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_ '� - . ' . _` rt i `',-•-' ---*— - <br /> - �. . - - - ��n r� �.-. -p�• . ' r+�y - <br /> •' � s.- �y�� ,� r',E r -�; .„a � �� - - <br /> ;i (} � c <br /> . <br /> .. , . ""-:, t ..�-- - ... �i�`�. t�14' •.t��h�y rX i�`f�� ���s ;� :liG'�G-....:,.,.ir i::�.:..::..�.;- . ..._ ...,.�._..----� . <br /> .. �.. -� ---��--.--���.C'ii�°.lL��u.l�-H��{1..�di;� . RAIIFU1�lf*P� - . <br /> 97- ia�9s <br /> !1. All fuwre advances from I,ender to Grantor or ather future obligations of Grantor W L.cnder undcr nny promissury <br /> nute,cantract,�uaranty,or other evidence of debt executed by Grantor in favor of L.�;nder cxecutcd aUcr this <br /> ticcurity Instrument whether or not this Security Instrument is speciGct+llly referenceJ. It mure th��n une }xrvan <br /> signs this Security Instrument,each Grentar agrees that this Security Instrument�vill�ecum nU(utum ndvunccs und <br /> fulure obligattons that are�iven to ar incuned by any one or more Grantor,or any one or morc Uruntur and <br /> ��thrn.All future advanws and other future obligations are secured by this Sccurity instrumcnt evcn thuugh tdl or <br /> part muy not yet be advanced.All futwe advances and other future obligativns are secur�d a+if m,�de:an thc datc — <br /> ot this Seturity Instrumcnt.Nothing inthis Security Instrumant shall canstitutc a cc�mmitmcnt to m�kc itdditfonal <br /> or futurc laans or advances in any airiount.Any such commitment must be agrced to in a separate writing. <br /> C. All obiigntians Grantor owes to Lender,which may later arise,ta the extent not prohibitcd by luw,incf uding,hut <br /> not Iimited ta,liabilities for overdraftsrelating to flny deposit account agreement betwecn Grantor nnd l.ender. <br /> U. All ndditiona!sums advanced and expenses Incurred by I,ender far insuring,preserving or otherwisc pr�tecting <br /> thc Property and its value and any othar sums advanced and expenses incuned by Lcnder undcr thc tcrms o[ <br /> this Securlty Instrument. <br /> This Sccu�ity Instrument will not secure any oiher debt if Lendcr fails to give any required nutice of the right of rescisstun. <br /> 5. I'AYM'ENTS.Grantor agroes that all payments under the Secured Aebt will be paiJ when duc unal in accordunce <br /> with the torms af the Sccured Debt and this Securiry InstTUment. <br /> b, WARRAN7'Y OF 17TLE.Grantor warran�s that Grantor is or will be lawfully seized ot the estate convcyed by this <br /> Cccurity Instrument and has the right to irtevacably grant,convey. and sell the Property to Trustee,in trust,with <br /> powor of sule.Grantor also warrants that the Praperty is unencumbered,except fur ejicumbrances of record. — <br /> 7, PRIOR SECURITY IN'I'ERESTS.With regard to any ather mortgage.deed of trust,security agrecmcnt or other lien <br /> dcewncnt thnt creAted a hrior security interest or encumbrance on the Property,Grantor agrees: <br /> A. 'To make all payments when due anrl to perform or compl��with all covenanu. <br /> B. To prc�mptly deliver to Lender any notices that Grantor receives from the holder. <br /> C. Nut tu nllaw any modification or exteasion af,nor to request any future advances under any note or egrecment <br /> c;ccurcd by the licn document without I.ender's prior written consent. <br /> 8. CLAIMS ACAINST TITI.E.Grantor will pay all taxes,assessments,Ifens,encumbrances,lease payments.ground <br /> rents,utilities,und ather charges rclating tu the Praperty when due.Lender may require Grantor to provide to I.cnder <br /> coptcs uf oil nati�:es that such umounts ara due and the receipts evidencing Grantor's payment.Grantor will defend <br /> titic to thc!'ra�x;rty ngeinst any claims that would impair the lien of this Security Instrument.Grantor agrces to assign <br /> tu requested by�Cr,miy i�ghU� c{at�s ar defe�.e�Gza�tor ma;l�nv�aoain�t parttes who supplV labor <br /> o:matcrials ta maintnin or improve the Proper ty. <br /> 9. DUE ON SA�I.�OR�NCUMBRANCE-Lender may,at its option,declare the entlre balance of the Sccured Debt to <br /> be immediately due und payable upon the creation af,or wntract for the creation of�any ficn,encumbrance.transfer <br /> ar sale of the Praporty.'11�is right is subjectto the restrictions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.591),as applicable. <br /> This covenant shull run�vith the: !'ropeRy end shall remain in ef[ect until the Sccured Debt is paid in full and this <br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt is rcicuscd. <br /> 10. PROPER'fY CllNtliiiuiv.p►i.