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,� � . <br /> . . ., �,y�� <br /> �y, ., �. �,,] �,r..'^�{y�; <br /> li ' «-i� _ . . � . �/ . . � „`:P.N ��. <br /> . 97� 1a�s � <br /> . 18. BorPOw��'� RI�11t to R�Intt�t�. 11 Borrower meete cert�in conditlona, BoROwer ahall have the rlqht to Nv� LL` <br /> entorcement o1 thh S�curity Inatrument dlscontinued at�ny tlzne pdor to the e�dler of: (a) 5 daya(or suah othar pabd ae�ppHablo � <br /> I�w m�y epecNy tor rNnetatKnait)before e�ia ut ihe Properry purouant to eny pownr ot sa�e conl�lned In thla Securtly Inetrumenk�r <br /> (b) entry ol � Judpmmt entorclnq thle 9ecudry Inotrument. Those conditlons are that BoRnwer. (o) peye Lender ell eums whirsh Ihen <br /> would be dus under thla 3ecurity InnlNment and the Note aa 1} no aceMe►etlon h�d �ccurted; (b) curoa my def�uft ot �ny dher ? <br /> covemnt or ayreemente; (o) paye all expenaea Incurred In entorcinp ihls Recudry Instrumont,Inciudiny,but not Iimfted to, reasoneble _ <br /> altomeya'lee�:�nd (d)takea euch actlon ae Lender m�y reteon�bly requke to�seurs th�t the Ilec�of thla Security Inatrument,Lend�r'a �;' <br /> �iphte in ths Property�nd Bortowa's obYgaUon to p�y ths euma aecured by thla 3ecurily Inntrument ehtli contlnue unahanged. Upon �,`' <br /> . � rdnat�tement by Borrower, thla SecurSty Instrument and the obHpatione aecured haroby ehell remah tuMy ef(e�tNe�e If no accelenqon <br /> Et <br /> • I htd occuued. Now6vsr,thla tlyht to re:netnto shnH not�ppy In the case ot uecelen0on under panAraph 17. <br /> :: ti { 19. 8a1� of NM�; Ch�ttQ� of Lo�n S�rvle�r. The Note or a puifd intereat In the Note (topether with thls Seadty �. <br /> ' % ! InetNment) may be aold one or moro Umea wlthout prior notlae to Bortower. A aale may resuft In e ohenge In the enUly (known �s the i,;�: <br /> ,,r.� r � 'Lwn Servlcer') that coflecls manthy p�yments due under tho Note and ihla Secudty Inatrumenl There alao mny be one or mo�e ° <br /> ��.,�w�-�`S � chanqea ot ths Loan 3ervicer unrel�ted to a sale o}the Note. If thero Is e ahmge oi the Lom Sxvlca, Borrower wN be pMon written <br /> �:` <br /> � notice ot the change in aecordance wilh percgraph 14 above nnd appllcable Inw. The notice wiN state the name and nddrose ot the <br /> I new Loan Servicer and the eddresa to whioh payments should be mede. The notice wlll alao contdn eny other intormetlon required by _ <br /> � ' �ppHc�ble I�w. � <br /> 20. Hazardous Substane�l� 9oROwer ahall not cauae or permit the presence, use,dispoasl, etorage,or ►ele�se ol nny <br /> ' Hazardoua 3ubatancea on or In the ?roperty. Borrower shaW not do,nor etlow anyone else to da,anylhing attecUng the Property thnt <br /> Is fn viol�Uon oi any Environmental Lnw. The preceding iwo aentences shall not apply to the preaence, uae, or atorage on tt�e <br /> Propaty of smell quantiUes of Hazardous Substances that are generaMy recognized to be appropriete to nortnsl roaidmUal uaes and to <br /> 4� matntenance of the Properly. <br /> � �' BoROwer shsll prompty