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201207i�� <br />E.XS��IT , *A „ <br />A Tract of laad comprising a part of the We�t Half of the Northeast Quarter (WIf2 NE1/4) of Section One (1) <br />Township Ten (1Q) Nor#h, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.NL, Hall Connty, Nebraska, and more parficnlarly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the aorttiwest carner af the West Half of f.he Northeast Quarter (W1/21VE1/4); thence easterly, along <br />and upon the north line of said West Half af the 1�Tortheast Qnarter (WI/21�1/4), a distance af One Thousand <br />Four Huadred Eleven and Eighiy Seven Hundredths (1,4I1.8� feet to the northeast corner af said W� Tiaif of <br />the Northeast Qrotarter (W1�l2 NE11�; thence defl�cting right 93°a9'S1" aad running southerty, along and. apan <br />fihe east line af said W�.st HaIf of the Northeast Qnarter (W1JZ NE3I4}, a distance of Six Hnndred (600.0) fee� <br />theace deflecting right 38°42'4�*' aad running sauthwesferIy, a distance of One Thonsand One Hunrlred Eighty <br />Two (X,X$2.t}} fee� thence deflecting right 5!}°44'S3" and runn� vresterly, perpendicular to the �vesf lme of said <br />West Half af the l�Tortheast Qu�rter (W112 NElf4}, a distance of Six Hnn�red Fifty Si�s and Eighty I�ive <br />Hundredths (b56 85) feet to a poiat Qn �te �est line af said West Half of the Northeast Quatter ('4Q1/21�IE1/4); <br />thence defleciing right 94°00'Ob" and runniag northeriy along and upan #he west line of said West Hai� of the <br />NorCheast Quarter {W1/2 NE1/4�, a distance of One Thoasand Four Hundred Fif1.y and Siisiy Two Hnndredths <br />(1,450.62} feet to the goinfi of beginning <br />