��i��+.'I'Iv�:�+^:� .:`:SP�L'T�G�l�. Gra.►t�r witl kPep the Pr��ertv in¢ood <br /> condition and mAkc al!repairs that are reasonably necessnry.Grantor shall not commit or nllow any waste. <br /> impuirment.or deteriaration af the Property. Grantor�vill keep the Property free of noxious weeds end grasses. <br /> Grantor agrees that the naturc of the accupancy and use will not substantially change without Lender's prtor written <br /> cansent.Grnntor will not permit any change in any Iicense,restrictive cavenant or easement without I.ender's prior <br /> written consant.Grantor wili natify I.ender of all demands,ptoceedings,claims,and actions ngainst Grantor.and of <br /> any loss or damagc ta the Praperty. <br /> I.endcr or L.cndcr's agents may, at Lendcr's option,enter the Property at any reasonablc time for the purpose of <br /> inspecting the Prop�rty. L.ender shall give Grantor natice at the tlme of or before an inspection spccifying a <br /> reasonablc purpc� fnr thc inspectinn.Any inspection of the Property sh�ll be entirely for Lcnder's benefit and <br /> arantor will in no wny rcly on Lendcr•s inspection. <br /> 11. AU1'HORITY'1'U P�NFORM.If Grantor fail� to perform any duty or any af the covenants contained in this <br /> Security Instrument,I.ender may,wlthout notice,psrform or cause them to be performed.(3rantor appolnts Lender <br /> as attorney in fact tu tiign Cir�mtar's nc�mc a pay any amount necessary for performancc.I.ender's iight ta pedorm for <br /> Grantor shall nut crcate an �ihligi�tton ta perform.and Lendcr's fuiluse to perform wtil not preclude I.ender from <br /> cxercising any of Lcndcr'K othcr rights undcr thc law or this Sccurity Instruraent.if any construction on thc Property is <br /> discontinucd�r not cnrricd un in u rcasonablc manner,Lender may take all steps necessary to protect Lendcr's <br /> security interest in the Property.including mmpletion of the construction. <br /> 12. ASSIGNMEN'�1'OF I.F:AS�ti hNp RENfS.C3rantor inevocably grants,.conveys and sells to Trustee,in trust for the <br /> beneCt of I.�:ndcr,as udditiunnl�ecurity all the dght,title and interest in and to any and all existing or future leases, <br /> subleascs,nnd imy othcr wriUcn or vcrbai ngrcemcnts for the use and occupancy of any portion of the Property. <br /> including nny cxtcnslunti,rencw�►Is,mcxiiCc��tions or substitutions of such agreemcnts(all rcfcned to as"Leases")and <br /> rents.issues unJ pr��fils(nll reicrrcd to as"Rents•"). Gruntor will promptly provide L.endcr with true and conect <br /> copies ot nll exlsting nnd futurc Iw:aseti.Cyrnntor may collect.receive,enjoy and use the Rentsso long as Grantor is not <br /> in dcfault under lhc tcrms ut thiv Sr.curity Instrument. <br /> Grantor Ncknc�wlcdgcs th�d this u+signntunt is perfectcd upon the recordIng of this Deed of Trust and that Lender is <br /> cntitled to notify nny ut Cirunt��r'x t�nnnt�tu mokc pttyuient of Rents duc or to became due to I.endcr. Howcvcr, <br />— Lender agrcc�th+tt only on�cGu�lt will l_cnd�.r notify Grantor and Grantor's tenants and make demand that ap future <br /> Rents be pitld clirectly tu I.endcr.On rccciving notice of default, Grantor will endnrse and deliver to Lender any <br /> __�____a..an_..... u a.�H:�.n sr�ut fnr I n�kY and�vill not cotnminale the <br /> �AylitCflZ OT RCltls Itt�iinnivi�e�niiicmwsum�v a.0.w....�°.:� .._......_��.._. �-----. . <br /> Rents with i�ny uthcr funQx. Any umuu��ts c�tiilccted wtil be applied ss provided in this Security Instrument.Cirnntor <br /> �vurrunts thc�t no dc6rolt cxixts�+n+lcr�hc I�n�:s�ir��ny urplicable landlord/tenant law.Grantor also ag�•ees to maintain <br /> and requfrc�my tcnimt ta cumpiy wllh�ha;Icrmy��f thc[.cnscs and applicablc law. <br /> 13. I.F:AS�;IiO1.US;CONI)IIMINIUM:�t i'I.ANNM:D UNiT UEVELOPMENTS.arantor agrees to cornply with the <br /> provisiottm��i any Irux�if thtw ticcurity h�yinimcnt is��n a loasehold.If the Prope;ty includes a unit in a condominium <br /> ur i� plimncd u�tit d�vcliipn�cnt,(irunt��r will perfc�rm ull af Grantor's duties under the covenants,by-laws,or <br /> regulnU�ms ul'Ihc cunduminium ur plcmncd unf�dcvelupment. <br /> Id. Df:FAUI:I'.(iruntur will Iw fn dc6u�l� it nny pnrty ui�ligntcJ on the Secund Debt faUs to make payment when due. <br /> Gruntur will hc In dufsudt H a I�rr�ech aKCUry under tlic tcrms of this Security Instrument or any oiher document <br /> (pepa 2 ofI) <br /> OtOWAw�tp�6rw�m�.xx.G C4�d.MN 1��lOO�Y1�P.H114i:eaRF.UTNE 6�►NA ---^-�� <br /> � <br /> <� . . ' <br /> 4� . . <br />