give Lender written notice of eny Investig�tion, claim, demaad, lnwsuit or other acUon by any povemmental <br /> s or reguktory agmcy or pr7vAte party Invafving tho Property and eny Hrz�rdaus Substnnce or Environmental Law of whlch Borrower has <br /> � aotwi knowledge. it Borrower lenma,or ia noUfled by any govemmental or reputatory eutfio�ty. that eny romov�l or other remad�tfon <br />_ ,; of any Hessrdous Substanae attecting the Property is necess�ry, Bortower shnll prompty take aN neceaaary remedi�i aaU�na in <br /> aceordance wfth Env(ronmental Uw. -- <br /> ' Aa ueed In thla paragraph 20, 'Haznrdoua 3ubntances' are those subatances deflned an to�dc or hazardoua aubatanees by <br /> Environmental Law and the tollowing substances:gaeoline, kerosene,other tlammable or toxio petroleum produde,tozlo peaUdde�a�d <br /> herbiddea, volatHe soHents, matalala containing aabestoe or tortnaldehyde, and radloacUve mstedds. As uaed in thta psngraph 20, <br /> 'Environmental' meane federal kws and Iaws o} the judsdlction whEre the Property is loated that relate to heaRh, saleyr a <br />�. environmental protection. <br />- ' NON•UNIFQRM COVENANT3. Borrower and Lender(udher covennnt and apree as lollowa: <br /> � ,� 21. Aca�l�ration; Rom�dl�s. L.ondor ih�il giv� natla� to Bor�awrar prior to �ca�l�ntton follawing <br /> ,.,1�,�:• Borraw�r's br��ch of any covan�nt or �gr��m�nt in thls SsourHy Indrum�nt (but not prior to <br /> �=__•�,:,:';�:— �ccii:��ii�i :��w:: �:t�gr�;h !? !!!!l•�..a �nolicabl� Itw Drovid�s oth�rvvls�). Th� notic�shsll sp�cify: <br /> 4Y (�) th� dehult; (b) th� action r�qulnd to cur� th� d�ult; (c) a dst�, nat lats th�n 30 eays trom tM <br />�'�''��'� �� dat� th� notic� Is yiwn to Bor►owor, by which th� d�huk must b� aur�ed; and (d)that t�llun to cun <br />-x:ti,�•- ��t th� d�fauk on or b�fan th� d�t� sp�ciflad tn th� notic� m�y r�suR In �ccol�ratian af th� wm� <br />_'`=���y�;;.{� <br /> s�cur�d by this S�ourityl In�trum�nt and sil� of tl» Prop�rty. Th� noHce shall furth�r i <br />-��';�r�;;,;t Borrower of th� �Ipht to r�inK�b �tbr �cc�l�ratton�nd th� rtpht to brinp a oourt�ctlon to ass�rt t� <br /> � ,.;,: non-�xlsMna� af a d�fauit or any oRh�r d�ns� af Borrow�r to acc�l�ratton �nd al�. M tho d�fsuR N <br />==� not cur�d on or b�for� th� date sp�cifl�d in th� notic�. I.�nd�r �t ib option may nquir� Imm�dlat� <br />��;�;� p�ym�nt In iull af �II sumt sacund by thb S�ourity Inatrum�nt without turth�� d�msnd md rt�ay <br />'=d"�`;=� Invoks tM pow�r of sal� and �ny oth�r nm�dl�� p�rmiit�d by appitwibl� law. I.�nd�r shail � <br /> "-_`"-==-°'� oMiN�d to coll�ct alt �xp�nws incurnd In pursutn� th� r�m�di�s provid�d in this para�raph 21� <br /> -•��_.