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<br /> 97� 1�r�� 20027989
<br /> _ Upon reccipt of payment nt the prlce bld, Tn�stee sh�ll deliver tu the purch�.5er Trustee's deed conveying the �.
<br /> {'rn{ferty. Thc recttulti In the Trustee's deed nhull be prima facle evidence oP the truth of the ststtcment� made tl�ercln.
<br /> Trust��c shall upply the pr�ceeds ot the sulc In the toltowinR ordcrs (u)t�Ail c�Kts and expenses uf�exerc�sln��thc��w�cr uf
<br /> �ule.wnd the hule.Including the pAymcnt of the'1'rustcr's Pe�w actuully incurred,nut tu exe��d `�
<br /> of thr princlpwl amount o!the nole ut the tinm��f the declurudon of detyult.wnd reu�►nwble attarney,'tca.w os permltted
<br /> bv IAw: (b) to uil tiumti secured by Ihis�urity b�.ctrumeuh aud(c)uny exccw:x to the penan or persuns Iegally entitled ta
<br /> (t.
<br /> 2?„ Recvmveyence. U�m payment of ull sums sccurcd by this Sccuriry fnstrumcnt, I..cnder shall rcqucst "frustce tii
<br /> reconvey the Pmpeny und shall surrendcr this Security instrument und ull notcs cvidencing dcM sccurcd by this Sc�:uricy
<br /> lnstrumcnt to'frustce. Tnistce xhall mcanvey the Praperty withaut wurr.►nty und without charge to thc persan or persans legally
<br /> entitled ta it.Such person or per.:ons shall pay:uiy recardatiou custs.
<br /> 23. Sobsdtute Trustee. I.ender, at its optian, may fram time to time rcmovc Trustee und nppoint u sucrc�5or trustec ta
<br /> a�iy Trustee appointe�i hereunder by nn instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recordod.Without
<br /> ranvey:snce of the Prapeny, the suceessor trustec shall succeod to all the title. power und duties conferred upon Trustee herein
<br /> and by nppiicuble law.
<br /> 24. Request tor Notices. Borruwcr rcquests that copies of the notices of dcfuult and sale be sent to Borrower's uddress
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> ?,5. Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riden are executed by Borrower und recorded together with this
<br /> Security Instnrment,the covenants and agmemenGs of each such rider shuU be incarporatal into and shall amend and supplement
<br /> the covenants ar►d agreements of this Security Instn►ment as if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> [Check applicable tax(es)]
<br /> L]Adjustable ltate ltidcr 0 Gondominium Rider 0 1-' Fu-nily Ri�'er
<br /> (�Graduated Payment Rider 0 Planned Unit Development Rider C�Biweek►y Paym��it Rider
<br /> �Ballaon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider
<br /> 0 V.A.Rider O Other(s)[speclfy]
<br /> BY SIONING BELOW.Borrower accepu and agrees to the terms und covenants contained in this Security Instrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)executod by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> Witnesses: � ��' � �
<br /> _ {S�'S���
<br /> AM J ROLL -sorrowcr
<br /> / VjJrNI�,, 7I� • l.fllUU'�- (Sta!)
<br /> ��0 DA K CARROL •eonower
<br /> (Sea1) (�)
<br /> -Borrower -Bormwer
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Cuuaty ss: �ALL
<br /> �e f re oin instru nt was xknowled,.ga_l b�fore me this �9T� day of SBPT81�lBER , 1997 ,
<br /> by T�II�LfA� J C 1�RROI.L AND ltttONDA K CARROLL ,
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial aeal at GRAND I SLA�1D, NBB ASKA �n said C nty,the drte aforcsaid.
<br /> w
<br /> My Commission Lxpires:
<br /> Naary Publk
<br /> ����or,�r�se�e a�ear,�,
<br /> EDw�RD J.JAROSiK
<br /> Mr 0�.6/.Od.21,t49!
<br /> �.w e o�e Fwrn 3o2s 9/90
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