i�etest gianted by Borrower in fhis Secmity Instr�e�, b�, if necessary to comply wifh law or <br /> cuetom, MIItS(as noadnee for Lender end I.ender's snccessozs and assigns)has the righ� to exetcise any <br /> or all of Uwse i��1g, inclnding, but not limited to, �e right� foieclose and sell the Pcoperiy; end 1n <br /> take any �cHon ieq�ted of I.ender inclnding, b� not limiied to, releasing and canceling tluis Secmity <br /> 7�tr�e� <br /> 85161298 0085473585 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single FemYly-Fannle Mae/Freddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WIT MERS <br /> �y--6A(N�(oeto� Page3 a175 tr�am��� Form 3028 7/O� <br />