�� Includinp� but not IImR�d to,r�ason�bl��ttorneys'fNS�nd cosb of tkl� wid�nc�. <br />��`� If th� pow�r of MI� ts Invak�d. Trust�� shall ncord a noNc� af d�fwR in �ach county In whlch <br />� any put of th� Prop�rty Is locat�d �nd sh�ll mall aopl�s of wch ndla� Illc�bl� Iaw�rAtt�rct�Nrni <br /> applic�bl� law to 8orrow�r�nd tn th� ath�r p�nons pnscrib�d by tpp <br /> rrqulnd by apPlic+�bl� Iwv,Trust�� ahail 91v� public natic� of sal� to ttH p�rsons and in th� m�nn�r <br /> pnac�ib�d by apPileabU law. TrnstN, wRhout d�mand on Bono+�e�r�shdl wll ttN Prop�rty�t pub�ic <br /> �tICtlOtl tA tM hIaNIR WfIdH at th� tim� �nd pl�c� and und�r th� t�rm� d�slqnat�d in th� ndia of <br /> — ss�� �n ono or mon parc�l�and in any ord�r Tru�t�� d�t�rmin�s. TrustN may postpone sal� ot �11 <br /> ---��� or any puc�i of th� Prop�rty b]I Pu�ic announc�m�nt at th� tim� �nd p�sc� M �ny pr�vlously <br /> _ -�— sch�dul�d sd�. I-�nd�r or f!� d�sl�nN may purcha�th�Prop�rt�► st any sal�. <br /> � Upon ncNpt ot paym�nt of th� pric� bld. TruetM ah�ll d�ltwr to thr purcha�e� TruatN's dNd <br /> conv�ylnp th� Prop�rty. T1N ��ctta�s tn th�TrudN's d�sd �hall b� prfrna f�c1� �vid�nc� of th�t�a�th <br />—_--- of th� stabm�rns mad�th�nin. Trust�� shatl apply th� proaNds of th� s�l� In tiw tolldwin� ord�r. <br /> (a)to dl cost� and �xp�nsn af ex�rcisln�th� pow�r of �a��� and th� s�ls,Includinp tfi� paymmt of <br /> --- --- th�Trostw's iNS �ctualh► Incurnd,�ot to �xc��d 76 of th�princtp�l �rnount ot th�nah <br />��° �t th�tim� af th� d�claration of d�fault, and Masom6l�ittor�s f��s a� p�rmitt�d by taw; (!�)to all <br /> sum� wcund by this S�curity Instrum�M; and (c) �ny �xa�si to tfi� p�rson o� p�rsons Ipally <br />__�_`,—� �Miti�cl to R. <br /> -���:%:� 22. R�eonv�nES. Upon payment o}aN aums aecurod by this SecurUy Inadument, Lender shaN nqueat Tniste�to naonry <br />?��,z�;�1,�� the Property�nd ahal aurte�de►thie Seaxity InsVument end eN notes evidencinp debt secured by thl� Sea�rihe Inalrument to TruatN. <br /> - °•-�?��� Trustee shall raconvey the Propwty wRhcut warturty�nd wRhout ch�rge to the peraon or person�(ep�Ny entitled to it. Such paon or <br />�:;•�.;�: peroons shaM pay any racord�tbn costa. <br /> - - .;' o <br />�;. . - 23. Substitut�TrustN. Londer, at Rs opUon, mny irom Ume to tkne remove Truatee �nd �ppok�t a nueaseor bustN to <br />�•'`' � ' • � eny Ttuatw �ppdntad hereunder by �n InsUument rocord�d in the counry in whkh thla S�cu�ity Inatrum�nt b roeorded. Without <br /> -•-�±�.-r''_ --- a��..a.,,.,.�n� eu�ssor trustee shal succe�d to al the title, pow�r�r►d dutles coM�rred upon TNStee hetein�nd by <br /> �-=,., �,. ^^''..;-"' -• -•- ••-�--•• <br />_ , :��'�' �ppNc�We kw. <br />-° . 24. R�qu��t tor NoNc��� Barower requests that wples of the neUcea ot d�l�uk uid eole b�a�nt to Borrower's�ddnas <br />�' ��� � which Is the Property Addresa. <br /> � 2b. Rid�n to this Sreurity Instrum�nt. it one a moro ridera aro executed by 8ortowsr�nd recad�d toQ�IAK wnh <br /> - • thts Securiry tnstrument,the covenants and agreanmts oI!'l411 6UCh fldef 6AalI M GICO�pOt�Ltld II110 Nd 6INN\I111f1d Nd SU�I�IM11t <br />— � � the covenants And agreemente of tMs 5earfty Instrument as tf the rider(s)wero a part of this 3c�curiry Instrument <br /> J Form b2e D)9D <br /> � �` ` F1029.LM0(819� Pepe t ot b <br /> ..: .a. <br /> 10000075 <br />